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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh well if some wee bloke from Fife says so, then who can argue with that.

Is that honestly the best you can do? If so then I reckon you agree with me and have given up the fight. Rangers do not "own" their history and CG should ask Duff and Co to give him back the quid he paid for it.

Edit: I should imagine that this wee guy from Fife saw your beloved Rangers play before you were even born. I remember watching Eric Caldow, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter and co when Rangers was a respectable and respected club.

Edited by WeeHectorPar
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In the SPL or not. If rangers are found guilty of breaching SPL Rules and Regulations while your precious titles were being won.

Powers of the Board and Commissions.

Upon determining that a breach of or failure to fulfil the rules have been established the board or, as the case may be, a Commission may;

G6.1.12 - Withdraw or withhold the award of a title or award.

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Is that honestly the best you can do? If so then I reckon you agree with me and have given up the fight. Rangers do not "own" their history and CG should ask Duff and Co to give him back the quid he paid for it.

Edit: I should imagine that this wee guy from Fife saw your beloved Rangers play before you were even born. I remember watching Eric Caldow, Ralph Brand, Jim Baxter and co when Rangers was a respectable and respected club.

Well as respectable as an organisation that discriminated against catholics can be anyway eh?

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Correct and the SPL are only obligated to invite them to the hearing and inquiry to present their side of the argument and any relevant evidence. If they choose not to attend then so be it ... Doubt the SPL will be worrying.

D&P and or 'Oor Charlie' is simply refusing to go as they have no defence to put forward so completely irrelevant.

The SPL do not need them to attend to conduct the inquiry, the club is simply forfeiting their right to a defence.

Titles stripped .. Charlie and the Orcs will continue to pretend otherwise .. no courts involved there's more chance of CW suing the BBC. :lol::lol::lol:

Quite embarrassing for them, but immensely entertaining for everyone else.

Some of the statements coming out of Mordor have been priceless, like a footballing episode of countdown trying to decipher the mad ramblings of a confused bunch of paranoid freaks.

I can see this dragging on for a while.

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Popcorn after all that jelly and ice cream 8) ! Fritzel anyone ? :lol:

Aw man this is going to be classic with the liquidators going in and Charlie boy playing the orc card by claiming conspiracy towards this dignified cheating club.

This thread is about to go BOOM again :D.

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Lifted from elsewhere, it explains it all to the Sevco fans who believe this wasnt planned all along.

Anyway, Octopus are working hard to cover up the scam. They are planning to put Ticketus into liquidation later in the year and move the money to an in house company called Fern Trading. They have created an internal floating charge that means the money can be paid back to the 14 companies. That way Ticketus and the 14 companies can be wound up and nobody will know what happened to the money. When these companies vanish, the residents from the Whyte House will get their Directorships cancelled and poor Lizzie will be done yet again

“Is there any way I can check this story ? said Hector

Well said Minty

You could try this link


and search for “Rangers”

“It tells you Ticketus investment in Rangers is currently 15 % of total Ticketus investment and that the 14 companies who put money into Rangers STs in 2011 through Ticketus have been doing so for 3 years ie since I announced my intention to sell a football club”

and you could try this link


it tells you that on 14 March 2012 Fern Trading Ltd took out a Floating Charge over all the assets of Ticketus


Octopus had decided by 14 March 2012 to liquidate Ticketus and move their assets to Fern Trading Ltd That way Octopus could fudge the repayment of monies to the 14 companies who invested in Rangers STs from season 2009-2010 to season 2011-202

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PAUL CLARK, of Duff and Phelps, joint administrators of RFC 2012 PLC (formerly The Rangers Football Club plc), issued the following statement today:

"I can confirm that the business and certain assets of RFC 2012 PLC – including the honours won by the Club - were acquired by Mr Charles Green's consortium as part of the sale and purchase agreement.

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs. 1. However, having taken legal advice, it is the Joint Administrators' opinion that the SPL is not able to pursue RFC 2012 PLC in this matter.

"The SPL have stated that the Commission is empowered to review the use of EBTs under the contract between the SPL and its member club. 2. RFC 2012 PLC no longer has a contract with the SPL and therefore the SPL has no jurisdiction over it.

"This has been communicated to the SPL and considering 3. that further involvement in this matter is not in the interests of its creditors, RFC 2012 PLC will have no further involvement with the Commission.

"Our primary role as Administrators 4. was to rescue the business which has been achieved by Charles Green and his consortium and whilst any sanctions the Commission may levy will not affect RFC 2012 PLC this process would not appear to us to be helpful to the ongoing revival of Rangers."

On point 4, that surely puts them in trouble with BDO, as the prime role, and

this has been stated ad nauseam, of Administrators is to look after the

interests of the creditors, not the business.

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PAUL CLARK, of Duff and Phelps, joint administrators of RFC 2012 PLC (formerly The Rangers Football Club plc), issued the following statement today:

"I can confirm that the business and certain assets of RFC 2012 PLC – including the honours won by the Club - were acquired by Mr Charles Green's consortium as part of the sale and purchase agreement.

"The SPL have been in contact with RFC 2012 PLC with regard to the SPL's Commission which is examining Rangers' historic use of EBTs. 1. However, having taken legal advice, it is the Joint Administrators' opinion that the SPL is not able to pursue RFC 2012 PLC in this matter.

"The SPL have stated that the Commission is empowered to review the use of EBTs under the contract between the SPL and its member club. 2. RFC 2012 PLC no longer has a contract with the SPL and therefore the SPL has no jurisdiction over it.

"This has been communicated to the SPL and considering 3. that further involvement in this matter is not in the interests of its creditors, RFC 2012 PLC will have no further involvement with the Commission.

"Our primary role as Administrators 4. was to rescue the business which has been achieved by Charles Green and his consortium and whilst any sanctions the Commission may levy will not affect RFC 2012 PLC this process would not appear to us to be helpful to the ongoing revival of Rangers."

On point 4, that surely puts them in trouble with BDO, as the prime role, and

this has been stated ad nauseam, of Administrators is to look after the

interests of the creditors, not the business.

Given the poultry sum Charles Green purchased the assets the debate on whether the company would have earned more for creditors being broken up than keeping it together, given their less than exemplary performance throughout and questions about their independence this could have another avenue of dispute.

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On the subject of "They cannae remove oor history!!!!", somebody quoted, mibbe Winston Churchill or Napoleon, "History of a war is written by the victors." Well, the SPL have bigger tackity boots than The Rangers 2012 plc ( estd 2012, there's a clue in the title (does that count as 55 now? ;) ) ) and I think if they decide to strip SPL honours, that's it. History is rewritten, deleted, whatever and, as Mr Green says, he has nothing to do with the SPL, he surely wouldn't wish to get involved in an argument over an old organisation with £140 million worth of debt. Mibbe class it as Newspeak for Newco (See 1984, G. Orwell for an insight into rewriting histories)

Edited by Happy Buddie
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On point 4, that surely puts them in trouble with BDO, as the prime role, and

this has been stated ad nauseam, of Administrators is to look after the

interests of the creditors, not the business. [/b]

But they didn't rescue the business..the business will be liquidated. :huh:

And if they did rescue the business, then surely that means it is the same club & all punishments about to be dished out can be dished out to sevco.

This looks like another big chunk of cherry picking to me.

New club name for sevco - the govan cherry pickers.....every fecker connected with that club is at it. :D

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If New Rangers' supporters were genuinely interested in seeing justice done, independently and even-handedly upon those who most deserve it, they'd be too busy protesting outside David Murray's house and consulting lawyers on civil actions against previous regimes to worry about protecting a small fraction of their team's ill-gotten gains.

Compare and contrast relative levels of outrage - if you were a Rangers supporter, would you be more angered by the prospect of the men who destroyed your team getting off without punishment, or by the people who you cheated seeking to rectify just some of the wrongs those men committed?

You and I would be angrier about the former, but they are more angry about the latter. I think that says everything you need to know about Rangers fans' priorities here - getting it right up everyone else in Scotland first and justice second, if at all, even if it means that there is no Rangers worthy of the name in a few years' time.

Also - let's all have a good laugh at the very idea that Charles Green could give a damn whether Rangers keep their fraudulently-obtained titles. Fair dues to Charles Green: He was very open that he and the people he represents were buying Ibrox so that he could make money, and lots of it.

So, how does the SPL stripping Rangers of titles prevent him from making money? It doesn't. Fighting this case all the way though, that will cost him money, and lots of it.

So here's what's going to happen - Rangers are going to be found guilty and will be stripped of their titles, and then both club and fans will make up some rubbish excuses so that they can pretend that the titles weren't stripped. Rangers fans will then keep up the pretence until everybody forgets about the issue, without caring how ridiculous they look denying it.

Sound familiar?

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If New Rangers' supporters were genuinely interested in seeing justice done, independently and even-handedly upon those who most deserve it, they'd be too busy protesting outside David Murray's house and consulting lawyers on civil actions against previous regimes to worry about protecting a small fraction of their team's ill-gotten gains.

Compare and contrast relative levels of outrage - if you were a Rangers supporter, would you be more angered by the prospect of the men who destroyed your team getting off without punishment, or by the people who you cheated seeking to rectify just some of the wrongs those men committed?

You and I would be angrier about the former, but they are more angry about the latter. I think that says everything you need to know about Rangers fans' priorities here - getting it right up everyone else in Scotland first and justice second, if at all, even if it means that there is no Rangers worthy of the name in a few years' time.

Also - let's all have a good laugh at the very idea that Charles Green could give a damn whether Rangers keep their fraudulently-obtained titles. Fair dues to Charles Green: He was very open that he and the people he represents were buying Ibrox so that he could make money, and lots of it.

So, how does the SPL stripping Rangers of titles prevent him from making money? It doesn't. Fighting this case all the way though, that will cost him money, and lots of it.

So here's what's going to happen - Rangers are going to be found guilty and will be stripped of their titles, and then both club and fans will make up some rubbish excuses so that they can pretend that the titles weren't stripped. Rangers fans will then keep up the pretence until everybody forgets about the issue, without caring how ridiculous they look denying it.

Sound familiar?

Bang on, I've said from the start Sevconians are more obsessed with keeping the past than they are moving forward.

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Do tell - why would that put them in trouble with BDO? What position of power do they hold?

And tell, I shall. But don't you know already? Have you not been keeping up with events? (Not another bloody lightweight?) BDO were appointed to liquidise, sorry, liquidate Rangers Football Club, founded 1872, died 2012, by the prime creditor, HMRC, who have the power to investigate any misdeeds, crimes, dodgy dealings, financial jiggery-pokery, etc., etc., during the period of administration from 12th February until their appointment as liquidators, and to reverse or rescind any deals which were to the detriment of the creditors.


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