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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers should be removed from football sine die. The Rangers name, and anything to do with the Ibrox regime as was, should be stricken from the Game

Anybody who imagines that Rangers, in the last 25 years at least, have added anything to Football is as deluded as the **** who think there is still a Rangers.

Souness and Minty between them destroyed football, wreaked their ego on the football world, and in the process they pandered to the lowest common denominator of ***, greedy supremacist triumphalist drum banging b*****ds who initially sold their 'culture' out for 30 pieces of silver. As long as they were winning, Catholics became honorary proddies unless they were dumplings on the park.

When the 'glory years ended', and Rangers realised not only could they not buy European Glory, but couldn't afford to fire obscene amounts of money at the effort, they made a concious decision to cheat all and sundry to maintain their perceived dominance in the Scottish game.

Having failed at that, and having been caught bang to rights, and closed down, we now have a new and even more sinister generation of 'Rangers', Victims!

Resurrected are all the old prejudices, dry cleaned are the sashes, drums re-skinned and flutes all polished, and knee length wellies on for wading through ****** blood, that I suppose is just about all we could expect, but much more serious, aided and abetted by Green and Whispering Sally they now have revenge and retribution boiling in their blood, and everybody's sitting back and watching it ripening on the terraces.

No good will ever come from letting this mob continue, they are a cancer!

Just my tuppence worth!

What a pile of fucking shite from you.

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So there wasn't anything of truth to it then ?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We can all go down the path about certain events in our relevant clubs. It's a two way street,he keeps going down that road then he opens up every avenue. He brings old prejudices up then fair enough,he's opened the door. I'm only saying what can come about,so don't go crying.

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Rangers should be removed from football sine die. The Rangers name, and anything to do with the Ibrox regime as was, should be stricken from the Game

Nae luck at aw.

It's been a terrible year and more for Rangers supporters, but I'm taking great delight in the frustrations of all who wanted us dead.

Schadenfreude Loyal smile.gif

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Nae luck at aw.

It's been a terrible year and more for Rangers supporters, but I'm taking great delight in the frustrations of all who wanted us dead.

Schadenfreude Loyal smile.gif

Wednesday was really frustrating, right enough! :lol:

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We can all go down the path about certain events in our relevant clubs. It's a two way street,he keeps going down that road then he opens up every avenue. He brings old prejudices up then fair enough,he's opened the door. I'm only saying what can come about,so don't go crying.

Stop twisting what I posted :angry: you just had to twist it to fit your agenda ! I only asked if there was no truth in it ? your reply and what about your club ?

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Hope OrcTV covers these games so I can watch them online. The laugh-o-meter will be off the radar.

Ally is moaning about the injury list at the moment. Wait till January and he'll need help from the experts, the folk that do the assessments for DLA - You can take two steps unaided - you're at it - you're fit - your playing!

So how was the laugh-o-meter for you today?

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Nae luck at aw.

It's been a terrible year and more for Rangers supporters, but I'm taking great delight in the frustrations of all who wanted us dead.

Schadenfreude Loyal smile.gif

Wait a minute - have I got this right?

You support Rangers.

The rest of us don't.

Yet you're the one claiming feelings of schadenfreude?

No, that can't be right.

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delusion (dɪˈluːʒən) — n 1. a mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, belief, etc: he has delusions of grandeur 2. psychiatry illusion See also hallucination a belief held in the face of evidence to the contrary, that is resistant to all reason 3. the act of deluding or state of being deluded


"act of misleading someone," early 15c.; as a form of mental derangement, 1550s. See delude. Technically, delusion is a belief that, though false, has been surrendered to and accepted by the whole mind as a truth; illusion is an impression that, though false, is entertained

A false belief held despite strong evidence against it; self-deception. Delusions are common in some forms of psychosis. Because of his delusions, the literary character Don Quixote attacks a windmill, thinking it is a giant.

delusion de·lu·sion (dĭ-l&oomacr;'zhən)


A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.



public disgrace or loss of reputation, particularly as a consequence of criminal conviction. In early common law, conviction for an infamous crime resulted in disqualification to testify as a witness. The criterion for considering a crime infamous was whether or not it stamped the offender as untrustworthy. The concept was, therefore, at first limited to so-called crimen falsi, originally perjury, but was extended to any crime involving fraud or corruption. Eventually, all felonies came to be treated as infamous. Testimonial incompetency for infamy, however, has been abolished by statute in England and generally in the United States as well.

Here's some more :lol:

Narcissistic personality disorder:

In this disorder, patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality.

Paranoid personality disorder:

People suffering from this condition show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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delusion (dɪˈluːʒən) — n 1. a mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, belief, etc: he has delusions of grandeur 2. psychiatry illusion See also hallucination a belief held in the face of evidence to the contrary, that is resistant to all reason 3. the act of deluding or state of being deluded


"act of misleading someone," early 15c.; as a form of mental derangement, 1550s. See delude. Technically, delusion is a belief that, though false, has been surrendered to and accepted by the whole mind as a truth; illusion is an impression that, though false, is entertained

A false belief held despite strong evidence against it; self-deception. Delusions are common in some forms of psychosis. Because of his delusions, the literary character Don Quixote attacks a windmill, thinking it is a giant.

delusion de·lu·sion (dĭ-l&oomacr;'zhən)


A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness.



public disgrace or loss of reputation, particularly as a consequence of criminal conviction. In early common law, conviction for an infamous crime resulted in disqualification to testify as a witness. The criterion for considering a crime infamous was whether or not it stamped the offender as untrustworthy. The concept was, therefore, at first limited to so-called crimen falsi, originally perjury, but was extended to any crime involving fraud or corruption. Eventually, all felonies came to be treated as infamous. Testimonial incompetency for infamy, however, has been abolished by statute in England and generally in the United States as well.


Oh dear, I wish you hadn't posted this. sad.gif It will give some guilty guys ideas. mad.gif

After Harry Redknapp's successful defence being based on 'I'm real thick milord, so me little brain couldn't have coped with dodgy financial dealings' the Rangers defendants in waiting will be trying to work out what approach to take.

I can see them now claiming they were 'pure mental' during their time running Rangers. And the above post gives them all the official terms they will be starting to tick off.

Needs to be a careful balancing act though. Overstate your case and it could be Carstairs for a few years. wink.gif They may of course ask to be housed in the Blue Wing. biggrin.gif Assuming it is not full. blink.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Narcissistic personality disorder:

In this disorder, patients are craving for admiration, self-importance and show lack of empathy. They cannot stand criticism or losing to someone. These people often exaggerate their talents, achievements and feel superior to others. They feel they are special, and can only be understood by people who are equally talented or unique. They will take advantage of any person or situation till they get what they want. They feel others are envious of them and will themselves show signs of heightened envy. Haughty behavior sprinkled with arrogant attitudes can be a sign of narcissistic personality.

Paranoid personality disorder:

People suffering from this condition show distrust and are suspicious of people around them. These people will suspect every move of others. Everything one says, does or wants, will be suspected as deceiving, harmful or exploiting. They tend to hold grudges and will lose no opportunity to inflict insults, slights and injuries on others. They will suspect and doubt their partners fidelity and will show no trust on them.

That is why they like to just mix with people who share their views.They can then reinforce each other's psychological problems. And they will then believe that behaviour is the norm.

You can call them a sort of Govan Amish.

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