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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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An absolute roaster who will get a years overpaid holiday afore a slap on the wrist.

I am sooooo glad some of our shits have been sent across the water this week.57 walks in the weeg pales at 500+ oer bye.

Hope they get hurt .....badly.....by their pals.....

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Chosen is not manufactured, nor contrived. In an almost mystical, even ethereal way it takes hold of you, it initiates you into that other indefinable standard – The Rangers Way.
But it's not just logic, rationale and reason which they The Chosen have defied. The hatred of a nation, the corrupt and abominable practices of football authorities and the cowardice of our press have all been laid bare by the actions of The Chosen.

:lol: Oh FFS

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Just accept that the rest of us will accord you exactly as much respect as your choice deserves.

I have no problem with that - there seems to be an endless issue with plastics and diddies when the love is returned in kind.

I just love how you continue to claim to support Killie.


Edited by Bendarroch
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Is take the high road casting for a transvestite? or are West Dumbarton amateur dramatic society looking for a Tootsie?

Interesting to see the karma botherer greenied your crass homophobia.

Come back soon, Bennet - your presence is guaranteed to touch on uncomfortable feelings amongst the hardest of thinking and the quick to hate on here.

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Interesting to see the karma botherer greenied your crass homophobia.


Come back soon, Bennet - your presence is guaranteed to touch on uncomfortable feelings amongst the hardest of thinking and the quick to hate on here.

Care to explain how mention of transvestism (?) or the character Tootsie constitutes homophobia, seeing as neither implies homosexual behavior perse?

Try not to get offended by things you can't understand, there's a good bigot.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Interesting to see the karma botherer greenied your crass homophobia.


Come back soon, Bennet - your presence is guaranteed to touch on uncomfortable feelings amongst the hardest of thinking and the quick to hate on here.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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What a fucktard


Has he and the vast majority of those among the follow followers on the internet ever come across to you in their postings on the internet as anything other than that? :lol: The Rangers Comedy Club is alive and well so long as they continue to post their drivel.

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I think the fact he seems to know Tayvallich suggests that he does indeed travel the West Coast of Scotland. It is the arse end of nowhere...Beautiful place but it is 11 miles west of Lochgilphead down a one track road....any further west and you are swimming!

Nice song all the same

FFS, 11 miles from Lochgilphead is hardly the arse end of nowhere!! I travel worse than that just to get to work!!!!

Fucking Townies, what are they like? :-)

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Care to explain how mention of transvestism (?) or the character Tootsie constitutes homophobia, seeing as neither implies homosexual behavior perse?

I'm not offended - and doubt Bennet is either. But, I find it curious that the continued marginalisation of the man on this thread - based on his declared sexuality - via innuendo and crass stereotyping (as above) is accepted whilst any hint of other bigotry is damned in an instant.

I note you are silent on the issue. Again.

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Police officer charged over smashing Celtic Park toilets

A police officer has appeared in court charged with smashing up the toilets in Celtic Park at an Old Firm game.

Samuel Johnstone, 28, allegedly carried out the offence and a sectarian breach of the peace at the ground on 29 April 2012.

He made no plea or declaration when he appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court and was granted bail with the special condition not to enter Celtic Park.

Johnstone is expected to return to court at a later date.

A Police Scotland spokesperson confirmed that the officer has been suspended from his post.


Can I add Police officers to the list of people who don't represent their support :lol:

AWRA/British Patriot will be delighted........his avatar is ACAB.......IIRC that stands for "All Cops are b*****ds".

Could be a situation where a Rangers fan hates one of his own.

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Care to explain how mention of transvestism (?) or the character Tootsie constitutes homophobia, seeing as neither implies homosexual behavior perse?

Try not to get offended by things you can't understand, there's a good bigot.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

If Bennett had never openly declared his sexuality then it's unlikely that such a post would have appeared in relation to Bennett so it's a dig at the man himself, no doubt you'll argue otherwise but you'd be wrong

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If Bennett had never openly declared his sexuality then it's unlikely that such a post would have appeared in relation to Bennett so it's a dig at the man himself, no doubt you'll argue otherwise but you'd be wrong

The WKR knows fine well what the issue is. He has previous for supporting homophobic comments that target Bennet - and only Bennet.

Perhaps he'll remind us of his depiction of what is normal in this life - and how Bennet would be excluded from it. I might help him out if he's struggling to remember...

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Nice to see you share the cavalier attitude to mental health issues with some of your bigoted brethren.dry.gif

Makes you wonder how many STs they'd have sold if all those secure hospitals hadn't been closed. Could be a sponsorship opportunity there:

The Care in the Community Arena.

WKR (© Dhensebhore) by name - WKR by nature.

Just the sort of thing that the WKR's memory tends to falter over. Need some more reminders, WKR?

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FFS, 11 miles from Lochgilphead is hardly the arse end of nowhere!! I travel worse than that just to get to work!!!!

Fucking Townies, what are they like? :-)

It really is the arse end of nowhere...remote enough for the area to be chosen for the re introduction of beavers

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Asian criminal gangs, Serbian paramilitaries, warlords from the North Caucasus and allegations of illegal gambling, match fixing, money laundering, and tax evasion and Rangers(R.I.P.) all in the one article. :lol:

A villain’s guide to football (how apt) :lol:

A NEW football season approaches, and with it new players, overpriced replica kits and unsavoury club owners. If you are one of them, most observers will wrongly assume that you are laundering only your reputation, and that you are willing to lose millions on a philanthropic sporting folly to do so. That is too kind. Your new asset will not just help you wash your dirty money. It will make more of it too.

It is a good time to enter the football racket. Banks are less generous and sentimental about loans. Tax officials are less lenient, too, as Rangers, a big Glasgow club, discovered: it was forced into liquidation by tax arrears, afterwards being reconstituted under new ownership. But hard times mean clubs are desperate and going cheap. Set up a holding company (or a nest of them) in a discreet jurisdiction, as many owners do, and you have a money-laundering and embezzlement machine at your disposal. The authorities are unlikely to bother you (see article).

In this section

Welcome to the beautiful game



Start with ticket revenues. Exaggerating the attendance at matches lets you run some of the dirty takings from your previous career through the turnstiles, turning them into legitimate income :whistle (this particular ruse works best if you buy a middling club, where games are not routinely sold out). Conversely, if you need some petty cash you can siphon off the gate receipts—a tactic that some of Brazil’s football kingpins, the cartolas (“top hats”), are rumoured to have employed in the past.

The market in players, between clubs and across national borders, is another golden opportunity. Time was when the scams were simple: bent coaches would take “bungs” (backhanders) to buy a player with the chairman’s wallet. Now the tricks are more complex—and some owners are in on them. One aim is money-laundering. Transfers involve huge and largely subjective sums (since a player is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for him). With agents or other intermediaries involved, payments pass through multiple hands and jurisdictions: perfect for concealing the origin and direction of the cash. Sell a player to a friendly club that publicly overstates the true price, and you can supplement the real fee with a couple of million ill-gotten euros of your own: that money is now clean and in your club’s accounts. Pull the trick in reverse—inflating the value of a player you are buying—and you gain a usefully overvalued asset on your balance-sheet, which will help your club to borrow.

Transfers can also help you privatise club revenues and defraud minority shareholders. With the help of a co-operative agent, the fees, commissions and even parts of players’ salaries can find their way back to you (and away from the taxman). Agents who are personal friends may be safest. The regulations which govern transfer deals are easy to circumvent.

Another wheeze—annoyingly banned by some national football associations—is third-party ownership, where the rights in a player are owned (or part-owned) not by his club but by an outside consortium. So you can secretly invest in players whom you then rent to your club, trousering the proceeds. Or sell your club’s star man to your front company for a depressed fee, then sell him on at full price. Naturally you will award the club’s construction and catering contracts to your own firms.

Matches made in heaven

Most outsiders reckon that, when games are rigged, infiltrators are to blame: Asian criminal gangs and Balkan gangsters are the usual suspects. But the surest fixes are inside jobs. After all, you pay the players’ salaries, so you are in the best position to suborn them. You can decide who is picked or dropped, or who goes on the transfer list (or doesn’t). That gives dodgy owners plenty of scope to influence players’ behaviour. Footballers who are paid badly or erratically, as they often are in eastern Europe or the former Soviet Union (see chart), tend to be most susceptible.

But match-fixing happens in big and supposedly reputable European leagues, too—and because bookies assume the games are clean, you can lay big bets inconspicuously. If you or the players balk at losing on purpose, you can still arrange—and bet on—in-game details, such as the timing of the first corner kick. When the fix is in, consider emulating the Macedonian chairman who sold on the details of a thrown game to mafiosi. Betting syndicates will even buy intelligence on players’ injuries, nervous breakdowns and so on. Happily for you, match-fixing is hard to prove, and most police forces aren’t interested.

These are only the basics: after a season or two you can go in for more extravagant scams. Be inspired by Arkan, the deceased Serbian paramilitary who is said to have used his football club to traffic arms and drugs. It might be best, however, to stay clear of Russia, where the game has an alarming death rate, and where warlords from the North Caucasus (sinister even by football’s standards) have recently started buying into the business. Caution is also advisable in Bulgaria: 15 football club bosses have been murdered in the top football league just over a decade. An American diplomatic cable written in January 2010, and published by WikiLeaks, said “allegations of illegal gambling, match fixing, money laundering, and tax evasion” plague the Bulgarian game.

Some national associations do a spot of due diligence on new owners, but this is unlikely to interfere with your plans. Having a criminal record can be a bar to acquiring a club—but if you made your money in a place where the law was flexible and the courts accommodating, such inconvenient details can be scrubbed from your record. Enjoy the beautiful game!



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Bennett getting flak and a few posters, including myself, indulging in a bout of schadenfraude has nothing to do with his sexuality and everything to do with the fact he is an obnoxious prat who has got his comeuppance.

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Care to explain how mention of transvestism (?) or the character Tootsie constitutes homophobia, seeing as neither implies homosexual behavior perse?Try not to get offended by things you can't understand, there's a good bigot.Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app
You're a w**k and homophobic Norris, end of story ya auld p***k.
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