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I loved the first few episodes of the season. Really liked the Dexter/Deb stuff and even thought the weird hand guy could have been an interesting side story. However its been downhill since there in my opinion, the club storyline has been one of the worst ever and couldn't care for Hannah storyline either. I will of course stay with it to the end....but must do better I believe! Hope we get a great finale

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Said almost two months ago that this season was absolute jobby and haven't changed my mind. There have been some saving graces though; some, if not all, of the stuff with Hannah's character has been pretty good, although that may only be because she's absolutely fucking incredible looking.

Quite enjoying Laguerta closing in on Dexter, not before time. The rest is pish.

Decent last episode though so if they can avoid some of the sillier stuff (no more men in bull masks) we could be set up for a good finale.

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It's not him. The guy's white, maybe be the captain? Check out 36 seconds in - its the same shirt and definitely not batista.


After that clip a couple of interviews with 'Debs' popped up, wub.gif she is quite stunning when she smiles a bit more, comes across very well in interviews too, very unassuming and naturally charming. Quite taken by her really now. Might need to go back and watch the whole lot again with this in mind. whistling.gif

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Been watching behind schedule recently but caught up tonight. Agree with what people are saying about this season being a mixed bag. Although it's had it's fair share of terrible moments and pointless story arcs (Quinn, The Phantom, Speltzer), the good stuff has been excellent. The Dex/Deb dialogue in the first few episodes, Stevenson's and Strahovski's performances and the continual feeling that the walls are firmly closing in on Dexter with the BHB stuff have been amongst the best moments in recent seasons. That's been the only problem with Dexter since day one, the stuff with Dexter is always brilliant or at the very least good but the supporting cast have never been anywhere near to reaching the high standards set by Michael C Hall and some of the guest stars, so they're pointless characters and arcs always hold the show back.

I'm with DomDom, surely there's no way Doakes is alive, this show often plays tricks of using dream sequences or flashbacks in their trailers, I've fell for a few myself in the past. If he is, I'm gutted they've chosen the preview as the way to reveal he's still alive.

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I'm not sure he'll get caught. American TV shows always insinuate that the inevitable is going to happen, and then change it at the last minute. Look at house and 24. I do think though that La Guerta's going to accuse deb of being the killer though. She'll find footage of her filling up flask of petrol at the filling station before the church went up, and she was talking about her "lizard brain" leading her to the last guy without probable cause.

Well, I was half right. Cracking finale, the start of next season's going to be interesting too. Surely it'll be quite obvious that laguerta was accusing dexter of being the bay harbor butcher one day and dead the next? He also has no alabi - himself and deb weren't at the party, and neither was laguerta, where they said they would be.

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Well, I was half right. Cracking finale, the start of next season's going to be interesting too. Surely it'll be quite obvious that laguerta was accusing dexter of being the bay harbor butcher one day and dead the next? He also has no alabi - himself and deb weren't at the party, and neither was laguerta, where they said they would be.

Glad they left Yvonne alive and free too, maybe that will be dexters alibi, or his nemesis next season :) Debs had been at the party so will probably be ok with that although it was her gun that shot Guerta so not sure how that is going to pan out.

Very good ending though, certainly left a lot for the last series to get going with.

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Been watching behind schedule recently but caught up tonight. Agree with what people are saying about this season being a mixed bag. Although it's had it's fair share of terrible moments and pointless story arcs (Quinn, The Phantom, Speltzer), the good stuff has been excellent. The Dex/Deb dialogue in the first few episodes, Stevenson's and Strahovski's performances and the continual feeling that the walls are firmly closing in on Dexter with the BHB stuff have been amongst the best moments in recent seasons. That's been the only problem with Dexter since day one, the stuff with Dexter is always brilliant or at the very least good but the supporting cast have never been anywhere near to reaching the high standards set by Michael C Hall and some of the guest stars, so they're pointless characters and arcs always hold the show back.

Spot on. Especially the walls closing in comment, which is Dexter at it's best.

It was certainly the tension that was created by Dex/Deb had held a lot of the plot together. It's mad, but yeah I get that Deb has been put under a fuckton of stress over finding out about this, she actually came across at times more annoying than she has ever done. It's not so much her character, but more her consicense at times that grinds my gears as the holier than thou attitude became annoying after a while. At least with that cliffhanger that might change a little bit.

I still find it annoying how stupid the supporting cast can be. Especially with Quinn killing the Ukranian head and there being absolutely no ramifications after, both police and Ukranian retaliation.

Stevenson was definitely the second best, and arguably the best to probably everyone else but I'll to that in a sec. DomDom was spot on it was great with how Dexter doesn't win with him because he doesn't get to kill him. Probably my in the top 3 for Dexter bad guys just for his moral ambiguity. I found it annoying that he went as early as he did however, not to mention him offing Louis Greene in what was the biggest anti-climax ever, just due to the leg work that was put into him in season 6. The potential was there to be cracking but he was completely reduced to a no mark.

Also the fire guy was completely pointless as well in the end, as he was another with potential. Just because Dexter learned something doesn't mean the show wasn't giving a middle finger to the audience.

Yvonne 'f**k yeah' Strahovski was my highlight, even if I am admitting a bit of bias towards her from her Chuck days. Her naked scene was perfect for me, as she naked enough but not to the extent saw her dirty pillows and shaved beaver...just enough to leave the rest to my imagination, and now sticky laptop. Glad she didn't get offed either, and was gutted that she went after Deb rather than confront Dexter about it, as she would just have to be the perfect woman if she could just have trusted Dexter a bit more there. It was probably true though that it wouldn't have ended well, what with Dexter's trust issues and the fact that Hannah is a sly poisoner you just wouldn't know.

Lastly the end. If there was anyone, ANYONE that should have been miles away from figuring out who Dexter was, it should have been Maria fucking La Guerta. I hate her face, I hate the acting as her, and I hate the fact that show would give her character the credit of actually being that smart. Deb was always going to shoot her though, when she could have just left him alone. I'd have fucking done the job myself in broad daylight had I lived in such a fictional OTT world.

All in all, still miles ahead of 5 & 6, probably three as well. Still a welcome improvement.

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I still find it annoying how stupid the supporting cast can be. Especially with Quinn killing the Ukranian head and there being absolutely no ramifications after, both police and Ukranian retaliation.

Don't even get me started on Quinn, I'm so enraged by his story lines not just this season but throughout his existence that I called him the most pointless character on TV in my review.

Agree with pretty much everything your saying, especially about LaGuerta, she was given enormous responsibility this season but her storyline was let down by weak writing and terrible acting.

Although, I do have to say I was really impressed by Jennifer Carpenter this season, thought she really stepped up to the plate and finally showed she's actually capable of decent acting.

Edited by cityfan
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Good finale.

I was absolutely convinced that Debs had engineered the whole drugging / car crash. Dexter turns in Hannah and then later finds out that he's been betrayed by his sister in her attempts to catch Hannah. Apparently not though!

Was good this season to finally see La Guerta catching onto Dexter, Debs learning about Dexter, how she reacted to that, all culminating at the ship yard. Sets us up pretty well for next season.

It was a pretty odd season. Some of the worst episodes they've ever done and some really bad missteps - setting up Louis for a pretty big part and then casually offing him a few episodes in, the fucking bull and his torture maze, Quinn offing the club owner with no repercussions as yet, the arson storyline being built up really well and then tumbling down really weakly as they use it for Dexter to have one of his 'breakthroughs' - but some plot developments that fans have wanted to see for a long time and Dexter up to his knees in shit a number of times.

I get a bit fed up of Dexter acting like he's "finally" learned to love. So far he's only had Rita, followed by one-season appearances for Lyla, Lumen and Hannah. Each time he acts like he's finally found "the one", which is pretty ridiculous.

Will be a shame if that's Hannah off for good as I thought she was a pretty decent character and she seemed to have no end of see-through tops, which was absolutely wonderful.

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30th June? Superb. I wonder why they have taken it forward from the normal September till Xmas time slot? More episodes?

Showtime have moved it to provide a lead-in for new show Ray Donovan which starts on the same night and also to free up the primetime slot for Homeland in September. It'll still be 12 episodes

Edited by Rossco1893
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Showtime have moved it to provide a lead-in for new show Ray Donovan which starts on the same night and also to free up the primetime slot for Homeland in September. It'll still be 12 episodes

Homeland will also be utilized the same way as Dexter to promote the Masters of Sex. My guess is that with Dexter going this year, Showtime have doubled up with both new shows in trying to bring in something to fill the gap.

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