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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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He appears to have deleted all his comments, so I'm guessing he has. He was telling everyone to look at it properly as it had clearly came up. AC were 1/4 tonight, not 12/5!

To be fair, if i thought i had won 360k and people were telling we i hadn't i would be in denial too.

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There was a boy that done that for £1m in the papers the other week. Some 19 year old batman from Ayr I think.

Autocorrect put batman instead of barman, but I've decided to leave it, story enhancer.


Batman sounds like a great insult too.

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' Like for Mail! :)'

'Anyone up? :)' at 4 in the morning.

' Bored as anything. :('

Another is when couples tag themselves having a meal, then bombard the comments with who loves each other more and who is paying for the meal. Why do this on Facebook when the person you are talking to is right in front of you.

' OMG, I just watch an episode of (insert TV show here) I can't believe that (insert scene by scene spoilers of programmes I still had to watch).

'insert random boy band song lyrics, and a poor photo of themselves, which is joined by 20 pointless hash tags and smilies. # beautiful #goingout #Great 1D song # love Harry #Hashtag and so fourth.

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There was a boy that done that for £1m in the papers the other week. Some 19 year old batman from Ayr I think.

Autocorrect put batman instead of barman, but I've decided to leave it, story enhancer.

Yeah I remember that, it actually angered me how fucking stupid you have to be to think that putting £1 on a 7/8 team accy is going to pay £360000 or a million. I mean seriously?

If you aren't a total fucking idiot you'd realise that Porto aren't going to be 3/1 to beat Braga for christ sake!

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Drinking two glasses of water as soon as you wake up activates your internal organs or some such shit.


Whenever someone posts this my stock reply is:

Thank you! Thank you! You've saved my life. I woke up this morning and all my internal organs had stopped. I'm fine now that I've had two glasses of water.

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