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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Does anybody listen to Leggat? He is a sad bitter little man..Fortunately Rangers supporters see through him..well those that don't take Follow Follow too seriously can.

If only the same could be said for the Ps & Ds who listened to the RTC blogger..the corrupt Lawyer (did the miners ever get their money) and the failed social worker.

C'mon. Leggo has been the only bright spot in this whole fiasco.

To think that someone like him is sitting somewhere pounding his keyboard thinking that everybody is hanging on his every word is astounding.

As for Phil Macwhatsisname (I have yet to read anything he has spewed forth), from what I can gather he's just as bad.

The really sad thing is some people do believe them! :blink:

But I do like Leggo. :thumsup2

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whats that ?

a saudi wants to buy the rangers ? mega millions warchest ?

put the peepol back in the Super Rich Premier League and buy them Messi and Ronaldo ??

Ibrox to be owned by a rangers man again.

sorry, was trying out my headlines for a job at the daily ranger off of little to no info at all.

I'll try and find the link to where Messi and Iniesta were both offered trials at Oldco,it was posted on another forum,meanwhile.........

St Mirrgers.

St Mirren Board Statement 27th March 2012


It has come to the attention of the Board of Directors of St Mirren Football Club Limited that a meeting took place in our Boardroom in November 2011. This meeting was attended by Mr Ken McGeoch, Mr Paul Davies and Mr Gary Withey, Company Secretary of Rangers Football Club Limited. +

During the meeting Mr Withey had sight of and inspected commercially sensitive documents of St Mirren Football Club. At one point during the meeting the Clubs General Manager was brought into the meeting and asked various questions including whether or not the Club used Employee Benefit Trusts (E.B.T.s).

As a Director of the Company, Mr McGeoch had every right to inspect such documents. The Board, however, consider that his decision to show these documents to an Office Holder of another SPL club is a serious breach of trust and an error of judgement.

In light of the information available to the Board, they have asked Mr McGeoch to resign his position as a Director of the Company with immediate effect. Should he fail to do so within the next 48 hours, we regret the Company shall be forced to call, at the Clubs expense, an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to consider this matter further.

+ The selling consortium of St Mirren directors were not informed of Mr Withey or Collyer Bristows involvement with Mr McGeoch until January 2012, at which point it had concerns over the involvement of Mr Withey.


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whats that ?

a saudi wants to buy the rangers ? mega millions warchest ?

put the peepol back in the Super Rich Premier League and buy them Messi and Ronaldo ??

Ibrox to be owned by a rangers man again.

sorry, was trying out my headlines for a job at the daily ranger off of little to no info at all.

:o MESSI at Ibrox ? and here was me thinking things were MESSY at Ibrox ! :blink:

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Was the 5 way agreement ever published?

Let me try to remember them Liam.

1, Take the transfer embargo up the arse without lube ! done.

2, Take footballing related debts up the arse without lube ! done.

3, Take any possible sanctions for the wrong doing of the oldco from the LNS up the arse without lube ! done but not implemented.

4, ?

5, ?

Maybe others could fill in 4&5 because I can't think what the other 2 could be at the moment and finding any document with them could be a minefield !.

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My very first post on this thread..i stated that Rangers should be in SFL 3 because if i knew Whyte hadn't been paying the bills the rest of the board must have known..Oh aye and this was before it came out that Whyte hadn't been paying the PAYE

? your very first post on the big thread No8 :whistle

Why would they release first teamers? They will hold on to them until the transfer window and sell them...the way they are playing though they might not get very much right enough. The only 1 i see who it would make sense to release is Papac as he is going in the summer and we have adequate cover for that position

It would appear that you thought you'd be still watching Rangers the PLC in the SPL at this point !.And how much did you get from the free transfers again ?

And this is from Youngsy back in the day :lol:

I think after listening to the administrators that the threat of liquidation is unlikely to happen. Also there is a lot of interest from outside the club for investment. So having the choice of your unqualified opinion or the qualified opinion of the administrator to take into account i think i'll go with the latter.

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Was the 5 way agreement not more about the parties involved?

Oldco (D&P), Newco, SPL, SFA, SFL

The conditions negotiated in return of Transfer of membership were;

Transfer of SPL share to Dundee

Media Rights to Rangers games

160k Fine

Football Debts

Transfer Ban

Acceptance that the tribunal could go ahead but with right of appeal for both parties.

The main sticking points were TV deal and the SPL wanting title stripping before the verdict without any appeal.

FFS :o you are right enough there Tedi ! I need to go and have a lie down with the shock :lol:

The “Holy Grail” of Scottish football is, for now anyway, the famous 5-way Agreement. This notorious document was agreed between the Scottish Premier League, Scottish Football Association, Scottish Football League, RFC 2012 PLC (in liquidation) and Rangers Football Club Ltd. Like the Holy Grail, it has been much spoken of, but never seen, except by a select few.

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Sold Davis and Edu but did the SPL not take that money? Anyway that would have been over a million for the 2

Edit to add...Wow... you actually trolled through this thread to find that? Unbelievable...Way too much time on your hand

Edited by No8.
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Sold Davis and Edu but did the SPL not take that money? Anyway that would have been over a million for the 2

Edit to add...Wow... you actually trolled through this thread to find that? Unbelievable...Way too much time on your hand

I don't mean this in a bad way but Whyte should have sold off the highest earners before the end of the transfer window in January to actually pay what he owed the HMRC and you'd still be the very same PLC in the SPL this season seeing as you got off scot free with the FTT..

eta ; it was only a few pages into the big thread :)

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I don't mean this in a bad way but Whyte should have sold off the highest earners before the end of the transfer window in January to actually pay what he owed the HMRC and you'd still be the very same PLC in the SPL this season seeing as you got off scot free with the FTT..

eta ; it was only a few pages into the big thread :)

Are you f**king retarded?

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Was the 5 way agreement not more about the parties involved?

Oldco (D&P), Newco, SPL, SFA, SFL

The conditions negotiated in return of Transfer of membership were;

Transfer of SPL share to Dundee

Media Rights to Rangers games

160k Fine

Football Debts

Transfer Ban

Acceptance that the tribunal could go ahead but with right of appeal for both parties.

The main sticking points were TV deal and the SPL wanting title stripping before the verdict without any appeal.

Which Newco were they dealing with, I presume Sevco Scotland by the time everything was agreed?

Is it possible Sevco 5088 were involved with discussions before changing to Sevco Scotland?

Also, how do you (and other Rangers fans I've spoken to) know the bolded part is true?

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Soared :unsure: by 50p from close yesterday. See somebody dumped 50,000 shares last thing yesterday! :wacko:

.5 p not 50 p , and the 100,000 dumped yesterday were bought back at a far higher price today...

The day traders making cash outa crashing " behomoth "..

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Would you like a little wager Celtic will sell more than 30k season tickets, Just like this season.

How can you be sure Celtic won't replace players like for like, we have an excellent scouting system, it's now geared up to buy young and cheap and move on for a good profit.

Didn't Lieswell claim that Celtic weren't a selling club?

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Are you f**king retarded?

:angry: I would have had given you the rep that pile of pish deserved Benny.


Surprisingly enough Benny even though you suffer from extreme WUMMERY and ASSBUGGERERS SYNDROME if Whyte had actually done what was necessary when he first took over and sold off the highest earners that were previously receiving EBT's instead of renegotiating their contracts giving them the same take home wages from the previous season and increasing the wage budget at Ibrokes in the process ! you'd be complaining about getting pumped rotten in the SPL but you'd still have Rangers PLC and none of this newco pish you've been getting uncomfortably rammed up your arse because the FTT went in Rangers favour.

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