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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Mr. Brightside

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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was one of the best games I've played and one of my favourites. So it will be hard for 3 to be as good, but I am hopeful.

So anyone else absolutely choking for it to come out?

Also, they are releasing an "Explorers Edition" for £105, bit steep, no?



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Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was one of the best games I've played and one of my favourites. So it will be hard for 3 to be as good, but I am hopeful.

So anyone else absolutely choking for it to come out?

Also, they are releasing an "Explorers Edition" for £105, bit steep, no?



The 2 week multiplayer beta in July had moved on the gameplay quite a bit, clearly parts of it nicked from COD and the likes but was less cartoony and, after playing for a bit, became much more fun than the UC2 model. The only bit I didn’t like so much was the boosters (e.g. free RPG) but it did make for much more equal games and less reliance on people running for guns as they spawn.

Game looks immense, even better than the first 2. Bought it on pre-release a while back to make sure I get a copy, shame it comes out on my daughter’s birthday weekend mind!

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  • 1 month later...

Got this yesterday (don't live in the UK) and had a couple of hours on it last night, mostly on multiplayer it has to be said. As well as a bunch of new maps - many in Middle East, also a London Underground one - the multiplayer has a load of the "old" maps which were offered as the DLC on U2 (Facility, Museum, Highrise etc). They've been updated a bit in layout and with the new graphics and interface they don't seem as vast as they once were. Incredibly there were a load of people on 40+ status - I did the beta but was still put back to 1 when I logged in last night.

Overall, gameplay feels more mature, bigger range of weapons and it looks like a real wrench whether to go single player or multiplayer for tonight's session!

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I don't have a PS3 so Uncharted is obviously not a game which stands out to me but I saw a few videos from this and had to have a shot. Played the first 5 or 6 chapters at a mate's house the other night. Loved absolutely everything about it - apart from the shooting which is horrendous. Graphically, it pisses all over anything on the Xbox including the recent and visually very-good Rage.

It's far from enough to make me want to go out and get a PS3, but even based on the small amount of time I played it, I'd recommend it to any PS3 owner.

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Finished this over the weekend. Have to say the first half of the game is brilliant, much greater range in gameplay than the last installment and some great locations and graphics, the story really sets up well too.

But...well, the second half of the game was a disappointment. Won't give any specific spoilers but the 3-4 sections at the harbour/ on the boat were waaaaaayyy too long and repetitive, the desert section towards the end just slows the game right down and most importantly the story just doesn't make any sense. Characters just disappear from the story, the "villans" are not seen for 7-8 chapters then suddenly you have to kill them at the end etc.

I did it on Hard level so maybe it just lost some impetus from dying so much, that said I won't be in any rush to go back and play the game itself for some time.

On the plus side, the multiplayer is excellent. Great locations and maps, expanded range of weapons and a wide range of options to play on your own, in co-op (including split screen) or in teams. You should buy the game for the multiplayer alone.

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  • 1 year later...

just started this and the AI is doing my nut in. the baddies just run straight at you at every opportunity so most times you end up in a fist fight even though you are both carrying guns. very strange. enjoyed the gun fights in 2 as well so dunno why the have changed this.

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  • 2 years later...

Aye I completed UC2 a while back then went straight onto UC3, I think thats why i didnt like it the first time round, really noticed all the wee changes and didnt like them, but now it just like learning a new game on UC3 so the changes cant annoy me.

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