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To show utterly unreliable he will proove to be

After behaving like a complete fud for ages banging on about how independently impartial Nimmo would be and using what he said as a proud signature on your profile ! you now take the position that he is a complete fud himself even though he did not write the SPL commission in the first place ? :lol:


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Funny I do not see any agreeing with you :lol:

The point is that no one is coming to your rescue is there ! and like Dhenboy said no one is disagreeing with me either and I don't expect anyone too either unless they support a certain new club :P so I don't see what your laughing for because the SPL commission has been your downfall a few times and not just by me.

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Who mentioned anything about wikipedias

Yes it has been blindingly obvious this season that all Celtic supporters are glory hunting chunts with no respect or interest for their Scottish opposition, never mind does not stop them adding 10k onto virtually home game, you can wiki the last game vs Arbroath, BBC say exactly 15000 ;) wiki about 5600 :lol: Question is will they still add 10K on if they do actually manage to give away 10000 free tickets?

Oh aye we have a few hundred tickets away to the troops, sticks right in your craw :D

Same club, same obsessed jakeys following every move we make


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Whatever happened to the P&Bers bold predictions of "you'se yins will be lucky tae get 10'000 fans at yer games and everyone else will come and support the Killies and St Mirrens of this world, so they will"?

Any idea why Hearts are getting full houses just now, Bennett?

And assuming you do know why, any idea why Hearts-related threads aren't bulging with Jambos G'ing IRFU everyone else over their capacity crowds?

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Any idea why Hearts are getting full houses just now, Bennett?

And assuming you do know why, any idea why Hearts-related threads aren't bulging with Jambos G'ing IRFU everyone else over their capacity crowds?

I'll take your word for attendances at Tynecastle. I don't recall anyone slating Hearts attendances pre season like they did with ours.

You dish it out --- you take it back.

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'careful now' WRK, as the oirish lads say...

Boro's badge didindeed feature '1986' for a good while - but they have revamped it to feature their original foundation date.


Maybe they bought back their history :o

(I'm surprised the Amigos - and their even more bonkers wannabes - haven't picked up that wee titbit and been triumphantly crowing about it)

The club history hasn't changed though - I have a couple of Boro-supporting pals who were just glad to have a team to follow, albeit anew one. As they have said this summer, when the rangers issue has come up in conversation, "The history's worth f**k all anyway, we're just glad we were able to get a new club out of the ashes."

It's one thing they acknowledge, and a good reason not to wind up Leeds fans on the issue, as Uncle Ken did some nifty footwork and avoided the Big "L". Scarborough fans also admit their club is a new one, and they've been honest enough to rename the club as well.

ETA: Wonder why the Orcs never compare their situation to Darlo's?wink.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I cannot be arsed digging out the posts, oblige me if you want but I know for a fact that I was criticising the impartiality of this kangaroo commission long before Nimmo made that cover yer ass statement and they were his words no matter what pish you come out with

I put it on my signature to bait someone into questioning the validity of that statement, you dodged it for days before finally falling for it, and declaring you thought he was incorrect when he made that statement, thus proving my point about his consistancy, that same consistancy will surely be found wanting at the appeal into any findings or punishments handed out by this kangaroo court

Days? Sure it wan't 108 minutes? Or 118? Aye, you're always trying to bait people like that. Right up until somebody notices you've fucked up again.

Ah, whichever, that really is a five-star excuse, Tedi.

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Who mentioned anything about wikipedias

Yes it has been blindingly obvious this season that all Celtic supporters are glory hunting chunts with no respect or interest for their Scottish opposition, never mind does not stop them adding 10k onto virtually home game, you can wiki the last game vs Arbroath, BBC say exactly 15000 ;) wiki about 5600 :lol: Question is will they still add 10K on if they do actually manage to give away 10000 free tickets?

Oh aye we have a few hundred tickets away to the troops, sticks right in your craw :D

Same club, same obsessed jakeys following every move we make

Me, I mentioned wikis, and the sources quoted, to back up my point.

You giving tickets (to anyone, or the troops though I wasn't referring to them) doesn't stick in my craw at all - I said I had no problem giving away free briefs.

Do you have issues reading? I mean, seriously, do you?

Anyway, yer club's deid.

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Days? Sure it wan't 108 minutes? Or 118? Aye, you're always trying to bait people like that. Right up until somebody notices you've fucked up again.

Ah, whichever, that really is a five-star excuse, Tedi.

Don't worry Norman no one will ever take your title as master baiter away from you.

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I cannot be arsed digging out the posts, oblige me if you want but I know for a fact that I was criticising the impartiality of this kangaroo commission long before Nimmo made that cover yer ass statement and they were his words no matter what pish you come out with

I put it on my signature to bait someone into questioning the validity of that statement, you dodged it for days before finally falling for it, and declaring you thought he was incorrect when he made that statement, thus proving my point about his consistancy, that same consistancy will surely be found wanting at the appeal into any findings or punishments handed out by this kangaroo court

AW FFS TEDI ! you have completely won fud of the month with that post you put up :wacko:

If I were you I'd just close my account on P&B and forget it ever existed because that post will be your undoing.

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I'll take your word for attendances at Tynecastle. I don't recall anyone slating Hearts attendances pre season like they did with ours.

You dish it out --- you take it back.

I don't remember taking guesses at your attendances this year, but it's not like it's impossible - I'm not shy of the odd rash and wrong prediction here and there.

I just think it's a bit odd that nobody ever responds to these "we've got millions of fans WATP" posts by pointing out that the main reason you get them is - your club came within a bawhair of never kicking a ball again and you know you all *have* to go, if you're going to make it back to anything like your former status.

I think it's an admirable performance by your fans so far, and I salute them for it. Like I say though, we all know what's going on there, and it isn't IanBlackMania, is it?

Edited by flyingrodent
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Just like your wee jakey fellow fan, lost for words and resorting to your silly wee gifs...pleasing

^^^^^^ doesn't know what a 'gif' is........ even more pleasing :)

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Just like your wee jakey fellow fan, lost for words and resorting to your silly wee gifs...pleasing

You do know that's not a GIF, don't you Tedi? Why not just call it a picture?

See, if you go copying things you see on the Internet without understanding them, you risk looking like a tit......wink.gif

At least you're consistant. laugh.gif

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Now tell me where it says that statement was written by the SPL, nobody is defending you because they know you are being a fanny, Nimmo wrote the report and is (supposedly) independant of the SPL


Lord Nimmo Smith defends impartiality of panel looking into Rangers alleged use of EBTs

Lord Nimmo Smith, the Scottish High Court judge in charge of the independent investigation set up by the SPL to look into the charge that Rangers may have failed to disclose Employee Benefit Trust payments to players from 2001-11 – in breach of the rules – has issued a strongly worded defence of the impartiality of his panel, which also includes two QCs, Nicholas Stewart and Charles Flint.


The statement says: "In most cases, it would not be necessary to discuss this topic, but in the circumstances of the present case we think it appropriate to do so.

"It is fundamental to the constitution of a body with investigatory and disciplinary powers, such as the present Commission, that it must act independently of the person or body appointing it.

"We must of course operate within the terms of our remit, and apply any rules which are applicable, but in reaching our final determination of the Issues, and in making any incidental decisions, we shall exercise our own judgement, on the basis of the evidence which is adduced, in accordance with the principles of natural justice, and unfettered by the influence of the Board or of anyone else.

"None of us would have accepted his appointment on any other basis. We have the use of SPL premises and are assisted by SPL staff, but this is because we have given instructions to that effect; the members of staff, in particular, act under our instructions."

In another section of his statement, Nimmo Smith buttressed his argument by use of legal precedent:

You seriously don't have a fucking clue then do you and are desperately trying to vindicate yourself by resorting to name calling :lol: now point out in that post you put up where it says Lord Nimmo wrote it and also do you know what disciplinary powers Lord Nimmo will impose ? law of the land or laws according to the SPL associations rules ? all I see is Nimmo banging on about being impartial without prejudice.

Now I've explained to you before that the SPL gave Nimmo a document that they feel is the correct course BUT ! sadly for the SPL Nimmo will use the associations rules to the letter and will publicly state Rangers FC the club died on 14th of June this year.Nimmo will independently rule upon what the SPL feel is the correct course of action and why they the SPL have asked Nimmo to chair their commission without prejudice or or impartiality.

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You have to hand it to Tedi he certainly is consistent.

Tedi has lost the ball here and is losing the plot by the post.I'll bet he has fell out with his imaginary hoops girlfriend or has been on the sauce all day :lol:

TEDI ! GIFUY and there's a GIF in that buddy :)

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You do know that's not a GIF, don't you Tedi? Why not just call it a picture?

See, if you go copying things you see on the Internet without understanding them, you risk looking like a tit......wink.gif

And see if you try and come across as a graphics expert? You passed risking looking like a tit, and managed to do so with considerable success.

Is this picture of your bellends a GIF or just 'a picture'?



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