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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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1. The girls who who point out they are really upset, but when someone asks "What's wrong", they reply with "Nothing". If you don't want anyones help, don't f*cking post it then.

2. The people who feel the need to spell every word incorrectly. A girl in particular on my fb it awful for it, her latest status being "Lstt nyte wis ni bad :D!xx fukin ill thus mornin but :(:)) x" along with other words like "pyyyyyooooooorrrrrrrrrrr!" being constantly used. Learn to spell you f*cking imbecile.

3. Girls who post things like "guys are all d*cks/my hearts broken/is he the one", when the girl herself is a total slag. Along with slags/guys who say they "love" their partner, when they are only interested in sex. That isn't love numnuts.

4. Old Firm fans (mainly Celtic fans in my case) who post their sectarian sh*te constantly, and yet don't even go to games.

5. Attention seekers who try to get as many likes as possible by saying "gonnae get mwi tonight!" Who f*cking cares? Not me. I'm gonna eat a pizza tonight, but I'm not going to post a status about it in the hope everyone likes it.

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People often ask me why I'm not on Facebook. This thread sums it up perfectly.

The majority of the human race are complete and utter arseholes with absolutely no redeeming features.

I think there's a strange sadistic way in all of us that enjoys being so enraged.

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People often ask me why I'm not on Facebook. This thread sums it up perfectly.

The majority of the human race are complete and utter arseholes with absolutely no redeeming features.

I agree. Tbh though I'm a fucking arsehole and all, just not as much as some folk.

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1. " Im deleting Facebook , like this if you want me to keep it "


If I ever get the opportunity to 'frape' someone I am using this beauty.

1. There's a girl on my FB who posts almost weekly "Why did i let him use me again? Do i neva learn????!!!" - Well clearly not you stupid c**t or you wouldn't keep shagging him then getting ignored you fucking bunny boiler. This reminds me, must delete her.

There is a girl who was in my year at high school who added 'cocksoc' to her user name a few weeks ago laugh.gif

I still remember her very public facebook campaign to try and blackmail me into participating in the school year book. Maybe I shouldn't have burned my bridges in light of this new information dry.gif

I'm never usually annoyed by anything on facebook, I just don't take it at all seriously. It is always kinda tragic when someone continually posts photos of 'antics' whilst drunk then talk about how much of a lad they are, you just know they are over compensating, over facebook, for the fact they do f**k all and have a shit life.

I've never posted anything on facebook, if I want to piss people off on the internet I just come on here.

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1) Bored! - Get aff Facebook and go outside then you stupid c**t.

2) Guilt trip 97% of people on FB won't repost this - I'm a proud member of that 97%.

3) Attention seeking women - I get intrigued and want to know what is making your shite life even shitter that you have to gain some false concern so either say what is bothering you or get yer lame, feeling sorry for yourself arse to f**k.

4) Declarations of love - They don't love you back because quality time that you can spend with them is spent posting rage inducing fucking claptrap.

5) OF Pish - Brought live to your PC through the medium of misspelt bigotry by folk who haven't been in Ibrox or Parkhead in their puff.

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When lassies are all like "maaaaaaaaaaaate" or "luv ma gurlies" - f**k off, die.

OF statuses from folk who have never even set foot in a football stadium in their life.

Photos of your wean as your display picture

Guilt trippy 97% of people wont post this shite

Constant constant invites to club nights, rips my baws.

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1. There's a girl on my FB who posts almost weekly "Why did i let him use me again? Do i neva learn????!!!" - Well clearly not you stupid c**t or you wouldn't keep shagging him then getting ignored you fucking bunny boiler. This reminds me, must delete her.

2. Old Firm Fuckwits. It's either "Mon the Gers WATP Celtic scum" or "Lennon is ghod. TAL!!!" f**k off and die you c***s. Slowly.

3. Farmville. "I need help to raise my barn". No you don't. You need a life you fucking tragic individual. Only eclipsed by people who have farmville photos in their albums which look worse than the grapics in a Spectrum 48K game.

4. Those long statuses about stuff like mental illness, disability or cancer that end with "97% of people on Facebook that read this won't repost this as their status". You're fucking right i won't.

5. Text talk. One of my mates is especially guilt of this. I geniunely can barely understand any of his statuses at all. Whats more annoying is that when he posts one, most of the other comments tend to be answered with either "f**k aye mate" or similarly worded answers.


You have anger issues. No wonder though, the world is full of fucking morons. Have a green dot and try not to murder anyone before the weekend. It isn't easy. :)

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Speaking of people posting terrible spelling errors when pished (or not pished as the case may be), another thing I hate about Facebook, is me, being on it, pished.

I've been on it a few times absolutely b*****d-faced, and while having the uncanny talent of not making any spelling mistakes, I end up saying some utterly idiotic pish, normally to lassies I could get a ride off but probably shouldn't for one reason or another, and then ultimately waking up the next day with that dreaful feeling of guilt and having to talk my way out of whatever I've dragged myself into.

Might just give the drink up.

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So many on here I agree with. Went back to my rather extensive block list for some reminders of why I have culled my friend list so much. Some additions:

1) "Ma wee bouy is the clevrest wee man on the planit" or some grot. He's not, he's got your genes. Usually followed by hourly updates on how amazing their kid is, then late at night some greetin rubbish about how being a single mum is so hard.

2) 68 photos from sitting in the pub last night with one other person, uploaded in 5 different batches.

3) Come to my weekly tupperware/ house furnishing/ wine tasting event! (that I get commission on and have put their logo as my picture)

4) Profile pictures from 10 years ago and 3 stone lighter. You're only fooling yourself.

5) Can't think of a fifth, take any of the before in this thread.

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1. Anyone who uses FML

2. People who ask 'what's everyone doing today?'

3. Continuiously being invited to events by the same people that you quite frankly could care less about.

4. OF matches. Everyone that posts seems to be watching it on the tv. And then the people that make piss poor statements about it to try and be funny.

5. People who go on about how they 'luv ther babez soooo much'


I think that if I didn't have such low self-esteem, I would have been done with facebook long before now.

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Top fives I know, but each of these annoy me:

1. When people write something about someone not on facebook rather than saying it to their face

2. When burds write stuff like "raging" or "can't believe what happened today or "don't even speak to me worst mood ever" so people will ask them what's wrong.

3. People abusing the check in feature by checking in places like their bed or making up a name for somewhere only them and about 3 of their friends know what it means.

4. Old firm tit for tat shite.

5. Writing stuff about a program everyone is watching.

1. Single mums who get free houses harping how tough they have it then moaning at unemployed people

3. People's shite like playing farmville. I couldn't give a f**k

4. People writing comments like bored.com or zzzz.com

Song lyrics

When a single person clogs up the homepage by going on a 20 minute "like" spree

Pictures with captions like "IF UR TAGGED UR LOVED"


Some of my pals have posted this in the past. How would you feel if you're their partner? Horrible, histronic status.

When people copy and paste something shite and says will you post this on your wall, 97% won't.

1) People updating it constantly with the same mundane pish that nobody ever responds to. "Just on my way to placement", who gives a f**k?

2) Girls who constantly comment on their other female friends photo's saying "gorgeous" or "babe you are stunning". So obvious they're trying to get compliments back, c***s.

4) Things like "like my status and I'll tell you my first impression of you". Please die of AIDS.

When lassies are all like "maaaaaaaaaaaate" or "luv ma gurlies" - f**k off, die.

One of my girlfriend's pals has reams of photo albums, each with this title, when they all go on a night out. She's a possessive weirdo right enough - these sorts of girls probably actually are trying to claim a degree of ownership there.

17 top 5 points. God, I'm a misanthrope.

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Not much to say as most have already been covered, but to add:

When a band announce a tour and then they post up an event for every date of said tour and your news feed is clogged up entirely by these tour dates.

status updates telling me what they've just eaten or about to eat..or worse..a picture of what they're about to eat.

Song Lyrics.

<peron> has checked in at 'Ma Bed'

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Well pretty much everythin's been covered, so I'm gonna post the 5 worst status updates that are currently on my FB

1. :(

2. I'm about to lose my mind,

You've been gone for so long,

I'm running out of time,

I need a doctor,

Call me a doctor, Doctor,

...To bring me back to life.

3.When I see you broony,

I think your a p***k.

I just can't get enough. I just get enough.

You'll never play for rangers,

...And you'll never win a cup.

I just can't get enough. I just get enough.

4.loves how all the **** appear from the woodwork when they actually win a game. You may think "you are the people" but you're nothing but fucking scum!! I'd rather be on the losing side every time than be one of you. Faithful through and through....TAL

5. I'd rather lose forever than be a dirty *** c**t!

Although those last two are quite funny, way beyond the verge of tears and into hysterics

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I could post a status update from my Facebook friends for just about everything mentioned in this thread. Today includes...

1.Nice Day at court the day.....:-D al be back next month Mr Judge :) lmao

2.wish i knew hw to keep my mouth shut x

3.I make mistakes being a Mum, sometimes more than I would like to admit. But I will always be there for you, to hear you, to cheer you, to laugh or cry with you, to protect you with my life, and to love you for eternity with all my heart. No one will ever love you more than I do, I'm your Mum! I love you!! ♥♥ Re-post if you have children you love more than life ♥

4.Well would ya look at that, Rangers won yesterday and there was no trouble afterwards. Probably would have been the other way round if the unwashed had won!

5.Just heard on the radio that Stathclyde police were praising Old Firm fans for their behaviour last night... Domestic abuse incidents and general violent crime reduced significantly compared to the three previous Old Firm matches. Now let me think, what was different about yesterday's game....

6.NOOO!!!!!! :'( FML!!

More things that annoy me are those stupid status shufflers that people think are hilarious. I have one girl who posts one just about every minute. People who as soon as a drop of alcohol touches their mouth are unable to type in English any more and people who update their Facebook while they are out clubbing.

Edited by Honest Saints Fan
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Haven't read all the responses so it's possibly been said already (highly likely, given how annoying it is):

People who like about 40 different things from external sites, like: "The awkward moment when you...push a "pull" door...like if you get it :)"

Apart from the fact it's stupid, and I don't understand why you'd "like" it, what's not to get? Utter morons.

When people post songs that mean nothing to anyone, though they're clearly sharing it for a reason.

I don't even know why I go on it any more. Virtually every post annoys me.

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