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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hi ken, just noticed that Aiberdeens releasing 11 players, plus Stephen Hughes and Jordan Brown have been told to find new clubs despite being under contract.




Booming :)

Or a club could refuse to cut costs and die like your lot :)

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I see the uber buns are starting to take cautious note of the Scottish football monitor and the alleged emails linking The Hero and minty....

If shoiteheads like doc stone aren't deleting threads, they must be shitting themselves.

With all due respect Doc, as much as the RTC was introduced and ran by a huge clique of Rangers haters - they released a ton of accurate information in relation to the past 36 months.

We ignored a lot of it at the start, rubbished it as nonsense and a lot of it was accurate - albeit hate fueled and agenda driven - but accurate nonetheless.

If we've learned anything from the recent hardship, it has to be to not just automatically assume anything negative is nonsense just because it's publicised by someone who is not a friend of our club.

This absolutely needed to be posted here and discussed. Without a shadow of a doubt.

Ace, that's the reason I am leaving the thread open, but I do want to make it clear to people just where this has come from and the history of the source. Then people can make up their own minds as to the validity of the email.

As for the RTC, well, it was ultimately found to be completely and utterly wrong, and based upon the fanciful wishes of those who wished to see us cease to be.

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Who is the source of the 'heads up' from within the SFA? (name please)

If this is indeed a genuine accusation and not just an anonymous attempt to discredit the SFA, then it is important this person is flushed out. How can they possibly do the job they are expected to do, when they are spredaing tittle tattle about Rangers board members. And where are they getting it from?

The SFA should immediately be holding an enquiry to confirm or deny this statement by the unnamed source within Rangers. If confirmed then the SFA individual must walk,

If the statement is denied, then find and sue the source and the Sun. If a SFA individual is not confirmed and walks then no one in the SFA can be trusted. :(

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clearing the way to refresh the squad. Every club does it. Ship out the shite.







with AFC's recent track record, we'll ship in some different shite, I suppose.

admittedly we are nae 'booming' - but we are nae 'bust'

how does that feel again? You having experienced it and all that.

We shall see, i've a sneaky wee feeling most of those players won't be replaced.

Worrying times for ra sheep?

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We shall see, i've a sneaky wee feeling most of those players won't be replaced.

Worrying times for ra sheep?

What's the worst that could happen ?

Get relegated and go head to head with a mccoist managed club ?

Lolololololololol, breath, lololollololololololllllllll.

Ps bennett, what's you views now on TSFM after you Lords and Lodge Masters saying youz bears should at least look at the site ?

Next it will be the provo lawyer that has a fair point.......

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So? Have you got a point?

A bit off topic regarding Administration / Liquidation, eh?

That was his point you moron. :1eye

This thread is about the financial irregularities inherent in RFC and Sevco, not next week's line up FFS.

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Aye but he takes his lead from the swamp, and if uber coont admin are saying "well......they have been proven right more than us, have a look".....

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Aberdeen releasing high earners in order to cut costs.

Prudent behaviour that Fans of other financially stricken teams such as Sevco should be supporting.

Oh and Aberdeen's avg attendance is up this season. Armageddon and all that shite.

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BOMBSHELL documents show how outraged Rangers directors accused chairman Malcolm Murray of spilling sensitive information on the club.


It would appear that the smear campaign to force Malcolm Murray out the door continues apace. What is particularly fascinating is that he is accused of ‘leaking’ by someone presumably very close to the Rangers International Board who has leaked the board minutes. A leaker leaked on the alleged leaker so to speak icon_smile.gif?m=1129645325g

But the real bombshell in the leaked minute is the involvement of the SFA in the private affairs of one of its member clubs. The Rangers board minute stated: ‘The SFA mentioned to the acting chief executive (Craig Mather) that the Rangers board situation needed addressing as the SFA understood information was leaking from the chairman’.

So how did the SFA get this info and who at the SFA authorised that it should be leaked to Craig Mather who isn’t on the Rangers Board and isn’t even a permanent members of Rangers staff as far as I am aware.

I thought Mather was meant to be a high-powered and experienced businessman and he might well be but he has displayed a certain naivety IMO in allowing confidential information, allegedly imparted to him by the SFA, to be minuted in Rangers International board minutes especially as the board in question is a laughing stock over the amount of leaks it has.

However Mather is not really of any importance and he might not even survive this gaffe. The real questions here surround the SFA and what they were up. Who gave them the info? Who spoke to Mather? Was Mather accompanied by a Rangers International board member? What did the SFA hope to achieve by releasing the info? Did the SFA want Malcolm Murray ousted? What was the SFA agenda in revealing this info?

Why did the SFA choose a total newcomer to Scotland holding a temporary position at Ibrox to be the recipient of the information. Does the SFA admit giving this info to Mather. Is it normal practice for the SFA to meddle secretly in the affairs of clubs? Was the decision to impart this information taken by the SFA or an individual within it? If by an individual was he acting with the authority of the SFA? If not will an enquiry be held into his actions?

I could go on and on but this move by the SFA goes way beyond Rangers – this smacks of behind the scenes deals and arm-twisting to suit a hidden agenda and we can’t even be sure whose agenda it is. Perhaps the SFA are acting for another party – we need a full public disclosure of what the hell the SFA has been up to here.

Players and managers are slated when frustration boils over and they make public comments which are often true but they are still disciplined by the SFA.

In this case we have been given a rare glimpse into the secret workings of the SFA in their dark and exclusive corridors of power. Nothing less than an open inquiry is acceptable here and I wonder what the MSM is going to do over this one.

Probably the usual – just walk on by with eyes averted from the scandal. This organisation truly isn’t fit for purpose and is a disgrace to Scottish football.

Posted by Ecojon

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