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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The simpletons still don't get it...deluded or retarded...both ?

'Getting' the hate filled bile is the easiest thing in the world. It's the handing it back that seems so difficult for the diddy clubbers and plastics to swallow.

Pesky Rangers supporters not only refusing to accept the collective mince on offer, but daring to answer back now smile.gif

A couple of dozen malcontents on P&B stamp their feet and repeat the cries: "Sevco! Cheats! Dead! Trolls!" We've even had one (predictably) asking if part of my response was driven by sectarian thinking: "Is it becuz I is a cathlic?"

FFS laugh.gif

There are more club chairmen in Scotland beavering away in the background to get our greatest of clubs back where it's needed at the top of Scottish fitba. That's gotta hurt...

54 and counting - roon ye's laugh.gif

Edited by Bendarroch
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'Getting' the hate filled bile is the easiest thing ion the world. It's the handing it back that seems so difficult for the diddy clubbers and plastics to swallow.

Pesky Rangers supporters not only refusing to accept the collective mince on offer, but daring to answer back now smile.gif

A couple of dozen malcontents on P&P stamp their feet and repeat the cries: "Sevco! Cheats! Dead! Trolls!" We've even had one (predictably) asking if part of my response was driven by sectarian thinking: "Is it becuz I is a cathlic?"

FFS laugh.gif

There are more club chairmen in Scotland beavering away in the background to get our greatest of clubs back where it's needed at the top of Scottish fitba. That's gotta hurt...

54 and counting - roon ye's laugh.gif

So you want reconstruction ;) What happened to play our way through the leagues hahaha that lasted long;)

Your arrogance and lack of contrition means every other club in the lands fans despise you :)

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A complete fantasy - most likely the only result you'll be getting. Much like the fantasy told to the SPL chairmen about the numbers who would turn out to support their clubs after demoting The Rangers. 3000 was what ICT managed?

And how's Mr Cameron getting on with his involvement in the league reconstruction plans? Or with the news yesterday that the SPL could only offer 50% of the payment due to the SPL clubs? There's a sorry tale for you...


Hopefully that'll be enough to start the domino effect that Gilmour at St Integrity was so vocal about.

Edited by Bendarroch
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So you want reconstruction ;) What happened to play our way through the leagues hahaha that lasted long;)

Your arrogance and lack of contrition means every other club in the lands fans despise you :)

I don't want reconstruction - I want The Rangers to take the route through the divisions as they stand and work to make the SFL the dominant league in Scotland smile.gif

But I also want a lottery win - both outcomes are out of my hands,

Arrogance and a lack of contrition is it? There's an instruction manual from Mr Shite & Eat not too far back in the thread where he offers advice on how to deal with noisy, nasty Rangers supporters.

1. Stick fingers in ears.

2. Close eyes.

3. Sing: "Lala lala lala lala...."

Happy to help!

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jeezus, that leggo guy is going to burst one day , what an absolute blether of shite.. about this thread though, it was once a thing of goodness , real information etc as opposed to what crap like the daily retard was telling everyone, but its gone tits up and dwindled into the usual sevco shitfest. a bit like a scottish countryside beauty spot after a pile of tinks arrive and cover it in empty beer cans and turds..its definately seen its best.

You have a valid point. The thread has deteriorated. This can be put down to lately arrived posters, like myself, who are only here to point and laugh, and posters like the Frog and his pals who engage in false triumphalism and trolling. However, the thread should not be closed since the story has months to run, perhaps years in the legal area. I have read over the first few pages and there are many insightful posts from people who are now absent from this thread, which may tell us something. Maybe it's time to simply use the "Let's all laugh at Rangers" thread, courtesy of cimex, and restrict ourselves from posting on this one unless we have salient information.

Right, I'm off to cimex's thread. Hope I'm back here soon :)

eta to correct errors

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That's only your opinion and as you are aware, being an Orc troll, it isn't worth diddly squat..

And diddly squat is worth a lot more than anything I've seen from the plastics of late. The cleverer ones, that is. Not you, obviously.

DhenseBhore is seething laugh.gif

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From the BBC website -

The Scottish Premier League makes initial payment to clubs

The Scottish Premier League has paid 50% of the monies owed to its member clubs.

The league has also made a payment of £500,000 to the Scottish Football League - the first instalment of an overall £2m due to the league.

Only a week ago the SPL had said it was unsure when money could be paid to the clubs.

Clubs were due to receive money from sponsorship and broadcasting revenues at the start of August.

The delay has been put down to the uncertainty over the future of Rangers over the course of the summer.

The SPL renegotiated its media deals with the broadcasters Sky and ESPN after it was decided Rangers would compete in Division Three.

However, the league had to wait for payment from those deals and a number of other sponsorship contracts.

Edited by CityDave
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Charles 'Chucky' Green and Ally McCoist are deep in discussions late at night in Ibrox – so late, in fact, nobody else is there.

They hear somebody banging on the front door. The thumping goes on for ages and eventually Ally says he'll go and see who it is.

Turns out its an old drunk guy with a shellsuit and Celtic scarf on.

The guy tells Ally, 'Ah want a seat oan the f*%kin board – help tae run youse dirty Ibrox h**s!'

'Aye, right very good', replies Ally, 'Gies peace. Away wi ye. Yer drunk'. He shuts the door and returns to the meeting.

The banging continues… followed by some choice shouting…

Ally heads back to see whats goin on…

'Are you still hangin about here? I thought I told you to beat it?'.

'Am tellin ye, ah want tae get a seat oan the board o youse f&*kin h**s!! Ah want tae run Ibrox!!', slurs the guy, loudly.

'We don't need or want anybody like you here!', says Ally, 'NOO .. F*&K .. OFF!!!'.

Ally heads back to the meeting room. No sooner has he sat down with Green than it starts up again – the banging and shouting. This time Green says he'll come down with Ally and sort this out.

Green opens the front door to the guy. 'What the bloody ell's goin on ere!?', says Green to the guy at the door.

The old drunk guy looks at the two of them. He says to Green, 'Ahv just won a million oan the lottery and ah want a seat oan the f*%kin Rangers board tae run aw youse Effin Ibrox h**s'.

Green says, 'I see … and is this dirty orange b*****d here givin you a hard time?...'

Sorry, meant to greeny but riddied by mistake - fat finger and IPad combo.

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Show us proof of the figures, my guess is that is a fib ..


w/e 12 Aug 2012 000's


Source: http://www.barb.co.u...top-programmes?

That was the Hivs vs Wee Rangers derbylaugh.gif

Nae fibs required DhenseBhore.

Feel free to explore the site for additional laughs at the diddy clubs expense.

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A complete fantasy - most likely the only result you'll be getting. Much like the fantasy told to the SPL chairmen about the numbers who would turn out to support their clubs after demoting The Rangers. 3000 was what ICT managed?

And how's Mr Cameron getting on with his involvement in the league reconstruction plans? Or with the news yesterday that the SPL could only offer 50% of the payment due to the SPL clubs? There's a sorry tale for you...


Hopefully that'll be enough to start the domino effect that Gilmour at St Integrity was so vocal about.

I love the way you guys have been twisting facts from the start to convince your own tiny minds that you have had some sort of victory.

The complete fantasy you refer to is in your head, our fans promised nothing to our clubs except that we would not turn up for matches unless Rangers were dealt with appropriately, I can totally understand why some are still staying away, for a start there's the fact that Rangers (Sevco) are still trying to lay claim to being Rangers (1872/3) but more importantly than that I know fans of all sorts of clubs for whom this was the final straw. The way in which the governing bodies handled this, the way in which some chairmen behaved, the way in which it has become patently obvious that the game in this country's game was run with only two clubs in mind, some people can deal with suspicions that the deck is stacked against them, some people just walk away.

I am surprised that so many have stuck with the game after the embarrassment Rangers Football Club have shown Scottish to be, this country can be proud that it has fans like ours, outside of the old firm I keep doing that, the OF died with Rangers, outside of Celtic and Sevco.

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I'd noticed you'd taken to commenting about me (quite a lot) personally with insults

Did you notice before or after I advised that's the sum of what you should expect of me after your own stream of insults?

Can you read properly? Or is a simpler case of being as Dhense as your s/n suggests?

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From The Herald -

SPL make belated payment but clubs still short

Michael Grant Chief football writer

THE Scottish Premier League have finally sent out the delayed broadcasting and sponsorship money it owed to the 12 top-flight clubs.

Around £350,000 for each left the bank account of the governing body yesterday and is due to arrive with the clubs today. The first £500,000 instalment of the £1.8m owed to the Scottish Football League as part of the annual settlement agreement, which was also late, has also been paid.

Normally each club receives almost £700,000 at this point but the reduction in television money and the fact not all of the commercial income has yet been received by the SPL means they must make do with only half the usual sum for the meantime.

The money was due at the start of this month but the SPL admitted to a cash flow problem and even told clubs there was no way of knowing when they would receive their funds. The upheaval was due to Rangers being removed from the SPL and the subsequent uncertainty and need to redraw television and sponsorship contracts, especially with Sky and ESPN.

Even after those deals were done there was a delay in receiving the money before all the paperwork was signed, but that has now happened and funds have started to arrive. Clubs were frustrated by the delay but were powerless as the SPL could not distribute money it didn't have.

The next tranche of payments are due in January but because the August figure was so much lower than usual, that is likely to be reviewed, and clubs should receive funds sooner than that.

Meanwhile the 12 top-flight clubs will meet in the next couple of months to discuss league reconstruction. A strategy meeting will be held so that the SPL can – if there is agreement among them all – present its preferred option; either changing to 10, 14 or 16 clubs, or maintaining the status quo. Some clubs are open to a 16-team top flight "by invitation" – which could see Rangers jump back to the top flight without going through three consecutive promotions – but that is not the majority view and it would be sure to attract hostility from those supporters who mounted the successful "no to newco" campaign this summer.

The Scottish Football Association plans to set-up a committee including representatives of the SPL and Scottish Football League, almost certainly under an independent chairman, to progress reconstruction and possibly make recommendations by November.

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Around £350,000 for each left the bank account of the governing body yesterday and is due to arrive with the clubs today.

Normally each club receives almost £700,000 at this point

The money was due at the start of this month but the SPL admitted to a cash flow problem and even told clubs there was no way of knowing when they would receive their funds.

Can we expect contrition from the insolvent SPL? Will KIlmarnock's bank manager be smiling? Will Gilmour at St Integrity be popping imodium like smarties? Will the ICT keyboard warriors continue to ignore going to matches to save the day?

Terrific news all round biggrin.gif

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Quite sure that Malcolm Murray will be pleased to see his clubs cut of the parachute payment as much as any other chairman in the SFL.

I agree. Although I'm pretty certain that we will cope with the late £25,000 or whatever it is.

Will Killie and the rest down £350,000 already and absolutely no sign of help from the internet warriors (despite the assurances to the contrary) be able to say the same?

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I can't say I'm sharing that love for the fact twisting from diddy clubbers and plastics. You know, like the ill-informed shite that we are liquidated laugh.gif

There is no doubt Rangers are not yet liquidated but they are being queued for it. They don't have much of a chance of getting out of the queue either, they've sold all their bits and bobs to some chancer from Yorkshire.

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There is no doubt Rangers are not yet liquidated but they are being queued for it. They don't have much of a chance of getting out of the queue either, they've sold all their bits and bobs to some chancer from Yorkshire.

We'll see where the court cases lead smile.gif

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I agree. Although I'm pretty certain that we will cope with the late £25,000 or whatever it is.

Will Killie and the rest down £350,000 already and absolutely no sign of help from the internet warriors (despite the assurances to the contrary) be able to say the same?

LOL, I told you already that no assurances of that nature were given. "internet warriors" assured their clubs that they would not stand for the bias and cheating, that they would walk away. Some of us believe that justice has been done and there's just a few loose end to tie up so are willing to go back, some obviously believe that football in this country has been too fcuked up by Rangers to bother with again.

Our chairmen and the footballing authorities have a lot to put right still or the death of the game will be upon us very, very soon. And you will be cheering it on all the way, you just wont see that the death of our game in our country will mean the death of your new club too, you've got it all to go through again if you get what you wish for.

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Our chairmen and the footballing authorities have a lot to put right still or the death of the game will be upon us very, very soon. And you will be cheering it on all the way, you just wont see that the death of our game in our country will mean the death of your new club too, you've got it all to go through again if you get what you wish for.

The Rangers had more at Ibrox last weekend than the rest of Scottish football combined. That's a startling outcome - even to the haters of our club.

We'll be fine.

The rest? We'll see. I know what I expect the outcome to be.

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