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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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D&P were only going to sell to Green and co, it was a stitch from day one and we clapped ourselves on the backs for filling Ibrox while in administration.

Money paid by Whyte into several accounts including Imran Ahmads(sp) mothers accounts. Green has also admitted the links to Whyte.

I'd rather Green was never at the club at the first place so we'll disagree about that. I reckon that time has come. the club is in complete disarray.

I went to the games this season, next season remains to be seen. If we haven't learned anything over the last few years then do we deserve a club?

Right bennets account has been hacked!

f**k me but thats bang on the money.

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Can't see Rangers losing 2 mill per month, Thought it was supposed to be about 1 mill per month. Whatever it is its too much for them to survive the next season without season ticket money if they only have 8 mill left in that bank account. If they last all of next season then the season after should be fun. Watch for ticket prices going back to SPL levels

There will be almost nothing left in the bank at the end of the season judging on the clubs total expenditure for the whole season after bonuses are paid

out for reaching the SFL 2nd division.I have posted figures myself from known transactions and it is shocking the amount of debt the club is carrying into next season.

There was a shit load of one off fees this season including paying back uncle Charlies loan (?) which was used to buy the club, we have reduced tv income for the next two seasons as well as advertising/sponsorship etc. If the clubs being run properly we should be able to sustain things for the next few years but we need to be sensible.

Bennett ! how many times do you need told that the club itself without any one off fees is losing around £1 million a month on the finances it is generating to the outgoings it has to service.The IPO money apparently has been used to pay the one off fees and other debts including the clubs accumulating losses but the club itself next season will not have enough money from all it's income revenue streams to plug the massive black hole.Options are to sell the stadium on leaseback and the sale of Murray park if things get that desperate.

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Yes. We actually sold more for the 4th tier than we did when we had players like Jelavic and Naismith playing...we replaced them with Kane Hemmings and Barrie McKay and still sold more.

Not sure when we signed the majority of the players...last summer was one long , never ending nightmare and i try not to think about it over much.. but i am sure i had my season ticket before we signed the distinctly average players we did

It did surprise me to be honest. Fair play (coff) .....

Price would have a lot to do with it. And the defiance.

I am keeping clear of predictions this time, the troops seem to be worn down, but the price freeze will help, although if it is another raft of concessions then it will fall wae short of what will be trumpeted in the press as the amount of cash raised.

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There will be almost nothing left in the bank at the end of the season judging on the clubs total expenditure for the whole season after bonuses are paid

out for reaching the SFL 2nd division.I have posted figures myself from known transactions and it is shocking the amount of debt the club is carrying into next season.

Bennett ! how many times do you need told that the club itself without any one off fees is losing around £1 million a month on the finances it is generating to the outgoings it has to service.The IPO money apparently has been used to pay the one off fees and other debts including the clubs accumulating losses but the club itself next season will not have enough money from all it's income revenue streams to plug the massive black hole.Options are to sell the stadium on leaseback and the sale of Murray park if things get that desperate.

Stop making things up in an attempt to look as if you're 'in the know'.

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Seriously Tedi ! enemies ? get a grip mate it's only plastics & diddies having a laugh at the demise of the biggest cheats in Scottish fitbaw getting their just desserts :) .

Several bloggers and other types have classed themselves as enemies of the club.

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Not proven

Not proven

Green did some excellent work selling 38,000 season tickets...over £20 million in a share issue...etc. I only wish you knew the sort of people we could soon have on our board.

If you don't want to support the club that is fine. It is entirely up to yourself...nobody should feel obliged to go along to the games if they don,t want to.

Boycotts will kill the club...Won't bother the likes of Whyte, Green and the rest...SDM might feel it a little but at the end of the day they will all move on to something else. We will be left with nothing. Do i deserve a club? Yes i most certainly do...Through thick and thin and through the straits broad and narrow.

Times like this are difficult and unfortunately Hearts and one or two others might have to go through a similar experience but it is us...the supporters who have to make sure the clubs survive. Never has it been more evident that the supporters really are the clubs...sure chairman often spouts this line to appease us but we proved that it is true

Seriously? Lets just ignore the links between D&P and Shyte (Grier)

How it can it be not proven when Greens admitted that monies were paid into several accounts?

McCoist sold the season tickets, not Green. If McCoist never made that statement then i believe we wouldn;t have sold a fraction of what we did.

I do support the club but will i support the likes of Green and his investors?

I'm not talking about boycotting, i'm talking about withholding money for say 4 - 6 weeks to send a message and maybe give us some transparnecy.

Then the supporters should realise their true power, the G&G's withheld funds to oust their old board .....

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Not proven

Not proven

Green did some excellent work selling 38,000 season tickets...over £20 million in a share issue...etc. I only wish you knew the sort of people we could soon have on our board.

If you don't want to support the club that is fine. It is entirely up to yourself...nobody should feel obliged to go along to the games if they don,t want to.

Boycotts will kill the club...Won't bother the likes of Whyte, Green and the rest...SDM might feel it a little but at the end of the day they will all move on to something else. We will be left with nothing. Do i deserve a club? Yes i most certainly do...Through thick and thin and through the straits broad and narrow.

Times like this are difficult and unfortunately Hearts and one or two others might have to go through a similar experience but it is us...the supporters who have to make sure the clubs survive. Never has it been more evident that the supporters really are the clubs...sure chairman often spouts this line to appease us but we proved that it is true

I know we have bashed to death the difference between company, license holder etc. But it is important you see the club being something separate from the current owners and directors.

A boycott will not kill the club. What a boycott can do is make the current Sevco setup unsustainable. The boycott could help force them into calling in the administrators. That way you have a chance to get rid of the cancers (meant chancers, but cancers is probably just as good), crooks and general wide boys.

What is essential is when that happens the Rangers fans must have their new setup in place, made up of genuine supporters. Not idiots and ego trip merchants like fatso Dingwall, but people who know how to run a business properly. And can negotiate properly to get the right deal.

Whoever leads it gets the supporters behind them in an honest and transparent way.

OK, you will have another year of pain in Div 3, but at least you have a chance to create something that can be successful, built on solid foundations.

And whether you or bothered or not, I suspect most normal supporters of other clubs would be behind you.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I said a long time back that there's a distinction between making money for Rangers and making money from Rangers.

The only source of cash is the fans. There is an opportunity now for fans to take control. Who gives a toss if the company that owns the assets that is the club or whatever goes tits up. Rangers fans ensure that there is a Rangers and that's all.

I'm a Pars fan looking forward to a DAFC with fans involved in the running of the club. Rangers fans have the chance to step up and take control, instead of just stumping up the cash.

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Both the Record and Hearld have been briefed in the last 24hrs that rangers are loosing millions

It's 'losing millions'. If they're 'loosing millions', I'm at the head of the queue.

Beam me up, Scotty.

(Edit] StonedSailor beat me to it.

Edited by The DA
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Yep Hellbhoy knows everything about Rangers finances, we all must listen to him afterall this is the same Hellbhoy who proclaimed that negative goodwill was the IPO money and claimed the total investment we had raised was just £22M and the other money detailed in the interm accounts was in fact ST money.

Accurate as ever :lol::lol: :lol:

Nope dopey ! I was at the time ascertaining what was what in the interim accounts and I got there eventually :) .£10 million plus black hole and little money left in the bank from the IPO :lol: .

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I don't think that's something to brag about in all honesty.

Wasn't bragging he should be ashamed that another fan of another club knows more about a part of his club that he claims to support and love.

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What I am liking about this thread now is that pennies are dropping all over the place (loosing, so to speak). I and others are starting to accept that the idea of a club is the fans behind it and not the company running it, swallowing a big heap of pride to say that, and I can see the Rangers fans showing what may be described as contrition now.

We seem to be reaching a middle ground, an agreement. We are all fans of a sport at the end of the day. There are dickheads amongst us who will try to push for conflict, on both sides of the debate, but I personally believe that justice has been served as far as where Rangers are now and I wish their decent fans all the best in getting the shite out of their club, both fans and owners.

You'll get there in the end.

A fellow football lover.

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