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Shotgun last won the day on December 25 2018

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About Shotgun

  • Birthday August 25

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  1. Sweet. I'll definitely give that a look tomorrow. Thanks
  2. Feck, a paedophile and rapist could get elected President of the USA.
  3. I suppose it will finally allow them to move on from endless references to The Hand of God though.
  4. Despite decades of ABE, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that England are going to win a major tournament sooner or later. I’m still ABE obviously but as soon as Bellingham put in that overhead kick, I got the feeling that this will be the one. Too bad that despite the talent they’ve had over the years, the win will finally come in such am uninspiring fashion. I’m anticipating a dull game. If England score first, it will end 1-0 to England. If Spain score first, 2-1 to England. The only hope is that Spain go 2 or preferably 3 up.
  5. England didn't play against us in our last two competitive matches, tbf.
  6. 1. No extra time. Straight to penalties if level after 90 minutes. 2. No back passes in, or into, your own half. 3. At least three players from each side in the opposition half at all times. 4. No single colour strips. 5. No English commentators or presenters for games involving teams from the British Isles. 6. If VAR can't make a decision within 15 seconds, then no clear and obvious error has occurred. The referee's original decision stands. 7. Seeding to be based on a poll held by P&B. 8. Yellow cards and/or fines for diving. Applied retroactively if necessary. 9. Goalkeepers can leave their line the moment the taker's run up starts. If the taker still chooses that stupid stop-start run up, they'll lose any advantage. 10. Kylian Mbappe, Erling Haaland and Mo Salah are overjoyed to discover they have Scottish grannies and, thanks to a rule change are now eligible to play for Scotland. Sorted.
  7. I hadn't even realised Falkirk were playing.
  8. Were you with your mother by any chance?
  9. Ahahahahahah! Stop-Start c**t.
  10. If Ronaldo scores an overhead kick before the end of extra time, I will never watch another game of football.
  11. Best game of the tournament for me.
  12. Almost another for Owen there.
  13. 'sake. Give it a rest.
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