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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Also, generally the Maesters are the forgotten player in the whole series. They are there are the seat of power pushing and manipulating- perhaps this is a ploy they use to help manoeuvre themselves - after all he's just a frail old man and therefore no threat .

Theory bore spoiler warning

The Maesterplan: They read all the lords mail, they teach the young lordlings, they hate magic and perhaps religion. GRRM loves taking his stories from history and bits of other epic fantasy. The Maesters remind me of the Bene Geserit\Mentants of Dune, on their own mission doing their own thing pretending to "only serve". They are set up like the Catholic Church with a hierarchy and no children or inheritance. It is my guess that they are a deep subplot GRRM is running with but not putting up big signposts too. Its not every Maester thats in on it, just those at the top feeding info from their networks across the Kingdoms.  Pycell is to play the toady, remain in with those with power and above all listen. I posted something similar when I spotted him in at Tommens ear over The Faith.

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An alright episode, despite not being as good as the previous episodes it was still watchable. As Kyle said, the episode has set up for what should be a cracking last few episodes.

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After watching for a second time:

I take it we're expecting the hound to be the mountains opponent at Cersei's trial?

How does Benjen know what Bran has seen and how was he called for?

I'm glad Arya is leaving the house of black and white I was getting really bored of that place/storyline

I can only echo the comments about the Lannisters having no reaction to Dorne and how we've seen nothing of the place since its revolt.

I can see the Jamie, Cersei and Tommon being wiped out this season.

I like that Benjen is back, he felt like a character who deserved more screen time, he might be the only person "alive" who knows who Jon Snows mother actually is, i still feel thats gonna be a significant storyline, i like the theory that was put forward that hes not actually Ned Starks son but the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar, that Ned said he was a b*****d to protect him from Robert since he would be one of the Mad King's heir's.


Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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Re: The High Sparrows Champion. What would be the chance of the High Sparrow calling on Tommen to be his champion? Would put Cersei in a bit of a pickle, ya know, kill her son or die herself? I mean the High Sparrow has Tommen in his back pocket now maybe he can suade him? Might just be a longshot of a theory tbh.


Love that Arya is moving on now but I feel she has put herself in a kind of a shit position, she'll kill Waif but then she'll still be on the Faceless Mens radar.


Also this flashback!!



Edited by BlueKillie
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Love that Arya is moving on now but I feel she has put herself in a kind of a shit position, she'll kill Waif but then she'll still be on the Faceless Mens radar.


The Manyfaced God is owed a life for the one not taken by Arya. If I get the logic: if she and The Waif end up in a fight and Arya wins, the Manyfaced Gods price will still have been paid. 

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I like that Benjen is back, he felt like a character who deserved more screen time, he might be the only person "alive" who knows who Jon Snows mother actually is, i still feel thats gonna be a significant storyline, i like the theory that was put forward that hes not actually Ned Starks son but the child of Lyanna and Rhaegar, that Ned said he was a b*****d to protect him from Robert since he would be one of the Mad King's heir's.

Howland Reed survived the Tower of Joy battle with Ned so the assumption is he'll know about Jon Snow if that theory is true. Not sure whether Benjen knew but if Ned didn't even tell his wife at any point I'd be surprised if he told his brother

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Episode 7 Preview



Am I the only one not buying "bad assed Sansa"?  I think she sounds awful every time she gives a rousing, defiant talk.


Also, are we to assume the Freys are finally about to get theirs?


Decent cameos in this ep from Richard E Grant and Kevin Eldon.

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Am I the only one not buying "bad assed Sansa"? I think she sounds awful every time she gives a rousing, defiant talk.

Also, are we to assume the Freys are finally about to get theirs?

Decent cameos in this ep from Richard E Grant and Kevin Eldon.

Yeah. She's a rotten actress and doesn't have the personality to carry off this badass turn.

I thought those cameos were horribly smug and self aware.

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Glad Arya's sacking the Many Faced God cause that entire storyline is total shit out of a bad RPG.

This. I found that whole storyline more tedious than Dany's one tbh. Edited by Swarley
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I'm losing interest in GoT.

It's a shame but the quality has dropped off significantly.

Same here feels like a slog getting through every episode. Was trying to work out why though cause not much seems to have changed, was thinking it might be because there's no one to root for other than Ramsey but he isn't even in it much.

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I quite like the Many Faced God storyline but I like all the stuff in Essos.  I think I'm in a minority though.


My predication is that either this season or next Arya will get back to the Westeros and some semblance of normality and then she'll be killed by a faceless man.  


That episode was a bit filler-ish though, setting up all the storylines:

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I quite like the Many Faced God storyline but I like all the stuff in Essos. I think I'm in a minority though.

My predication is that either this season or next Arya will get back to the Westeros and some semblance of normality and then she'll be killed by a faceless man.

That episode was a bit filler-ish though, setting up all the storylines:

I liked it at first but it felt like they didn't know what to do with it.

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I thought that was the whole idea, which was in fitting with the over the top play they were a part of.

I suppose that's true. Richard E Grant channeling his inner-Withnail. Edited by Savage Henry
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My problem is that the story never seems gets to the tickly bit.

Every episode I'm waiting for it all to kick off and some #scenes but it never actually gets there.

It feels like one massive cock tease.

You didn't think last week's episode kicked off?

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