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They all do, unbelievable but it is obviously true.

That's not the case though Ted, is it?

You need to choose your words more carefully if you wish to be taken remotely seriously.

Your fondness for the unqualified sweeping generalisation lets you down time and again.

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I often see tedi referred to as "5 star".

Please explain?

Explain? When Newco came out with their first strip it was starless on the badge. Tedi's hissy fit saw him ask "why would we have stars while playing in the SFL when they were for winning SPL titles" the guy has not got a clue. His comprehension rating is zero.

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Collateral damage was a phrase used by a certain blogger trying to distance himself from his Oduwa fcuk up and pounced upon by the usual mob, the hearing was not about old clubs or new clubs.

And remember to donate to your local friendly neighbourhood blogger.

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You make it sound like there is an argument here, there really isn't, that is the difference between those who believe we are a new club and those who do not. An argument would suggest that people's opinion could be swayed, that is something that will never happen, those who believe the new club stuff will believe it forever, those who do not likewise. Like FB said there were several things said that go directly against the new club stuff in recent court cases, but you rarely see Rangers fans bothering to even point them out whereas the likes of doleman deliberately feel the need to omit things or twist to try and prove a point.

There is absolutely nothing for Rangers fans to worry about, you protesting it does not make it so.

At the end of the day all the high power protesting is not being done by Rangers fans, they do not feel the need to, all of it is being done by those who are desperately still trying to prove a point....and proving that point was yet another failed attempt by the Scottish football monitor to change the SFA's stance on this matter a few weeks ago... Why can you and others like you not just be happy with you own beliefs? Why be so desperate to change the minds of those who you already know will never believe your version?

It's probably Ted, because as many Rangers fans are keen to point out, the official line from domestic governing bodies has them as exactly the same club.

That's why those who view it differently feel a greater need to make a case.

That's surely not a difficult thing to understand.

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Collateral damage was a phrase used by a certain blogger trying to distance himself from his Oduwa fcuk up and pounced upon by the usual mob, the hearing was not about old clubs or new clubs.

And remember to donate to your local friendly neighbourhood blogger.

Deflecting much?

BTW the fact that the hearing was not about old or new clubs is exactly why I referred to some of the judge's and counsel's comments as causing 'collateral damage'.

Why do you need everything explained twice, benny?

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Which proves my point.

Those who are happy in the same club camp are content with their opinion and have stopped caring about what the other lot think.

Those who say 'new club' have to go around protesting about it all the time in order to keep believing it, deep down they are desperately unhappy about things.


The man locked up for a crime he didn't commit is more upset about it than the authorities who did the locking.

He feels more need to make a fuss.

Why are you making such mind numbingly obvious points as if they're profound?

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Which proves my point.

Those who are happy in the same club camp are content with their opinion and have stopped caring about what the other lot think.

Those who say 'new club' have to go around protesting about it all the time in order to keep believing it, deep down they are desperately unhappy about things.

#qotd Judge Lord Brodie

"I find it hard not to think in legal terms, we are in a court. We are not here for our skill as metaphysicians"

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You make it sound like there is an argument here, there really isn't, that is the difference between those who believe we are a new club and those who do not. An argument would suggest that people's opinion could be swayed, that is something that will never happen, those who believe the new club stuff will believe it forever, those who do not likewise. Like FB said there were several things said that go directly against the new club stuff in recent court cases, but you rarely see Rangers fans bothering to even point them out whereas the likes of doleman deliberately feel the need to omit things or twist to try and prove a point.

There is absolutely nothing for Rangers fans to worry about, you protesting it does not make it so.

At the end of the day all the high power protesting is not being done by Rangers fans, they do not feel the need to, all of it is being done by those who are desperately still trying to prove a point....and proving that point was yet another failed attempt by the Scottish football monitor to change the SFA's stance on this matter a few weeks ago... Why can you and others like you not just be happy with you own beliefs? Why be so desperate to change the minds of those who you already know will never believe your version?

A fair summary, Tedi. Nothing is going to persuade either side to change their minds. But to say that it isn't an argument to be had is absolute toss.

I suspect the reason Rangers fans don't point out any favourable court comments (is that true - I can't be bothered trawling back through a thousand pages to check) is because they're wary of where the arguments might lead, worried about the gotchas. It's a bit back-to-front though: normally when someone makes an extraordinary claim such as life-after-death, the onus is on them to provide the evidence to back it up.

I've thought about this over the past couple of days and there are really two issues here.

The first one, about Rangers being a new club or having some level of continuity, is to the fore at the moment. When it comes down to it, you're right to say that it doesn't really matter. It's all about bragging rights over the previous 100 years of history. I couldn't give much of a feck myself. It rankles a bit since it offends my sense of fair play but I'm more interested in today and tomorrow not leagues and cups won before I was born.

The other issue, how Rangers ended up in the situation that led to them going bust is a bit more serious and needs to be addressed so that we ALL know we have a fair and level game in the future. If any club is allowed to cheat the system (side letters on EBTs, over-spending to the point of recklessness), go bust and then start all over again with history intact, what's to stop another club doing it again?

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So the guys in the 'new club' camp feel like wrongly convicted criminals?

No, the injustice is on an entirely different scale.

The point stands however, that those who benefit from a perceived injustice (however minor or major) are far less likely to be vocal about it, than those who lose out.

I don't actually believe you're too stupid to get the point Tedi, so I wonder why you're so keen to deflect from it by pleading a lack of comprehension.

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Oh No, lets get all the Rangers fans to start a protest about the judge...

We wont mate, all that will happen is the Scottish Football Monitor will do another appeal for funds to write yet another letter to the SFA who will in turn laugh at it.

Must be upsetting listening to Judges laughing at the seperate entity shit :)
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Is that the party line after your wee PM conference?

No bloggers needed to tell me that, I actually thought that the proof would never surface. I thought these issues would never be raised in a court of law due to the fact that all of the parties involved wanted the illusion of continuation to perpetuate. Thank f**k for Mike the hero getting a shitty on and taking it out on Rangers otherwise you lot could still go on about 54 and counting.

Counter has been reset.

You've a superfluous "o" in there.

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What's happened to you today Ted?

You're being weird. Is it because you're not at the match, or something?

He's struggling to understand why the SFAs lawyer was arguing that his club is a ghost and not the company and why yet another Judge laughed it out of court.
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A fair summary, Tedi. Nothing is going to persuade either side to change their minds. But to say that it isn't an argument to be had is absolute toss.

I suspect the reason Rangers fans don't point out any favourable court comments (is that true - I can't be bothered trawling back through a thousand pages to check) is because they're wary of where the arguments might lead, worried about the gotchas. It's a bit back-to-front though: normally when someone makes an extraordinary claim such as life-after-death, the onus is on them to provide the evidence to back it up.

I've thought about this over the past couple of days and there are really two issues here.

The first one, about Rangers being a new club or having some level of continuity, is to the fore at the moment. When it comes down to it, you're right to say that it doesn't really matter. It's all about bragging rights over the previous 100 years of history. I couldn't give much of a feck myself. It rankles a bit since it offends my sense of fair play but I'm more interested in today and tomorrow not leagues and cups won before I was born.

The other issue, how Rangers ended up in the situation that led to them going bust is a bit more serious and needs to be addressed so that we ALL know we have a fair and level game in the future. If any club is allowed to cheat the system (side letters on EBTs, over-spending to the point of recklessness), go bust and then start all over again with history intact, what's to stop another club doing it again?

What other club would want to do it?

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