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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There will need to be proof to 'catch' anyone. Thomson's a known liar. His own complaint to Police was described by them as 'laughable'. He carries as much credibility as his pal Phil Mac Goebbels and the disgraced lawyer.

We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance in the allegations he presented.

Will that also be the same for Charlie Green then rolleyes.gif who also made statements to the press, he apologised for bringing it to light but if your threatening your own chairman it is hardly beyond the realms of possibility that some of your 'supporters' would also threaten the likes of Thomson.

Given the previous incidents towards others to simply laugh them off shows either a degree of ignorance or your actually happy to be associated with this sort of behaviour but that isin't surprising.

Can we have a link to the story where the police claimed the accusations were laughable

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We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance hidden away somewhere in the complete bolloks Chuckie Cheese keeps spouting.

Fess-up who are you really on your other ID? Nobody could possibly heve the temerity to continue to spout continual utter shite as themself over such an extended period and believe they were making a sensible contribution......................unless you're one of the CevcoMedja delusional sprogs.

I imagine the decent Cevco fans must facepalm every time they see your ID online.

Edited by Claymores
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There will need to be proof to 'catch' anyone. Thomson's a known liar. His own complaint to Police was described by them as 'laughable'. He carries as much credibility as his pal Phil Mac Goebbels and the disgraced lawyer.

We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance in the allegations he presented.


After what the Rangers fans have shown themselves capable of you think a little bit of web intimidation is not in their capabilities?

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Aye sure, buying a business with a potential £50mill tax bill on top of the £18mill Lloyds debt for a £1 sounds like a bargain to me, get a grip of yersel

So you are saying it wasn't sellable or indeed buyable? The obvious consequence is that Murray should have moved to liquidate Ranger before Whyte even had a sniff? Which would have wiped out the history cleanly.

So let's try to be conconstructive and look at what you would have liked to have seen happen.

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Tedi & co might want to comment on the highlighted sections below.

Do you think McGhie was right to apologise?


A RANGERS fan Connor McGhie, 19, got three months for religiously aggravated breach of the peace at a game at Inverness. The sheriff who jailed him said: “The extent of the hatred he showed took my breath away.”

McGhie, of Carluke, Lanarkshire, jumped a wall as if to invade the pitch after Rangers scored their third goal against Caley Thistle at the Tulloch Stadium on February 26.

He then straddled a fence and joined in with offensive songs which referred to the Pope and the Vatican and called Celtic “****** b******s”.

Two witnesses reported McGhie to police and he was arrested at the end of the game. He pled not guilty but was convicted.

His lawyer said he came from a good family and had brought shame on his parents.

He told McGhie: “Anybody who participates in this disgusting language should be stopped.

“In the Highlands, we have many people of different faiths. Inverness in particular has a strong immigrant community, whose religion is the one you were deriding so publicly.

“I have no idea who taught you to hate these people or why you hate their beliefs.”

Sheriff Abercrombie said “I do not detect a true level of contrition or a realisation of the seriousness of your position. A signal needs to be sent out that such behaviour will not be tolerated in Inverness.”

The sheriff banned McGhie from all matches in Scotland for six months.

McGhie’s lawyer, Diane McFarlane, said her client wanted to apologise.

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Tedi & co might want to comment on the highlighted sections below.

Do you think Boyd was right to admit he was deeply ashamed?


David Boyd (25), of Charlotte Gardens in Aberdeen, appeared at Forfar Sheriff Court on Wednesday and admitted making the chants during the Brechin v The Rangers match at Glebe Park on July 29.

She said: ''Hand-held footage was obtained by a police sergeant of the accused singing 'follow follow we will follow Rangers'.'' She said the accused was seen singing 'Follow follow we will follow Rangers'. He was caught singing 'f*** the Pope' and '****** b******s'.

Boyd's defence solicitor told the court: ''He was not an instigator, he was a follower. The song was being sung by a large contingent of Rangers fans and he doesn't consider himself in any way to have any religious bigotry in him.

''He bears no ill will to people of the Catholic faith but understands they would be extremely offended, as would anyone.''

Sheriff Peter Anderson decided not to give Boyd a football banning order but made him aware that it was an option.

He said: ''You have said you are deeply ashamed of what you did on July 29 and so you should be.

''This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated. Not in small towns, the same as not in cities. To come to Brechin and behave as you did was outrageous.''

Four other fans also appeared separately at Forfar Sheriff Court on similar charges relating to the same game.

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The question for you Tedi (and Bennett, and any other Rangers fans on here) is

If you had known then (before Whyte bought from Murray) what you know now, what would have done? And I presume done differently.

I'm pretty sure that collectively, the support would have done very little differently.

My evidence for this has basically been gathered over the last eight months. During this bleak time, they've been totally unable/unwilling to organise and mobilise in any meaningful way.

They've been unable to raise significant money despite staring down the barrel of having no club.

Anyone doing them the favour of highlighting how they've been shafted (like Mark Daly) has been attacked as having an agenda.

I honestly feel that it might be this last point that has the effect of choking the club to death again.

I've said it before and will do again - there's something unique about Rangers' fans collective character and it's not helping them.

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Taken from the Daily Record yesterday -

Rangers fan jailed for three months for sectarian chanting at football ground.

26 Oct 2012 00:01 A RANGERS fan was jailed and three others were banned from football yesterday for bigoted chanting at away grounds.

Connor McGhie, 19, got three months for religiously aggravated breach of the peace at a game at Inverness. The sheriff who jailed him said: "The extent of the hatred he showed took my breath away."

Three more Rangers supporters, Billy Brawley, Andrew Callaghan and Gordon McKillop, all 28, were fined £300 each and banned from every ground in Scotland for offensive chanting at "newco" Rangers' first game at Brechin in July.

McGhie, of Carluke, Lanarkshire, jumped a wall as if to invade the pitch after Rangers scored their third goal against Caley Thistle at the Tulloch Stadium on February 26.

He then straddled a fence and joined in with offensive songs which referred to the Pope and the Vatican and called Celtic "****** b******s".

Two witnesses reported McGhie to police and he was arrested at the end of the game. He pled not guilty but was convicted.

McGhie is a first offender. His lawyer said he came from a good family and had brought shame on his parents.

A background report said he was a disciplined, natural athlete, but Inverness sheriff Ian Abercrombie QC said he did not recognise the person it described.

He told McGhie: "Anybody who participates in this disgusting language should be stopped.

"In the Highlands, we have many people of different faiths. Inverness in particular has a strong immigrant community, whose religion is the one you were deriding so publicly.

"I have no idea who taught you to hate these people or why you hate their beliefs."

Sheriff Abercrombie said he was at a loss to understand why a young man with the "advantages" McGhie enjoyed in life would behave in such a way.

He added: "I do not detect a true level of contrition or a realisation of the seriousness of your position. A signal needs to be sent out that such behaviour will not be tolerated in Inverness."

The sheriff banned McGhie from all matches in Scotland for six months.

McGhie's lawyer, Diane McFarlane, said her client wanted to apologise.

He had been drinking and got "caught up in the moment", and had not been to a game since his arrest.

McGhie's parents wept as he was taken to the cells in handcuffs. Ms McFarlane vowed to appeal the sentence.

Brawley, Callaghan and McKillop were sentenced at Forfar Sheriff Court.

Police heard Brawley and Callaghan, both drivers from Blantyre, Lanarkshire, shouting "****** b******s" during a chorus of Follow Follow at Glebe Park.

McKillop, of Largs, Ayrshire, was heard singing "f*** the Pope and the Vatican".

All three men admitted offences under the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act.

Andrew Docherty, for Callaghan and Brawley, said his clients were ashamed. He added: "They attended the match together. Both were in high spirits as it was the first game of the season, and drink had been taken."

Mr Docherty said Brawley had uncles who were Catholic and had "no religious bigotry in him at all".

A fourth accused, Derek McCreadie, 22, of Wigton, denied a similar charge.

A fifth man, Gordon Maclean, 31, of Thornliebank Road, Glasgow, denied culpable and reckless conduct.

It's alleged he was seen in possession of a lit smoke canister. He will stand trial next month.

Edited by CityDave
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There will need to be proof to 'catch' anyone. Thomson's a known liar. His own complaint to Police was described by them as 'laughable'. He carries as much credibility as his pal Phil Mac Goebbels and the disgraced lawyer.

We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance in the allegations he presented.

Oh, aye. We've got a QC describing how the police had to keep him under protective surveillance; other football clubs reporting serious threats and intimidation and the NUJ saying Rangers have an exceptional problem with threats and thuggery. They're reporting personal threats against journalists all over Scotland, including publication of what schools their kids go to and what pubs they drink in. We've got serious assaults on rival football teams' personnel; bombs and bullets being posted to players, managers, politicians and lawyers...

...But none of that matters, because Alex Thomson reported it.

Credit to BearWithMe for calling for arrests - I hope we'd all do that, if our club had similar problems with hate-filled thugs...

...But this "It's Thomson, so it must be lies haha smileyface WATP" response is part of the reason why this shite is happening - because to many, many Rangers supporters, all bad news is a conspiracy, or anti-whatever propaganda that has to be resisted by... Something.

That NUJ boy is right - small minority or not, RFC has a serious problem with fans terrorising people they don't like, and this hand-waving, whatabouting, they're all liars out to get us attitude is what's allowing it to thrive.

Rangers fans - did nothing or actively helped when their club was being destroyed; doing nothing or actively enabling the vermin in your support while they drag your club's already beshitted reputation into Lazio territory.

It's not for me to tell you to man up and take control of your own destiny - do it or don't, it's your club that looks like a criminal enterprise supported by violent animals. But it's a bit ducking rich to sit back and allow this to happen, then complain about the consequences.

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LOL look who we have talking about alias`s


edit...then the fuckwit deletes the post...too late motherfucker ;)

I didn't delete mine Tedster - care to comment on my original observation? How childish are Cevco fans if they need to have multiple IDs to red dot without giving a reason then green dot their other ID's post? It beggars belief really. Are all Cevcos this dumb?

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David Murray may have fired the bullet that killed Rangers, but it was the fans' glory-at-all-costs and f**k the consequences, We Are The Herrenvolk attitude that loaded the gun and put it in Sir Dave's clammy hands.

Personally, I think Murray is chiefly to blame for it all. His ridiculous arrogance has blown up on him and it should be he, even more than Whyte, that the fans are gunning for. There's no doubt however that the fans encouraged it, basked in it and are now displaying a reluctance to pay for it.

For me, Murray and the fans brought out the very worst in each other.

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Aye sure, buying a business with a potential £50mill tax bill on top of the £18mill Lloyds debt for a £1 sounds like a bargain to me, get a grip of yersel

I'd have thought you have enough worries of your own to be getting on with.

Tax case to answer, unpaid wages, transfer embargo was it? smile.gif

Do you think the Police will take it as seriously as Thomson's own complaint's?

They had this to say to the Telegraph at the time: "Strathclyde Police found no evidence to support Thomson's complaint. Frankly, it was laughable".

The subject of the "laugh" was Thomson's complaint against another journo.

As for those Rangers fans, Thomson himself says it's a "tiny minority". I hope the police catch them.

There will need to be proof to 'catch' anyone. Thomson's a known liar. His own complaint to Police was described by them as 'laughable'. He carries as much credibility as his pal Phil Mac Goebbels and the disgraced lawyer.

We'll know very shortly if there's anything of substance in the allegations he presented.

Bendarroch goes offline and immediately BZBear suddenly starts red-dotting posts - how queer!

Never mind reddies, its the greenies :lol: , 5 since 10am that BZbear has greenied.

I thought you only got 3 in a 24 hour period unless you paid a tenner to upgrade your a/c? Surely the Orcs haven't upgraded an alias to 'buy their reputation'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Can Sevco fans be trusted to police themselves?.

Have a couple of league home games played behind closed doors, that would hurt them and give them no alternative.

Cevco are lucky in a way that they're inegible for European competition. The former Rangers I believe are still under a suspended 'behind closed doors' for games after numerous sectariian incidents, the last one being in Holland. The Orcs truly are a despicable bunch ans Scotlan'd shame.

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Never mind reddies, its the greenies :lol: , 5 since 10am that BZbear has greenied.

I thought you only got 3 in a 24 hour period unless you paid a tenner to upgrade your a/c? Surely the Orcs haven't upgraded an alias to 'buy their reputation'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chucky Cheese tells us he bought the mighty Cevco 54 titles off some dodgy suits so anything might be possible wunf!!!!!

I was thinking of buying 55 Jules Rimet subbutteo cups from Amazon myself to outdo Chuckie!

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