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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You tell me. Its your "club" that is dying while you stand by and deny its existence. 8)

I don't seem to have the knowledge or experience in all things legal , like the majority of thread posters seem to have . So can you lay it out for me ?

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Back to the continuation subject...

I'm a shareholder in St. Mirren FC Ltd.

St. Mirren FC Ltd is not the holding company for a club. No club exists. There are no club members, no articles of association, no committee members. It is just a company.

Clubs do not exist in Scottish football. They are companies. They used to be clubs many years ago but incorporated and became companies. The word "club" lives on the titles of the companies and because everyone refers to these companies as "clubs".

Sevco fans need to recognise that their "club" is now in liquidation and no longer plays football.

Better tell, the SFA, SPL, SFL - and basically the whole world. :D

Your use of a narrow definition of club is ludicrous.

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For there's not a company like the Glasgow Rangers, no not one and there never shall be one :lol:

I don't think that song will cacth on Cap.

It will catch on better than the one the nugget started a thread in Gen Non today would :D


Edited by wunfellaff
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Clubs do not exist in Scottish football. They are companies. They used to be clubs many years ago but incorporated and became companies. The word "club" lives on the titles of the companies and because everyone refers to these companies as "clubs".

I'm pretty sure Queen's Park remain a club.

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Better tell, the SFA, SPL, SFL - and basically the whole world. :D

I'll let you into a little secret. Theses organisations already know that "clubs" don't exist.

Your use of a narrow definition of club is ludicrous.

Its your mythical definition of a club that is ludicrous! :lol:

C'mon, tell us your definition of a club...

Go on, are you a member of this club?


My "definition" of a "club" is actually very wide. A "club" is in fact the term commonly used by football fans to describe a company whose primary business is professional football.

A your club is now in liquidation! :lol:

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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the vicious wee c**t Bencarroch's continual bigoted outrage

The hate-filled WKR returns exactly as expected. Only one day left for someone - anyone - to out you from your position as P&B's resident mentalist of the year. Bhairn's threw the towel in ages ago, Dhensebhore's too fucking thick and no one else seems to care to even try.


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I don't honestly think there's a great deal of difference between how the two bodies handled the situation. Obviously, the SFL admitted the Newco, where the SPL didn't, but the fact that the SFL had 3 divisions they could be placed in rather than just 1, helped with that. In both cases, fan opinion had a big impact - I think it's a total myth that only SPL fans applied any pressure to their clubs. At QOS for example, the director's blog on the OS was bombarded with messages imploring the board to vote against placing the Newco in SFL1. The fact that our board shamefully voted as they did, led to real rancour and ill-feeling that's not gone away, despite our great season on the pitch.

Another difference is that the SFL is led by the more conciliatory figure of Longmuir, rather than the disgrace that is Doncaster. This is largely cosmetic however, as Longmuir was completely on board with reprehensible plan to pop the Newco in SFL1 for a year.

I've said before that this notion of 'SPL-bad ; SFL-good' is really just another piece of Green nonsense. It doesn't bear a lot of scrutiny, but Rangers fans seem happy to run with it.

Tedi, the above is my answer to your question yesterday about comparing how the SFL and the SPL handled matters.

What's your view? As far as I'm aware, you think the approaches of the two bodies were more different than I do. But given that it was your question, what's your own answer?

By the way, don't ever make me quote myself again - I feel dirty. I'm now only one short step from referring to myself in the third person.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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So you agree that no one supports a club?

There is no 'clubs' in this sense, they are, as said already..... ''******club Ltd''. Your team (footballwise) is employed by a Company, when that Company died, so did your team.

If same club/company, there would have been a 15 point deduction at start of this season :)

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There is no 'clubs' in this sense, they are, as said already..... ''******club Ltd''. Your team (footballwise) is employed by a Company, when that Company died, so did your team.

If same club/company, there would have been a 15 point deduction at start of this season :)

Same club, different company. :)

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The team? Again, a different thing from the club. :)

Is it? I can name 'members' of your team and your 'company' but I cannot name 1 member of your club. :) x 2

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I will start off by saying the outcome was IMO correct. let me put it in bold ;)

I think you give a good account but not one I totally agree with.

The SPL did not make any real attempt to stop the SPL clubs bending to fan power, I could name at least 5 SPL chairman that would have voted the other way but changed tact, this shows weakness in (1) the SPL and (2) the SPL chairman.

I think the SFL allowed the clubs to stay more anonymous in their descision making process which worked well, the SFL chairmen came to the correct descision.

Not in my opinion they didn't, Like i and many others have said before, there should never have been any votes in the first place, the SFA could have stopped this whole farce before it started by telling newco to apply for the vacant slot along with anyone else who was interested, the fact they didn't and left it up to everyone else just proves they're incompetant & not fit to run the game.

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