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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It should not need to be up to the clubs to do anything, if the SPL / SFA had any balls they would be kicking Rangers out of football, they certainly have enough evidence to do so...the fact that they have not makes amockery of the game

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Now that things have slowed down a bit given the time, I'd like to personally thank Granny Danger for some outstanding proper belly-laughs throughout the thread. Right up there with my favourite P&B posters....top work my friend!

Oh aye, and f**k Rangers :).

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Well, it's been an emotional day for me.

7.30 - Wake up. Attempt to go for shower to find my door won't open. The lock must have fucked itself when I closed it last night. Try to open it for 20 minutes, but as I'm alone in the flat, and it's too early in the morning to call the letting agency or anyone, decide to go back to bed.

11.00 - Wake up again. Call letting agency to tell them to come over and give me a hand.

12.20 - Get text with the news from a mate. Have no internet access to verify. Spend the next hour holding a pish and desperately wishing it to be true.

13.30 - Guy from letting agency comes round and frees me. Run to the laptop. YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS! Spend next few hours in a daze.

16.00 - Get phone call from my girlfriend saying shes in hospital. Delight turns to sheer panic. I've never been to a hospital before. Spend next few hours a nervous wreck until visiting hours,

18.20 - Realise I've gotten on the wrong bus to the Royal Infirmary. Jump off bus and hail a taxi.

18.40 - Turn up late for visiting hours, luckily things aren't as bad as I feared, but still pretty bad. Spend next few hours at bedside.

22.30 - Nurse tells me to piss off and let the patients sleep.

22.45 - Get a takeaway on the way home. Eat and almost immediately get the runs. FFS.

23.00 - Start catching up on this thread. Glorious.

What a day!


15.00 Couldn't resist going along to Ibrox.

15.05 Walked to the big blue gates, took some photos, one of a statue of John Grieg who looked to be hanging his head in shame

15.15 Went to end of Edmonston Drive and took photos of the fleet of tv vans with their sattelite dishes and saw reporters preparing ftheir scripts.

15.20 Took a long hard look at The Big Hoose, as they call it, and thought "you b*****ds, it's payback time now for the sectarian abuse I've had to endure from you b*****ds in my lifetime, and I remembered the guy who tried to kick me and hurled sectarian abuse at me for wearing my Morton scarf in the enclosure"


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The only downside has to be the joy the other disgusting, bigoted side of the coin are getting from this saga.

Hopefully Celtic are next.

As much as you may hate Celtic ! there is no fecking way Celtic will ever fold over like the Gers.

And after what has happened to the gers ! it's never going to happen to any other club either ! WHY ? because the SF fcuking A ! will then make new laws after letting the tax dodgers back in but making sure no other club will ever get a free pass back into the SPL the c***s.

And worst of all I may add !!!! there will be a newco gers next year and most of their bigoted brigade will be well pissed at every team and will be well well worse than they ever have been.

So lets hope they get shoved into the 3rd division so the glory hunting knuckle draggers will disappear for a while and have a cool off period giving the lower divisions a lot of cash of the back of them which may ! I tease here he he ! will in fact give the lower divisions the cash they need to keep the gers in the lower leagues till the bile they will spread a slow painful death to it.:D

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I've missed many pages as was too busy celebrating, but it strikes me that Green's backers should be having a wee rethink for several reasons:

1. SFA have yet to come back with new penalty. Suspension/termination removes the income stream.

2. Players can choose whether to walk on a free rather than be tranferred to newco.

3. SPL Chairmen might not vote as cockwomble wishes to allow newco to parachute in. 3rd Div incomes is a big ask when you have fixed costs as them.

4. All the tick-tocks while reforming the insolvent Club is leaking money. (£1m a month?)

5. Guaranteed not to be in Europe for 3 years.

6. UEFA must do something about Rapid Vienna and others not getting paid? Will Everton technically owe Ranjurs money now for Jellyfish? How can you pay a company which no longer exists?

7, Lots of legal shennanigins - King vs Rangers, White deal no longer valid (only sold shares in the event of successful CVA)

I'm sure the list could go on forever - but my thought is that if I had a few mills to spare, I'd keep it in the bank rather than taking a punt on a toxic Club who may or may not be part of Scottish fitba.

As a wee aside, isn't it financially/strategically prudent for Chairmen to vote AGAINST newco parachute into SPL? Without Ranjurs to back-up Seltik, you can overturn the voting structure and old firm veto.

Edited by Claymores
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For the following reasons NO to NEWCO... http://saintinasia.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/the-end-of-the-beginning-weatherseal-do-save-newco/

1) 18 million worth of PAYE not paid. 2) Debt owed to Hearts, Celtic, Dundee Utd, Rapid Vienna amongst others; 3) Four years of season tickets sold off to Ticketus; 4) Trying to sign players whilst in administration (Daniel Cousin anyone); 5) An administration that saw the redundancy of ZERO employees; 6) A transfer ban, subsequently appealed through the courts; 7) The interest of FIFA in the matter; 8) A war correspondent from C4 becoming deeply involved; 9) An American bidder who was run out of town; 10) McCoist publicly having names of disciplinary committees published so the Rangers mob could try and run them out of town; 11) a CVA proposal offering 1p in the Pound, while the bidder was talking about a 30million transfer budget, signing players from the Euro’s and now Rino Gattuso was set to sign (despite a transfer ban and being in administration; 12) the CVA proposal saying all season ticket money and player sales would go to Green, and not the creditors; 13) The SPL allowing a Newco Rangers to have a vote on whether they get into the SPL or not! 14) NOT ONE HINT OF AN APOLOGY FROM ANY RANGERS FAN, SUPPORTER, FORMER DIRECTOR OR PLAYER.

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Fantasy TV schedule for the 12th July on the BBC:

19.00-20.00 - Sash in the Attic - "Ranjurs flog the contents of the Trophy room to try to raise cash"

20.00-2100 - Dragons Den - "A man with one grey suit pitches to Asian cowboys why they should invest in his brilliant idea for a new company"

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Reported on the World Service that China has gone apeshit with corruption, matchfixing etc.

Chairman of Chineese football 10 1/2 years :) , twitchy Campbell?, esp as Rangers are a global brand they would not want to upset China..


A former Chinese football chief and several former national team players have been sentenced to jail for taking bribes or match-fixing, state media has reported, as authorities try to clear up rampant corruption in the sport.

Nan Yong, the former head of Chinese football, was sentenced to 10 years for taking bribes of $235,000, Xinhua reported.

Nan is the highest ranking official to be caught up in an anti-graft campaign launched two years ago.

Wei Shaohui, a former national soccer captain, received the same sentence and was fined $31,400 for taking bribes, Xinhua said.

Li Dongsheng, another former senior soccer official, was sentenced to nine years in prison for bribery and embezzlement.


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Oh my gosh - Andy Goram looks like a down-n-out in the vids some posted - sad how the mighty WATP fall. Can the RFFFFFFFFF not throw him some cash to get a shelter for the night or is he doomed to be kipping outside the Ibroke gates?

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Stolen from elsewhere.........

80's group The Buggles have revealed that they will re-release their hit, but it will have a new title of BDO KILLED THE RANGERS FIVE STARS! I've managed to obtain a copy of the lyrics...

I heard it on the wireless

back in February...

Gers in administration,

Dearie, dearie me..

they even asked their fans

to lend them 50p!!..

Oh-ah, oh!!

They've still to find out if they used an EBT.

They owe their creditors

from the west coast to Dundee

They even made the news upon the BBC

Oh-ah, oh-ah!!

More than once,

we tried to tell them..

now they're shitting bricks,

now you can smell them!!

BDO killed the rangers 5 stars!!..

BDO killed the rangers 5 stars!!

Hector came and kicked their arse!!

Duff and Phelps - oh, what a farce!!

Maybe there's a league on Mars!!


Nae merr 5 stars!!

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Was yesterday's announcement the day Ranjurs died (12 June), or do we have to wait for tomorrows's 5 minute meeting? Will Rapid and others visit the Orc hoose to ask aboots their money?

Please let Jim White be back from holidays tomorrow - I've got SSN set to record on my VirginMedia HD all day :D

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For the following reasons NO to NEWCO... http://saintinasia.w...-do-save-newco/

1) 18 million worth of PAYE not paid. 2) Debt owed to Hearts, Celtic, Dundee Utd, Rapid Vienna amongst others; 3) Four years of season tickets sold off to Ticketus; 4) Trying to sign players whilst in administration (Daniel Cousin anyone); 5) An administration that saw the redundancy of ZERO employees; 6) A transfer ban, subsequently appealed through the courts; 7) The interest of FIFA in the matter; 8) A war correspondent from C4 becoming deeply involved; 9) An American bidder who was run out of town; 10) McCoist publicly having names of disciplinary committees published so the Rangers mob could try and run them out of town; 11) a CVA proposal offering 1p in the Pound, while the bidder was talking about a 30million transfer budget, signing players from the Euro's and now Rino Gattuso was set to sign (despite a transfer ban and being in administration; 12) the CVA proposal saying all season ticket money and player sales would go to Green, and not the creditors; 13) The SPL allowing a Newco Rangers to have a vote on whether they get into the SPL or not! 14) NOT ONE HINT OF AN APOLOGY FROM ANY RANGERS FAN, SUPPORTER, FORMER DIRECTOR OR PLAYER.

be fair - no8. does suck-up when trying to get oots of his -200s reputation

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Was yesterday's announcement the day Ranjurs died (12 June), or do we have to wait for tomorrows's 5 minute meeting? Will Rapid and others visit the Orc hoose to ask aboots their money?

Please let Jim White be back from holidays tomorrow - I've got SSN set to record on my VirginMedia HD all day :D

Yesterday is the unofficial date I guess, it's not formal until the meeting.

Only issue is that Haudit and Daudit in a final blaze of glory, might sell assets to hughie green for his 'Newco'

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