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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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For clarity - glad to report that the 'conglomerate of fools' is now on ignore and my eyes have stopped bleeding already cool.gif.

With any luck we will have more to discuss - like adults - soon and the next chapter in Scotlands Most Embarrassing Football Shame, can be studied, analysed, commented upon and - most importantly - learned from.

Enjoy your weekend games fellas...

'Mon you Raith ! wink.gif

Whatevah happened to Tedi ? Not seen since the Ramsden's Cup debacle ?

Bendarroch - quite apt username being it was the village idiot in Take The High Road - has he ever posted anything other than try to belittle Diddy Club or Plastics ? WTF is he like dry.gif

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Possibly one of his other sneaky ideas ... He plans to sue Apple for stealing their branding idea and that iPad, iMac, iPhone etc were named after iBrokes and Apple have stolen their gimmick ... Well it's no less crazy than the other shite he comes out with.

In fact if he reads this then he'll probably run with it ...

I rest my case ..... He keeps spouting to all concerned they will not go back to the SPL .. how the fcuk will he achieve CL semi-finals on a good year ... ;):lol:Never mind they are million miles away from having a team capable of winning the SPL .. he should concentrate on getting out of Div3. :lol::lol::lol:

GLOBAL BRAND .. my arse !!

How are they going to achieve CL status when old Chuck has said he won't play in the SPL unless the system changes.

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Latest update from vanguardbears!

Highlighted some of my favourite parts.

You can easily replace Charles Green with David "moonbeam" Murray with the amount of guff he is coming out with

Thanks for post in that in it's entirety laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif where do I start to ask questions the 1st one is obviously with D & P 's if they ran the administration correctly how did they run out of money ? Would any creditor question their decisions through the process like keeping those players when their wages were only deferred.

Some of the stuff coming from CG is becoming beyond a joke it was outrageous before but as they get closer to that share issue the fabrication of lies has went into orbit.

It is scary if anyone took any of that without a huge pinch of salt.

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Sorry if its a repost but top marks to Jarvis on KDS for this parody on the selling technique :D

Green Charley: The name's Charley, Green Charley. And I come before you good people tonight with an idea. Probably the greatest.....

Aw, it's not for you. It's more a Timmyville idea.

Alastair Quimby: Now, wait just a minute. We're twice as smart as the people of Timmyville. Just tell us your idea and we'll vote yes for it.

Green Charley: All right. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll show you my idea. I give you the Ibrox Sevcorail!

(everyone gasps)

I've sold Sevocrails to Sheffield United, Sheffield United, and Sheffield United, and, by gum, it put them on the footballing map!

Well, sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified Division 3 Sevcorail! What'd I say?

Hugh Flanders: Sevcorail!

Green Charley: What's it called?

Patty Traynor and Selma Jackson: Sevcorail.

Green Charley: That's right! Sevcorail!

Burger Vanguard Zombies: Sevcorail...Sevcorail...Sevcorail...

Mrs Mols: I hear Ticketus will take our money?

Green Charley: They've gone now dear, so don't you worry.

Raman: Is there a chance we'll be conned again?

Green Charley: Not on your life, my Zombie friend.

Barney Edgar: What about us brain-dead slobs?

Green Charley: You'll be given Orange tops.

Grampa Ogilvie: Have you ever been involved with anything Papal?

Green Charley: No, good sir, we are the people.

Grandmaster Piggum: The ring came off my McEwans can.

Green Charley: Take my pen knife, my good man.

I swear, it's Sevco's only choice!

Throw up your hands and raise your voice!

All: Sevcorail...

Green Charley: What's it called?

All: Sevcorail...

Green Charley: Once again!

All: Sevcoraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail!

Internet Bampots: But your financial backers are still unknown!

Fat Ally: Sorry, ****, the mob has spoken!

All: Sevcorail...




Blotto: Mono-D'oh!

Genius :lol:

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Oh and as for Chuckys meeting.............

CG's expectation for the club is not to be at the level of Man Utd. and Barcelona, but he firmly believes that group stages of the Champions League every year should be our minimum expectation, then the quarter finals every other year, and on a good year maybe even the semi-finals.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: pause for breath :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Oh and as for Chuckys meeting.............

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: pause for breath :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've no idea why you're scoffing at the very notion of them becoming Champions' Leage semi-finalists in the foreseeable future.

They did after all, run us bloody close in that recent Ramsden's Cup tie.

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Bendarroch - quite apt username being it was the village idiot in Take The High Road - has he ever posted anything other than try to belittle Diddy Club or Plastics ? WTF is he like dry.gif

It's easy to belittle eejits who invent shite about my username for a start.

Hibs? Diddy plastics - wtf are they like laugh.gif

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Interesting comment on Scottish Football Monitor site :

Just bringing it into line with the normal reporting period for a Football club as far as I understand, nowt sinister this time.

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Oh and as for Chuckys meeting.............

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: pause for breath :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This tells you everything you need to know about the People at that meeting.

Charles Green: We don't want to be in the SPL ever again. Also, we're somehow going to compete in the Champions League.

Nobody: That just doesn't make any sense. How can you compete in the Champions League without coming first or second in the SPL?

Every zombie in the room: We are the people! Charles Green is my hero, he is the wind beneath my wings etc. and so on.

Criminal but hilarious levels of stupidity, highly entertaining for anyone who enjoys seeing Newco fans making fools of themselves i.e. all Scottish football fans except the tribute act.

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