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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Right so norman is trying to defend his use of a generally regarded sectarian word by stooping to whataboutery.

Ok Norman you're the guy who spends his time on here branding every Rangers fan a bigot(1), yet you deem such words ok for yourself to use. Wrong, if you're going to play the game you're playing then you had bloody well better be holier than thou as you will get pulled up for it if you're not. To even compare things like Beggars and Sevco(2) to it is astonishingly thick and highlights your brass neck. Those two words are in no way sectarian and only a complete moron would even try to suggest it.

Again you've called me a bigot yet can't provide any evidence of anything i've ever posted as being bigoted(3), your hypocrisy (name calling then moaning about others name calling)(4) is 2nd to none and yes a liar and a bigot is what you are.

Yet again, Bennett, you fail to show the basic respect. Soooo, from the top:

1. Yes, I have branded every rangers supporter, and every celtic supporter as you well know, as bigoted by association with the "institutions" they choose to follow. You'll get no apology from me on that score.

2. I didn't use those words though, did I Bennett? And you missed out "bead-rattlers" and "plastics" - would you find these non-offensive?

3. a) You follow rangers, therefore see point 1.

3. b) See point two - where are your complaints or "pulling up" the posters who use these words? Offensive is offensive, surely. To single out something I post while ignoring the bigoted comments by others would tend to show your agreement with the sentiments in their posts - or at least an unwillingness to challenge them. So, bigot or coward? Which are you?

4. As I tried (God, how I've tried) to explain - referring to you as disrespectful, a liar and a bigot is not name-calling. It is simple description, using your own statements, actions and inactions as evidence.


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Two points.

Now i've already asked you this and you've failed to answer with deflection and no small amount of whataboutery. Did young Dhensboy say he'd blocked me, yes or no?(1)

You quoted young Dhensboy asking me a question, which is strange for someone who had blocked my type, don't you think?(2)

1. I don't know. Perhaps you could provide proof. Including dates/post numbers of when he blocked and/or unblocked you. You do know he can still see your posts if others quote you, don't you?

2. Did he say he had blocked you permanently? I honestly don't know.

Oh, and (3) - what is it with the blocking/reporting/alias bollox you and your little acolytes bang on about?

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You used it as a part of a phrase Norman, not as smart as you think you are, are you son?

Target of what abuse? No one has ever used that word to describe you, just another lie from a renowned liar.

Did you f**k, you used it because you're a narrow minded hate filled cretin of a bigot.

Try reading getting someone to explain my post to you, Bennett - you really have lost it. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Your location......


Surprising how pretty Bendarroch is when he makes the effort.....laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Norman perhaps you could provide some of the many examples of my bigotry? As for the rest of it, well done in destroying this thread, no bear could have done a better job of it.

So what i've learned tonight is that Sevco, beggers, plastics etc are bigoted words.

If Norman told me that the sky was blue/grass was green, i would look and check first.

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Norman perhaps you could provide some of the many examples of my bigotry? As for the rest of it, well done in destroying this thread, no bear could have done a better job of it.

So what i've learned tonight is that Sevco, beggers, plastics etc are bigoted words.

If Norman told me that the sky was blue/grass was green, i would look and check first.


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You need to get over this. You bullied a young boy for supporting Rangers, his brother came along and gave you a pasting and you fled the country.

Your mates and best man never attended your wedding because of you, no one else - just you - A HATE FILLED BITTER LITTLE MAN.

It's not Rangers or Rangers fans to blame for everything, IT'S YOU AND YOU ALONE.

Have fun now.

See, Bennett, None of the above is strictly true, is it? I'm beginning to think you must come from a long line of seamen. You know, the kind of guy who sees this:


Then tells his mates he's seen this:


I'm sure you can see what I'm saying here. I've used pictures to make it easier for you.

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Norman perhaps you could provide some of the many examples of my bigotry?(1) As for the rest of it, well done in destroying this thread, no bear could have done a better job of it.

So what i've learned tonight is that Sevco, beggers, plastics etc are bigoted words.(2)

If Norman told me that the sky was blue/grass was green, i would look and check first.

1. "My team....." Oh, and that long list of posts, which I'll quote now, where you pull up other posters for using bigoted language:

Yep, I think that's them all.

2. Not the words I quoted, are they, Bennett? With the exception of "plastics", of course. I'm pretty sure if I'd used "beggars", it would have been spelt right - remember those buildings I mentioned?

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Pretty lame deflection attempt Norman, it's all true and i'd advise you to seek help with your inner demons. You can't keep blaming Rangers fans for all of your lfes ills, you have a lot of issues to work out.

Anyway this bickering is getting very petty and i'm as much to blame for it as you are, so lets draw a line under it as it's f**king up the board.

Just got rid of two tickets (freebies) for the county game, they've went to a good home but our game against Peterhead has to take priority.

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I put you on the ignore list Bennett which is what I said I would do ( I have simply responded to you being quoted by someone else)

And by responding/replying to that quote I am not associating with you ...

So Benny the Liar is there anything else that you'd like to add ... any more of your deflective lies !!!

(WRK would you kindly quote the liar when he responds with anymore of his pish on this subject ... he's sounds just like the the other idiot stooge Fivestars)


1. There's your answer on that one, Bennett. So that's DhenBhoy's take on it, and I see no reason to doubt him. I don't do blocking/ignoring, but each to his own.

2. No problem, DhenBhoy. I try always to quote what I'm replying to as fully as possible to make the context as clear as possible. I must confess though, while his wee cheerleaders do their best, their lack of comprehension and debating skills appears to be innate, while I reckon you must have to make a conscious effort to be as stupid as this lad. I mean, to be caught lying once would be a bit of a riddie, but this regularly.......?

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Pretty lame deflection attempt Norman, it's all true and i'd advise you to seek help with your inner demons. You can't keep blaming Rangers fans for all of your lfes ills, you have a lot of issues to work out.

Anyway this bickering is getting very petty and i'm as much to blame for it as you are, so lets draw a line under it as it's f**king up the board.

Just got rid of two tickets (freebies) for the county game, they've went to a good home but our game against Peterhead has to take priority.

So what you're saying, Bennett, is you know my life better than I do? And you reckon it's ME that needs help?laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Bickering? Nah, you're lying and abusing and I'm not letting you get away with it. Stop being such a twat and people might not treat you like one.

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So what you're saying, Bennett, is you know my life better than I do? And you reckon it's ME that needs help?laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Bickering? Nah, you're lying and abusing and I'm not letting you get away with it. Stop being such a twat and people might not treat you like one.

Glad you feel that way norman, i knew you wouldn't take it all personally. Thats what i like about, your ability to have a laugh and not take things too seriously and end up getting all bitter about it.

Chin up.

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Glad you feel that way norman, i knew you wouldn't take it all personally. Thats what i like about, your ability to have a laugh and not take things too seriously and end up getting all bitter about it.

Chin up.

Aye, I've got a terrible sad life - you've no idea how bad it is.

On the other hand, I've not just spent hours (and pages) getting repeatedly and very publicly shown to be a liar and a disrespectful bigot - trying and failing miserably not to get myself a new one ripped by an Internet Bampot. And when I get up in the morning, I won't look back over this evening's activity and realise I have absolutely zero credibility in the one (virtual) place that matters to me. There's always that to console me.

And there's more to come: you still haven't defused the little time bomb left for you earlier - in fact, you've ensured that when it does go off you're going to look even more of a c**t. laugh.gif

Shame Tedi and the crew weren't around to back you up tonight, eh? Maybe too busy watching their big team getting a result in Europe....

whistling.gif"Don't go changin'"whistling.gif

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Saw this posted on another board, a lot of people were critcial of templeton for signing for Rangers but it seems like he may have been right. Iwonder McGowans regretting his decision now?

Scott Moodie ‏@SRMoodie7

cheap laugh at your expense fella, if that's where your happy to play each to their own! Just thought I'd throw it in


14 Oct David Templeton David Templeton ‏@dtempleton89

well better playing 3rd division than not at all which would happen come january at hearts.

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Aye, I've got a terrible sad life - you've no idea how bad it is.

On the other hand, I've not just spent hours (and pages) getting repeatedly and very publicly shown to be a liar and a disrespectful bigot - trying and failing miserably not to get myself a new one ripped by an Internet Bampot. And when I get up in the morning, I won't look back over this evening's activity and realise I have absolutely zero credibility in the one (virtual) place that matters to me. There's always that to console me.

And there's more to come: you still haven't defused the little time bomb left for you earlier - in fact, you've ensured that when it does go off you're going to look even more of a c**t. laugh.gif

Shame Tedi and the crew weren't around to back you up tonight, eh? Maybe too busy watching their big team getting a result in Europe....

whistling.gif"Don't go changin'"whistling.gif

Back me up? It's a forum Norman, i'm afraid you're taking this too seriously again and that is where you always fall down.

Care to show me any posts where i've made a bigoted comment, i've asked you this a few times now?

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Back me up? It's a forum Norman, i'm afraid you're taking this too seriously again and that is where you always fall down.

Care to show me any posts where i've made a bigoted comment, i've asked you this a few times now?

I am not going to trawl through your output, Bennett. As previously stated, your support of rangers, financially and emotionally, is support of a bigoted organisation. You therefore condemn yourself by your affiliation. Would you align yourself with an institution which had ever had a discriminatory policy? Well, Bennett the Defender of the Oppressed wouldn't, but you give money and allegiance to an institution which did exactly that, and continues to tacitly encourage a sectarian attitude to ensure its financial survival.

So, no posts, but a coherent argument. Would you care to respond in kind? You know, by refuting the statements I've made, offering examples where I'm wrong, perhaps even giving examples of how you perceive me to be, in fact, the bigot in this debate?

Or would you like to continue to TELL me what happened in my life?

Or just continue with the basic disrespect and deflection?

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You're not beating me very well with it then, why would round 4 rules trump round 2 rules, cos u say so?

And my newco? Is this the old firm paranoia rearing its head again, if u don't agree with us you must be one of them?

OH DEAR OH DEAR I've done a TEDI again :lol: sorry ribzanelli I thought i was replying to Tedi 5 stars I'm embarrassed to say so have a greeny as an apology :) I was in a hurry to feck off out to watch the game.

Seeded clubs always get the preferential placings in cup competitions and Rangers were seeded better than any other SFL side and would have entered at round 4 if they actually survived bypassing rounds 2 & 3.

Green's Rangers are a brand new entity of a club and why they entered in round 2 ! Green categorically stated when asked to appear at the SPL hearing "Rangers FC never was or has ever been a part of the SPL" and hence the entry in round 2.

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So you accuse someone of being a bigot with no proof whatsover to back it up Norman, yer full of shite son. Though you do have a habit of making unfounded claims, don't you?

I just saw young dhensboys grovelling post on your porfile (poor mouse control on my part), even he calls you Norman and then begs your forgiveness :lol: Stupid roaster that he is.

Now let this go and stop clogging up the boards with your drivel.

Edited by bennett
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