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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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I always avoid spoilers (very easy to do despite what many morons say) and when I say that episode I was shouting 'What the f**k?!" very loudly. When they stabbed Rob's wife (and baby) I was shocked but when it went on I was fucking stunned. Great episode mind. I had the same reaction to Ned Stark getting his head chopped off.

Can't wait to see what happens in episode 9 in the 4th series.

I always avoid spoilers and then I read this post. :P

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I've deleted all the posts that contained, alluded to or responded to spoilers as the rules on them is pretty clear, just don't do it.

I've read the books too and did notice the start of this discussion earlier but thought it was pretty innocent and deleting or responding to them would have just confirmed them as spoilers but sadly it got out of hand before I came back.

So aye, no spoilers please guys.

Edited by Rossco1893
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Yet DA Baracus' remains...

Episodes of the TV show that have aired are fair game as soon as the episode has aired in the UK. If you choose to enter a thread about the show when you've not caught up, there will obviously be a chance of there being TV spoilers and you're entering at your own risk.

Edited by Rossco1893
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Different thing entirely. That has happened on the TV show as televised in the UK.

Episodes of the TV show that have aired are fair game as soon as the episode has aired in the UK. If you choose to enter a thread about the show when you've not caught up, there will obviously be a chance of there being TV spoilers and you're entering at your own risk.

Whats the difference exactly? If you choose to enter a thread about a show thats based on a whole series of books that have already been released then theres a chance of there being book spoilers and you're entering at your own risk. All I see is that I made a vague joke about something that might happen about three years down the line, and get posts deleted for it, yet others post details about events that are happening in a series that just about the be released. Its been mentioned numerous times on this thread that people wait for the boxsets to come out

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Whats the difference exactly? If you choose to enter a thread about a show thats based on a whole series of books that have already been released then theres a chance of there being book spoilers and you're entering at your own risk. All I see is that I made a vague joke about something that might happen about three years down the line, and get posts deleted for it, yet others post details about events that are happening in a series that just about the be released. Its been mentioned numerous times on this thread that people wait for the boxsets to come out

It was established long ago in this thread that book spoilers were absolutely fine as long as they were put in spoiler tags and labeled as being a book spoiler and everything TV show related was fine after the UK air date and we made it to over 900 posts without there being an issue. If we were put things that have happened on the TV show in spoiler tags on the basis that people might be watching by boxset, then every post on every thread about a TV show would need to be in spoiler tags, it would be ridiculous.

Edited by Rossco1893
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Whats the difference exactly?

The section is called 'US TV', a subforum of 'TV and Film forum'

It is reasonable to expect the TV show is being openly discussed. It is unfair to expect people to expect that the books are being openly discussed.

As you're seemingly new to the internet, there's also an unwritten rule on forums mainly used by people in the UK against spoilering TV shows that have aired in the US but not yet in the UK.

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Whats the difference exactly? If you choose to enter a thread about a show thats based on a whole series of books that have already been released then theres a chance of there being book spoilers and you're entering at your own risk. All I see is that I made a vague joke about something that might happen about three years down the line, and get posts deleted for it, yet others post details about events that are happening in a series that just about the be released. Its been mentioned numerous times on this thread that people wait for the boxsets to come out

Away and start a book thread if it bothers you that much cunto.

Your comment wasn't slightly vague. If you thought it was, then you have serious perception problems. Stop with the fly comments. We get it, you know what happens and we don't, you don't have to flaunt it in everybodies faces. And there-in lies the reason why book fanboys will almost always be, to a man, hipster c***s,

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I'm not sure if a thread purely on the book part of the series would prove that popular, but if people continue posting spoilers then maybe it should happen. Personally, I don't see what is so hard about posting aspects from the book in a spoiler tag and making it extremely clear that it's discussion of the book. Some people get off on posting spoilers, which I've always found strange.

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Jesus. For what its worth it was quite clearly a joke and had absolutely no details of anything at all that happened in the future episodes of the show if they even decide to take the show down the same routes as the books, it was an incredibly vague joke that some people (who obviously already know about it as they instantly latched onto it) seem to have drawn more attention too than my original fucking comment ever would've

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Apologies for any spoilers. Probably is worth starting a book thread. Seems to be plenty here that have read them.

In any case, I'm not sure the thing that was hinted at will even be in the TV series.

No idea how to work spoiler tags so won't bother even trying to say anything on the books

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It was a stupid thing to post. I thought you had grown out of all the pish.

It was akin to Kiddy's snide pish last year with all his reek crap.

Then I can only apologise. I genuinely thought it was so vague, and said in enough of a joking matter, that nobody would pay any serious attention to it. Obviously I was wrong and I'm sorry if I ruined it for anyone. I'll not mention it again, nor will I post in this thread again, and I hope everyone just forgets I even brought it up

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In any case, I'm not sure the thing that was hinted at will even be in the TV series.

I was actually just thinking that there. The first series was identical to the story from the books, but as the series have gone on, more and more changes have been made.

FWIW, it's not a crazy, surprising spoiler. In the books you could see it coming.

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FWIW, it's not a crazy, surprising spoiler. In the books you could see it coming.

Not really spoilers, but vague comments about the books follow.

Nonsense. It ranks among the most surprising things that happen. I'm sure I could easily find countless posts where ASOIAF fans name it as one of their most shocking moments.

I didn't care for it as a plot development, I would add, but it definitely was not telegraphed.

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