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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ah yes, living within our means .... like Hearts, like Dunfermline, like Dundee (twice in admin), like Motherwell, like Celtic (net loss after taxation of £28.537 million between 2000 and 2010). So Scottish football has a structural problem .... your point?

The rest of your post is just the usual bollox.

There are substantial differences between these clubs and Rangers, though. For example, only one of them has this far had to liquidate and start over as a new club in the third division.

Maybe one of the reasons why Old Rangers died is this inherent tendency of Gers fans to shake their heads at their club's misrule and say things like "Well, Scottish football has structural problems"?

Anyway, I see from the Record that BDO say they're going to aggressively pursue everyone who bilked the dead club out of cash.

I guess somebody has to, since the Rangers fans are far too busy chasing like the Keystone Kops after that dastardly tax case blogger to worry about holding the men who destroyed their club to account.

Edited by flyingrodent
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And it was all going so well. :(

I'd still like to know why no ibrox minded bloggers are examining the situation to the same degree as McConville, Broganlogantrevino,RTC etc.

It would be nice to have an intelligent, alternative view.


Have a word with yourself. :rolleyes:

Has this thread taught you nothing ? :lol:

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I was trying to play nice. It really would be good to have the Ibrox equivalent of those bloggers. Instead it's explayers and Leggo :huh: spouting whataboutery and pish in equal measures.

It seems they're not that interested, all they want to do is sit back, let someone else do all the work & then rubbish/ridicule anyone who reports anything other than the official party line.

Laughable & pathetic in equal measures.

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And it was all going so well. :(

I'd still like to know why no ibrox minded bloggers are examining the situation to the same degree as McConville, Broganlogantrevino,RTC etc.

It would be nice to have an intelligent, alternative view.

I read the most recent Broganlogantrevino effort at length and made a fairly long critique last night. It suffers from the same problem as many on this board. It starts off with an opinion and then cherry picks from the FTT judgement to try to find facts to support the prejudged opinion. McConville seems to suffer from the same problem. RTC has tried to do a vanishing act. Fortunately, and despite their best efforts, the content has been preserved for posterity.

There are plenty of Rangers blogs around. While they don't have the benefit of leaked information from HMRC or other journalistic support, there are some pretty interesting discussions with regard to what is going on at Rangers.

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I read the most recent Broganlogantrevino effort at length and made a fairly long critique last night. It suffers from the same problem as many on this board. It starts off with an opinion and then cherry picks from the FTT judgement to try to find facts to support the prejudged opinion. McConville seems to suffer from the same problem. RTC has tried to do a vanishing act. Fortunately, and despite their best efforts, the content has been preserved for posterity.

There are plenty of Rangers blogs around. While they don't have the benefit of leaked information from HMRC or other journalistic support, there are some pretty interesting discussions with regard to what is going on at Rangers.

serious question. Could you point to one that dissects the FTTT decision and talks about potential ramifications with regards to the SPL inquiry?

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I read the most recent Broganlogantrevino effort at length and made a fairly long critique last night. It suffers from the same problem as many on this board. It starts off with an opinion and then cherry picks from the FTT judgement to try to find facts to support the prejudged opinion. McConville seems to suffer from the same problem. RTC has tried to do a vanishing act. Fortunately, and despite their best efforts, the content has been preserved for posterity.

There are plenty of Rangers blogs around. While they don't have the benefit of leaked information from HMRC or other journalistic support, there are some pretty interesting discussions with regard to what is going on at Rangers.

All this "leaked information" they had, how come none of these bloggers knew it would go in rangers favour then ?

And how come so many (sevco fans) on here claim they knew it would ?, Makes you wonder who actually had the "leaked info".

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