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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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Cersei had something of a pleasing the audience side to her in this episode. Scares the shit of littlefinger and gives that we inbred a slap. Glorious, though it's the only time in the show that she'll ever be likable.

If it wasn't obvious before it's obvious now that the court at KL is just one massive power struggle and everyone has their own agendas and is looking to f**k everyone else over.

Was it shown in the opening credits of the first season? I can't remember.

It is in the credit's for this season.

It really has, and yet I get the impression that we are still only seeing the beginnings of it all kicking off as the episode. Yet it still managed to retain a good level of keeping the audience in the loop to where everyone was, while at the same time going at a rather more frantic pace than we've seen so far.

They've set a pretty fast pace because they have to set the scene for a lot of characters right at the start with some new people appearing and some splitting up etc. I'm pretty confident it's going to start getting pretty tasty by episode 3.

Also that somebody important got killed off rather early in it as well.


I don't think I'm giving much away if I said that big characters getting killed off is something Martin does reasonably regularly. He said he does it so people can never be certain whether the characters they like will survive any kind of situation.

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If it wasn't obvious before it's obvious now that the court at KL is just one massive power struggle and everyone has their own agendas and is looking to f**k everyone else over.

It is in the credit's for this season.

They've set a pretty fast pace because they have to set the scene for a lot of characters right at the start with some new people appearing and some splitting up etc. I'm pretty confident it's going to start getting pretty tasty by episode 3.


I don't think I'm giving much away if I said that big characters getting killed off is something Martin does reasonably regularly. He said he does it so people can never be certain whether the characters they like will survive any kind of situation.

Absolutely, with Joffrey still in the transition period, I fully expect a fair few people to try and engineer moves toward putting themselves in better positions. The only person I expect to keep seeing through it all is Tryion.

I noticed it in the credits this season, I just can't for the life of me noticing it beforehand as I would have thought they'd have just showed the whole map from the beginning.

I've heard he has used this technique on more than one occasion. No complaints from me. The shock factor that it produced with Ned was something of a full on mindfuck. Long may it continue :D

what about when she gets her kit off?

Full buff 300 style please. None of this lift up your dress keek.

Did someone say 'Lesbian sex scene'?

Did someone?...

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Not read entire thread but pal said this is made in Belfast is that true?

Parts of it, yes. In fact a lot of it is filmed in various places around NI.

There's a list here but not sure how reliable it is http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0944947/locations

Edit: In fact that list doesn't have everything as I'm sure they filmed in Iceland for the bits beyond the wall as they said in one of the "making of" videos

Edited by Brodiemanthebino
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Would have it slightly a notch below the opening episode IMO, but it was always going to be hard to keep up with that pace. I think the big problem that I'm starting to see emerge is that there is a large amount of plot that there is to work through, that there is so much going on with each character that some will be missed out for a week in some episodes. I'm also noticing that in the opening credits, the new areas that are shown in them are the places that seem to be shown more often. This will be why I noticed Pyke for the first time in them due it's rather impressive looking buildings.

First off, we see Arya heading with Gendry and Yoren with the Nights watch recruits. Although we've had nothing more than an introduction with them, we've noticed a) Yoren is not to be fucked with and b) although Gendry is smart enough to see through Arya, he still can't figure out why people are after him, even with all the subtle hints.

Tyrion is already showing that he can 'play the game', already warning Varys who is looking to get his leverage and ousting the commander of the city and replacing him with Bronn. The question for me will be though, does he have the stomach for it. You could see his reaction to the slaughter of babies, and Cersei going well below the belt on his birth. What he does have going at least is he is more clever, and probably more ruthless than the man he succeeded. The only other real noticable thing from King's Landing other than Littlefinger exercising his power with his whores(c**t), was Cersei's dismissing of Mormont's request for more men to the nights watch. Epic foreshadowing methinks?

Speaking of Pyke early on, we see Theon, whom I had no idea of where he came from originally as he wasn't blood to the Starks but treated as such. In terms of being fucked up, that place is about the right template. A ruthless, self righteous father who sees things iron and blood, a chilling re-introduction to his sister(not before copping a wee squeeze :ph34r:). I'm hoping Balon was not being serious about attacking the starks, especially considering they are offering his crown back. The only thing I did enjoy a little bit, was seeing Theon being taken down a notch. His arrogance to show up after so long and just expect to be taken seriously was, dare I say it a little fitting but sympathetic to why he left in the first place. You would think a father like that would have made him more modest and less arrogant.

We still have the Khalessi struggling. Nothing really needed to be added other than the fact that I wouldn't trade my position of the people that massacred her scout for all the fanny in playboy.

We finally see how exactly Crastor is disposing of any born boys. I figured, that he just passive-aggressively offed them, but he's killing another bird with that stone by offering them to what it looks to be the wildings. It would certainly explain why his lands have remained untouched by them for the fact he brings them offerings in return. After all, what is more innocent than a newborn soul that can be corrupted.

Lastly, the whole Stannis part. If Davos' god is only Stannis, how will he look to him if his god is being more tempted to answer to another one in the form of the priestess(not saying I wouldn't mind). That said, I do like Saan. "I don't want to rape her, I want to f**k her" :lol:

Already though the main establishments are that the characters look between different worlds. Theon from winterfell to Pyke, Jon Snow from the wall to beyond it, Tryion from his morals to what needs to be done at kings landing, and Davos from his devotion to his 'God' to where it will possibly take him.

All in all, a slower, but still mighty fine episode. As mentioned before, I can only gather it being due to the fact there must a lot of plot foundation that needs to be invested before our minds can be blown again on a similar, if not increased scale to the first season.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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Would have it slightly a notch below the opening episode IMO, but it was always going to be hard to keep up with that pace. I think the big problem that I'm starting to see emerge is that there is a large amount of plot that there is to work through, that there is so much going on with each character that some will be missed out for a week in some episodes.

All in all, a slower, but still mighty fine episode. As mentioned before, I can only gather it being due to the fact there must a lot of plot foundation that needs to be invested before our minds can be blown again on a similar, if not increased scale to the first season.

You're right. I just re-read A Clash of Kings and we're further through the start of the book than 'two episodes worth' if you know what I mean. Which is pretty much because they've had to spend a while setting the scene for the main events in the second book but have done a lot in a relatively short space. That makes me think there's going to be better episodes on the way.

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You're right. I just re-read A Clash of Kings and we're further through the start of the book than 'two episodes worth' if you know what I mean. Which is pretty much because they've had to spend a while setting the scene for the main events in the second book but have done a lot in a relatively short space. That makes me think there's going to be better episodes on the way.

Sounds about right.

I think this is one of those rare occasions 10 episodes could arguably not be enough. They really have done an excellent job to get it where it is in the books with regards to how early we still are in the series. You see so many shows that you think could condense the points bit of 22 episodes seasons into a smaller 13-16 season with more quality, this one arguably has so much to work with.

Either way, I can't help but feel that this is going to be one of those times where the build up is going to be worth it, just because even at it's slower paces, it's absolutely gripping. I really should get the books, I've never been this obsessed with a TV show in a long time :lol:

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Sounds about right.

I think this is one of those rare occasions 10 episodes could arguably not be enough. They really have done an excellent job to get it where it is in the books with regards to how early we still are in the series. You see so many shows that you think could condense the points bit of 22 episodes seasons into a smaller 13-16 season with more quality, this one arguably has so much to work with.

Either way, I can't help but feel that this is going to be one of those times where the build up is going to be worth it, just because even at it's slower paces, it's absolutely gripping. I really should get the books, I've never been this obsessed with a TV show in a long time :lol:

I know what you mean. Most 20-odd episode American shows could be done in half what they are. HBO are usually different though. The great thing is that every scene is important pretty much. Every one advances the plot or is important in terms of the characters. There really isn't much filler in it.

I think the producers and writers have done a good job of trimming and cutting what doesn't need to be in there without taking out anything too important.

Like someone said, the Night's Watch leave the Wall in the second book and when we first see them they're finding the deserted wildling villages. It's much easier to just have Mormont tell Craster that's what happened and get on with the good stuff. So the TV show is actually well ahead of the Night's Watch storyline compared to the books.

Edited by Gordon EF
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Also great news - Renewed for a 3rd season

GoT - Renewed for a 3rd season

3rd book's the best so far I'd say.

Fantastic news!

I don't know why really but I'm always worried they might not see it all the way through but it's so popular and getting such good reviews, it would be madness not to renew unless they thought it was just getting too expensive. Seems like their figures are pretty good though.

The story doesn't 'let up' as the books go on and people will only get more hooked as the series continues. So I hope HBO see this one through right to the end even though it'll be a few years off.

Book 3 was so big it was split in two and the producers have said if they're going to do book 3 they'd have to split it was well which is the only way to do it really.

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Really not impressed with how the T.V series keeps killing of characters, especially when there quite influential in the future, I mean why? :huh:

How do you kill a character who is quite influential in the future?

This doesn't make sense.

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Really not impressed with how the T.V series keeps killing of characters, especially when there quite influential in the future, I mean why? :huh:

It's not the TV series, it's the books. He kills off important characters because he's trying to make the story realistic and keep people guessing what's going to happen. When you watch Lord of The Rings (assuming you haven't read the book), you know the 'goodies' will win, you know Frodo won't die and you know the men will win the battles of Helm's Deep and at Gondor. With A Song of Ice and Fire, you don't know anything like that. The leading characters can die if you're in a battle or a fight, the baddies can win. It's more realistic and that's much better IMO.

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How do you kill a character who is quite influential in the future?

This doesn't make sense.

In the books they are quite influential.

It's not the TV series, it's the books. He kills off important characters because he's trying to make the story realistic and keep people guessing what's going to happen. When you watch Lord of The Rings (assuming you haven't read the book), you know the 'goodies' will win, you know Frodo won't die and you know the men will win the battles of Helm's Deep and at Gondor. With A Song of Ice and Fire, you don't know anything like that. The leading characters can die if you're in a battle or a fight, the baddies can win. It's more realistic and that's much better IMO.

No, it's shit.

At what point does it stop becoming a t.v series about the book?

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In the books they are quite influential.

Who have they killed that is influential in the books?

I can't think of a single death that hasn't matched what is in the books. Okay, maybe some random Dothraki got the bullet rather than Roxanne McKee but I think we can live with that.

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Also great news - Renewed for a 3rd season

GoT - Renewed for a 3rd season

3rd book's the best so far I'd say.

Pleasing :D That actually might not be a bad idea to do with the TV series. I would give Martin another year's time to write his other two books in time for them to be ready for TV?

On the argument, I haven't read the books so I can't really say.

What I will say is that the OP and Gordon have right about nobody being safe. The fact that some as powerful as big Drago in the first season dying because of infection(yes something as futile as that) was a cracking ploy instead leaving me thinking he would die taking on an army with one hand tied behind his back...and give them a run for their money.

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Who have they killed that is influential in the books?

I can't think of a single death that hasn't matched what is in the books. Okay, maybe some random Dothraki got the bullet rather than Roxanne McKee but I think we can live with that.

In the first series Mago was killed off by Drogo.

Now at the end of the last book Daenary's is found by Mago and his Khal, the author (R.R. Martin) has also said that Mago will play an important role in the next two series and you can see why, he did rape and then kill one of her few friends.

Then in the last episode they killed of Rakharo, one of Daenarys bloodriders who is constantly around her, also the love interest of her two best mates, certainly not beyond the realms of reasoning he'll play some part in the upcoming two books?

Pleasing :D That actually might not be a bad idea to do with the TV series. I would give Martin another year's time to write his other two books in time for them to be ready for TV?

On the argument, I haven't read the books so I can't really say.

What I will say is that the OP and Gordon have right about nobody being safe. The fact that some as powerful as big Drago in the first season dying because of infection(yes something as futile as that) was a cracking ploy instead leaving me thinking he would die taking on an army with one hand tied behind his back...and give them a run for their money.

Drogo did die in the books through an infection, he didn't get it in the same way but he still died none the less.

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