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If you cannot see how trying to expose someone`s real identity on an internet forum is a pretty disgusting and scummy thing to do then I think you are beyond help.

Mibbes be a bit more proactive re: ZombieMedia and FF then, Tedi. Nobody's threatening harm to life, limb or windaes on here that I can see.

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Lets be quite clear. It is not just the Jungle Jims who think that you were found guilty of cheating but due to a totally ineffectual and suspiciously partial set of governing bodies you got away with it. Guilty but that's ok. You broke the rules but there is nothing in the rules that say breaking them is bad? Nothing in the rules that says by not registering players properly that makes them improperly registered. f**k off.

To quote Timmy Thomspon of channel 4 news, the most impartial observer in all of this, with an unimpeachable track record in international journalism, "if an alien came down from another planet and looked at the rangers tribunal verdict, he would say £47million does not equate to a sporting advantage, you are having a laugh."

This whole sorry saga has been so damaging to Scottish football and the inability to punish a club caught red handed doing the dirty has made a mockery of our game and piled shame upon shame. Anyone looking from the outside into this would correctly assume that we are a backwater footballing nation with finances like Greece and governance more questionable than Italian politics. I hope you are fucking proud of yourselves.

Last week you were telling ua that no could question the integrity of the hearing and that everyone should accept the verdict no matter what.

Just accept it and move on Dolly.

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Mibbes be a bit more proactive re: ZombieMedia and FF then, Tedi. Nobody's threatening harm to life, limb or windaes on here that I can see.

More double standards from the 'Killie' hypocrite. Edited by bennett
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More double standards from the 'Killie' hypocrite.


Are you trying to tell me it's fine to publish personal details on the Net in order to put someone's health and/or safety at risk? Because it's really not, you know.

If you can give some examples of anywhere I've condoned this type of action, go ahead. Otherwise, f**k off with your lying nonsense.

If you can't muster a decent post without slandering somebody (anybody), you might want to find a more productive use of your time. Like, maybe, reading the document published last week that declares your lot guilty.

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Well yer yery own Mr Kheevins said that you could not meet a nicer man than Campbell Ogilvie.

Regan is just a useless arshole tho.

I don't know why you're bad mouthing Regan. Since he bent over backwards more than anyone else to help you. I can see how Doomcaster will be able to continue, but how Regan handled the Levein sacking was the straw that broke the camels back for me. At least now we know that Sandy Bryson was the one that orcastrated the lie to Nimmo to help the old Rangers keep their tainted titles.

Clearly you need to educate yourself in the meaning of the word bigot fatty. :)

I assume in your world hating Celtic = Bigot

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Another lie, Bennett. You're nothing if not consistent.

At the risk of repeating myself - thinking that you are a sly, mendacious, abusive wee c**t does not make me homophobic. No more than thinking that Margaret Thatcher is the embodiment of Evil makes one a misogynist.

But, you are homophobic, aren't you. Those nasty little tirades about the exclusion of gay people from your idealised fantasies of what family life should constitute - and how empty life must be if you don't conform - told us a lot about the poison you are happy to bring to the table.

I'm impressed at the degree of tolerance that Bennet is prepared to offer you.

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Are you trying to tell me it's fine to publish personal details on the Net in order to put someone's health and/or safety at risk? Because it's really not, you know.

If you can give some examples of anywhere I've condoned this type of action, go ahead. Otherwise, f**k off with your lying nonsense.

If you can't muster a decent post without slandering somebody (anybody), you might want to find a more productive use of your time. Like, maybe, reading the document published last week that declares your lot guilty.

Admin error Norman, nothing more:lol:

Officially not cheats, you gotta love Billy Nimmo smith:)

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  • Of, like, or appropriate to a child.
  • Silly and immature.


infantile - babyish - puerile - childlike - boyish

That's you been educated for today. :lol:;)

My sides are hurting AWFA,please stop making a clown of yourself...... oh wait :)
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Couldn't agree more.

It shows you the mentality of certain people on here. They think it's funny to have a go at the Catholic religion because they use prayer beads. If that is the case then they are also offending a few other religions as well:

"Prayer beads are used by members of various religious traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Anglicanism, Islam, Sikhism and Bahá'í Faith to count the repetitions of prayers, chants or devotions, such as the rosary of Virgin Mary in Christianity and dhikr (remembrance of God) in Islam."

You will notice that the above list also includes Anglicanism. I wonder who the head of that church is?

So, AWRA give it a rest ffs. Unless you actually are a fan of getting your piles rip apart by your wife/girlfriend/partner (delete as appropriate) using sex toys.

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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Couldn't agree more.

It shows you the mentality of certain of some people on here. They think it's funny to have a go at the Catholic religion because they use prayer beads. If that is the case then they are also offending a few other religions as well:

"Prayer beads are used by members of various religious traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Anglicanism, Islam, Sikhism and Bahá'í Faith to count the repetitions of prayers, chants or devotions, such as the rosary of Virgin Mary in Christianity and dhikr (remembrance of God) in Islam."

You will notice that the above list also includes Anglicanism. I wonder who the head of that church is?

So, AWRA give it a rest ffs. Unless you actually are a fan of getting your piles rip apart by your wife/girlfriend/partner (delete as appropriate) using sex toys.

^^ A big fan of the beads.

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To quote Timmy Thomspon of channel 4 news, the most impartial observer in all of this, with an unimpeachable track record in international journalism,

The guy that the polis laughed at? Unimpeachable you say? The guy who lied about Duff and Phelps on TV? Unimpeachable?

But, let me congratulate you on those spectacular drama-queen comments on Greece and Italy. You sound like the sort who might describe spilt milk as 'a fucking disastrous sequence of events culminating in the gravest danger to all present'.

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I don't know why you're bad mouthing Regan. Since he bent over backwards more than anyone else to help you. I can see how Doomcaster will be able to continue, but how Regan handled the Levein sacking was the straw that broke the camels back for me. At least now we know that Sandy Bryson was the one that orcastrated the lie to Nimmo to help the old Rangers keep their tainted titles.

I assume in your world hating Celtic = Bigot

No, he was replying to the guy that called me a "beadrattler"

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