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alex thomson @alextomo 2h

HMRC just emailed. For clarity their leave to appeal on R tax case has been granted. Appeal has been lodged.

Figgy @FiggyBlue1872 1h

@alextomo so why would they tell u?-an other HMRC illegal leak?

alex thomson @alextomo

@FiggyBlue1872 it's called a press office.

Imagine, a press office responding to a journalist's inquiry! Surely no more evidence of conspiracy is needed?

Poor Alex Thomson. The lad's spent half the year dodging artillery shells in Syria and the other half trying to explain the basics of media relations and civil law to seething Sevconians.

Given the choice, I'd probably prefer a relaxing fortnight in Aleppo myself.

I enjoyed the Rangers who claimed he worked for HMRC, saying Thomson is a "bare face liar" as they do not email junro.

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I enjoyed the Rangers who claimed he worked for HMRC, saying Thomson is a "bare face liar" as they do not email junro.

I'm not reprinting that stuff here - it'd get you banned - but the RM crowd have immediately worked out who's behind this appeal.

Well, not "who" is behind it, exactly, but they certainly have serious suspicions about their religious affiliation.

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I'm not reprinting that stuff here - it'd get you banned - but the RM crowd have immediately worked out who's behind this appeal.

Well, not "who" is behind it, exactly, but they certainly have serious suspicions about their religious affiliation.

Peter Lawwell or Harper McLeod?

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I'm not reprinting that stuff here - it'd get you banned - but the RM crowd have immediately worked out who's behind this appeal.

Well, not "who" is behind it, exactly, but they certainly have serious suspicions about their religious affiliation.

It's Wisbit isn't it?


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Our wage bill gets bigger everytime i log on here :lol: Give it another week and it'll be over £8 million 8)

So what have i missed.... Hellboy dishing it out insults after being out foxed time and time again.

Norman trying to be pompus but failing ...

The Jakey with yet another account.

Flying Rodent, his wife is a lawyer so no can dispute his posts and if they do then they're pure bigoted n aw rat.

Dave trying to be noticed .... Hiya Dave 8)

When Green was on talksport Benny he said that the wage bill was just below £7 million so stop being a fanny about things by posting shite and deflecting it as rubbish and do some research first to debunk it as tic nonsense.

And I didn't dish out insults to Tedi I stated the obvious to him :) he is a thick fud :angel

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When Green was on talksport Benny he said that the wage bill was just below £7 million so stop being a fanny about things by posting shite and deflecting it as rubbish and do some research first to debunk it as tic nonsense.

And I didn't dish out insults to Tedi I stated the obvious to him :) he is a thick fud :angel

To be fair, Green has said a lot of things that have turned out not to be true.

I'm still waiting to hear about this Adidas deal.

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Yip, HMRC are obvious bigots. How could we not be so blind to see that!

Of course it's for reasons outwith football! I don't think HMRC care about the performance of any club on the pitch as long as they are paying the correct tax!

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Leggo uncorks, then unleashes

Monday, 4 February 2013
IF Ross Blyth, the vice president Rangers Supporters Assembly, did not already know it takes a long spoon to sup with the Devil, he kens noo.

And the reason for Ross Blyth’s increased knowledge is that he allowed himself to be interviewed by Odious Creep for his £500-a-pop Big Interview in the Herald, a once great national newspaper, now reduced to the ranks of being no more than a wee local rag since Creep’s pernicious presence re-appeared in its poorly ready pages.

Or at least, judging by the amount of quotes from Ross Blyth in the Herald on Saturday about the Rangers boycott of the Scottish Cup tie against Dundee United at Tannadice, we must assume that Blyth gave his consent to be interviewed and Odious Creep did not perform some sort of misrepresentation.

However, one thing we do know is that by talking to Odious Creep in his position as vice president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly – an organisation which officially endorsed the official boycott - Ross Blyth gave himself and his views and decisions up as a hostage to fortune.

That much became obvious as Saturday unfolded. In the morning, when Ross Blyth became the subject of what was initially meant to be a Big Interview conducted by Creep every week, the Rangers Supporters Assembly vice president, as you would expect such a senior officer to, made it clear that he would be joining the boycott, which had been officially endorsed by the Assembly.

He spoke at some length about his feelings on the subject, commenting that missing the game would break his heart as he had not missed a Rangers match, competitive, friendly, summer tour or winter tour, for decades. That is what Odious Creep quoted Ross Blyth as saying.

It would have melted a heart of stone and brought a tear to a glass eye.

But wait! Who was that spotted at Tannadice? Heading into the ground? And into a stand which put him among the Dundee United supporters too. Why, according to my spies, none other than the bold Ross Blyth. Now, whether he stuck to the boycott or not, was a matter of personal choice and conscience for Ross Blyth as an individual.

But as the vice president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly he gave up that personal choice. As an office bearer in the Rangers Supporters Assembly, which officially endorsed the boycott, Ross Blyth had a moral duty to adhere to the boycott. That he did not, makes his position as vice president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly untenable. Morally!

However, there is another aspect to this whole sad, sorry and sordid affair. Perhaps Ross Blyth made his intention to go against their decision known to the Assembly.

And, suppose, for instance, Ross Blyth believes he has been misquoted by Odious Creep. Or perhaps he believes Odious Creep misrepresented himself, then Blyth has recourse. He can, initially contact the Herald’s head honcho, Tim Blott, and complain. And if he is not satisfied with Blott’s response, Ross Blyth can report Odious Creep and the Herald to the Press Complaints Commission, an organisation which I believe was on more than mere nodding terms with Odious Creep during his short and ill fated spell as the Times of London’s district man in Scotland.

Failure by Ross Blyth to approach either Tim Blott or the Press Complaints Commisssion will merely serve to endorse Odious Creep. Such a failure would also serve to expose Ross Blyth’s stupidity in giving Odious Creep the time of day.

I was alerted last midweek that Odious Creep had been attempting to contact various Rangers supporters organisations in order to, as they believed, cause some sort of division ahead of the Tannadice boycott. The word went out that it would be better for all not to talk to him.

Ross Blyth obviously believed he was above this fray, just as he believes that even as vice president he is aloof from any decision taken by the Rangers Assembly. For Blyth indulged Odious Creep, a man who is a continuing threat to Rangers and who the Herald have re-employed, in the view of many, in order to attack Rangers and their supporters as bitterly and often as possible.

By speaking to Odious Creep, Ross Blyth has collaborated with a major enemy of Rangers. I hope he is proud of himself.

Incidentally, it is now a month since anyone from the Herald, other than Odious Creep, has appeared on BBC Radio Scotland’s Saturday tea time programme. In the past, Michael Grant and Hugh McDonald were regulars. But Creep, as well as pocketing £500-a-pop for his pisspoor efforts in the struggling Saturday edition of the Herald, money which the hard up Herald can ill afford, is now freezing out Michael Grant and Hugh McDonald from a nice little earner from BBC Scotland. I can add, there is mounting anger and resentment at all of this on the Herald editorial floor, where morale, like circulation, is at an all time low.

Just like the standard of Odious Creep’s pisspoor column.

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From appeal to FTT and now to the UTT ! I don't think Rangers will get away with this at all,and the HMRC are hell bent on making an example of the biggest offender of abusing the EBT system completely.There is no way Murray can fight this all the way to the supreme court and may cost him a Kings ransom.

There won't be a majority vote at the supreme court either as it will be the judge who will give the final say.

Have Rangers made P&B's big thread about their corrupt dodging dealings in the future the worlds largest ongoing thread with the most posts on a single subject matter ? :lol:

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apparently this Ross wasn't at the game, some doubters over Leggo (shock)

^_^ even better Rico..... (it still cracks me up that Rico is the Yankee anti racketeering Act, so so apt)

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By speaking to Odious Creep, Ross Blyth has collaborated with a major enemy of Rangers. I hope he is proud of himself.

:lol: We are talking about a football club & company here, not some militant organisation

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To be fair, Green has said a lot of things that have turned out not to be true.

I'm still waiting to hear about this Adidas deal.

Yes Green has spoke a lot of shite but he does on the odd ocassion blab some truths and the wage bill will be in the accounts so why bother to lie ? at the start of the season he did say around six million and now says just under seven million but the final bill with players bonuses could top well over seven million.

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:lol: We are talking about a football club & company here, not some militant organisation

The stupid cnuts can't even see that they are their own worst enemy FFS :lol: but they do need enemies to place the blame on when things go pear shaped these days.

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