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Genuine question: Does this now mean that No8 has to walk away?

I remember him saying something about chucking it if the Easdales held too much sway.

I can't remember what caveats he'd inserted though. Could he stay because their personal shareholdings remain small. Could he stay because in terms of voting rights they can call on, the Easdales remain well short of a definite majority?

I wouldn't wish to misrepresent what anyone had previously posted, so I'm genuinely interested in how No8 views the strengthening hold the Easdales are taking and in what his tipping point would be.

I tried to engage him on that exact point not long ago as my recollection matches yours. The answer I got was that the AGM couldn't come soon enough.......followed by a vague follow-up that the Easdales would have to show they had the rangers' best interests at heart.......I think I smell a turnaround.......the second No8 maybe holds the upper-hand in his inner power-struggle!

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I love how everyone has word twisted here from competing with Celtic for the league to now a game by game basis.

I think I may add a few :lol: to the above with a future edit so that I can post unfunny things and pretend they are hilarity with a piece of cake.

I love the way you are trying to claim that anyone has at any time claimed that the 'normal' clubs can compete with the resources Celtic have.

The last few pages have firmly confirmed that the league is 'competitive' in as far as that all the clubs are competing with each other to perform as well as they can and to finish as high up as they can.

One huge club miles clear of the rest is just the same as two huge clubs miles clear of the rest.

You choose to wilfully ignore these last few pages.

It has been pretty good this season, so far. Lots of positives.

Perhaps it is the lack of yon arrogant,corrupt and all-round malign club from Govan that makes it so pleasant.

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I love the way you are trying to claim that anyone has at any time claimed that the 'normal' clubs can compete with the resources Celtic have.

The last few pages have firmly confirmed that the league is 'competitive' in as far as that all the clubs are competing with each other to perform as well as they can and to finish as high up as they can.

One huge club miles clear of the rest is just the same as two huge clubs miles clear of the rest.

You choose to wilfully ignore these last few pages.

It has been pretty good this season, so far. Lots of positives.

Perhaps it is the lack of yon arrogant,corrupt and all-round malign club from Govan that makes it so pleasant.

Nobody wins unless everyone wins eh.

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Amusing article in the Rhecord after last night's Christmas Party:

Revealed: Rangers rebels tell fans Charles Green is still involved behind the scenes at Ibrox to keep the current board in power29 Nov 2013 07:24

A SUPPORTERS' meeting also heard that members of Jim McColl's shareholders' group have walked away from a bid to reclaim club after receiving threats.

rebels-2863459.jpgJim McColl, Alex Wilson, Paul Murray and Malcolm Murray at the fans' meeting

RANGERS' rebel shareholder Paul Murray last night claimed Charles Green is still working in the background in a bid to keep the current Ibrox board in power.

The former club director says he was told by a shareholder that the Yorkshireman approached him last week as he tried to win support ahead of next month’s agm.

Murray’s allegation of Green’s continuing influence comes despite the former chief executive insisting he had absolutely no involvement in the club after agreeing to sell his shareholding to bus tycoon Sandy Easdale.

After striking that deal back in August, the man who led a consortium which bought the assets of the stricken club in May 2012 said: “I want to make it clear this means I will have no ongoing influence or financial interest at the club.”

But speaking before he addressed almost 500 fans at a meeting in Glasgow last night – where rebel group leader Jim McColl revealed members of his faction had withdrawn due to serious threats – Murray insisted Green hadn’t stuck to his word.

Green, who was unavailable for comment last night, quit as chief executive in April amid allegations of links to disgraced former Rangers owner Craig Whyte and anger over alleged racist comments about former director Imran Ahmad.

He returned just four months later as a consultant only for that move to be scrapped, with Walter Smith quitting as chairman in protest before fan fury forced the Yorkshireman out again.

But Murray insists the 60-year-old is still lurking in the background. He said: “I do feel Green is involved. We saw a shareholder last week and he told us that Charles Green had been to see him the previous day.

“It a was a credible shareholder. It just seemed odd. They were very surprised - they hadn’t heard from him for seven months.

“You have to ask, if Charles Green has sold his shares and is no longer involved with the club, why is he going to see shareholders to influence them to vote for the board?”

McColl also revealed at the meeting – chaired by former player and director of football Gordon Smith – that ex-boss and chairman Smith couldn’t bear to be in the same room as Green.

But it was McColl’s claim that some of his group had received threats that was most staggering, with ex-accountant chief Frank Blin having quit the group back in September.

McColl said: “We’ve had threats, a number of us have dropped out because of those threats but we’re not going to let that happen (to the rest of us).”

The current Rangers board had been invited to the meeting which was represented by every major fan group but they snubbed it with five empty chairs at the top table and name cards for each of the directors.

But just hours before the meeting kicked off the club released a statement criticising McColl’s group claiming “every action they take threatens to destabilise our club . . . we believe fans do not want to go back to the days of administration, relegation, boardroom strife and infighting.”

Murray blasted back and launched an attack on club spin doctor Jack Irvine. He said: “The statement is preposterous. For the board to sanction that statement reflects badly on them.

“If you look at the money Jack Irvine has taken out of the club in the seven years he’s been there, it’s been the biggest PR disaster in the history of mankind.

“Jack Irvine should leave the club in my opinion. His conduct has been disgraceful on every basis.”

Irvine took to Twitter to immediately refute claims made at the meeting.

Murray added: “I think the vote is quite close. We are not expecting all fans to be on our side but we think they recognise we have the club’s interests at heart.

“In the last year about £50 million has left the club and before that with Craig Whyte you’re looking at £100m in two-and-a-half years. Where has it gone?”

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Rangers and threats, what a surprise. :rolleyes:

Something else they are inextricably linked with, along with tax dodging, dodgy owners and industrial scale cheating.

Our greatest of clubs indeed.

A toxic, toxic, brand and complete shit stain of a club.

It continually beggars belief that anyone of sane and rational mind would wish to be associated with such a clusterfuck.

The convicted tax fraudster and his gangster brother look to have their feet well under the table now though, will the Sons of Strewth and No.8 have the courage to "starve oot" the spivs and gangsters?

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...the second No8 maybe holds the upper-hand in his inner power-struggle!

Only one winner there at the moment.

Elsewhere, he's back to telling blatant lies then merely repeating them, rather than supporting them when invited.

He'll probably recover soon.

I try to coax him into adult conversation at times. I think it's good for him.

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I see the bus boys now have their snouts firmly in the trough:

"Bus tycoon Sandy Easdale has increased his shareholding in Rangers to 4.52%.

It follows the purchase of 100,000 ordinary shares of 1p each at a price of 44p per share.

Easdale, who joined his brother, James, on the football club boardin September, now holds voting rights over 23.5% of shares in the League One club.

Rangers have been the subject of attempts by a group of shareholders to force changes to the board and direction of the club.

The group, led by Scottish businessman Jim McColl, hopes to have former chairman Malcolm Murray, former director Paul Murray and two other supporters voted on to the board at the club's 19 December annual meeting.

But Easdale, whose family own the McGill bus group, has previously expressed support for the current regime.

His purchase of shares follows last week's move by Laxey Partners Limited, an Isle of Man-based hedge fund, to increase its stake to 11.64%.

Company founder Colin Kingsnorth said that he too backs the current board.

In a Stock Exchange announcement, Rangers said: "The company announces that it was notified yesterday that Alexander Easdale purchased 100,000 ordinary shares of one penny each in the company at a price of 44p per share on 27 November 2013.

"As a result, Mr Easdale now holds 2,942,957 ordinary shares in the company, equal to 4.52% of the issued share capital of the company.

"As previously announced, Mr Easdale also holds voting rights over, but does not own, a further 12,352,666 ordinary shares, representing 18.98% of the company, meaning that, in total ,he holds voting rights over 15,295,623 ordinary shares, representing 23.50% of the issued share capital of the company."

Craig Mather resigned as Rangers chief executive in October after McColl's "requisitioners" won a court case forcing a delay to the club's AGM.

However, the board has subsequently appointed David Somers as chairman and Graham Wallace as chief executive and called for the shareholders group to accept that the improvements to the club's governance they have been seeking have already taken place."

Spivs had their feed, now the Easdales' turn in the Ibroke revolving door policy!

100,000 shares is a negligible amount i.e. a non-story.

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100,000 shares is a negligible amount i.e. a non-story.

So insignificant that the Stock Exchange made an announcement on the acquisition and highlighting the overall voting rights now held......I see.....glad you've cleared that up for us.

Probably just some meddling Timmery by that blatantly bhiased Stock Exchange.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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So insignificant that the Stock Exchange made an announcement on the acquisition and overall voting rights now held......I see.....glad you've cleared that up for us

No problem. Check how many shares there are overall, compared to the 100,000. That might give you even more help.

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The story is not about the 100,000 shares in isolation. They are reporting the fact that certain parties are increasing their share holding and voting power prior to a crucial AGM.

Another bear with comprehension issues .. "aye but it's only 100,000 shares' so what ...

Certain parties increasing their shareholding by a negligible amount is a non-story. Not everything is a great sensation. Sometimes it's just newspapers filling their pages with anything to do with a hot topic.

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Second Return of Capital document


Good to see the reel ranjurs men behaving with dignity last night and chortle away at paedophile jokes.

Also, 40k a month for Jack Irvine. :lol:

Just another overpaid snout in the trough.

Do they even remember that they are supposed to be a football club?

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I'm pretty sure that the media and many P&Bers have claimed that Scottish football is currently highly competitive with many teams vying for the title. Now it's case of no one currently being able to compete with the sporting wing......

List of evidence brought so far:

1. An ambiguous remark from Dave J about competing with Celtic, which is at best open to interpretation.

Specifically which other people, or media outlets do you genuinely consider believed that "many teams" would be "vying for the title"?

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TBH any argument about genuine beliefs coming from fans that help up a red card to liquidation and then pretend their old club is still alive and nothing happened ... cannot be taken seriously.

Their stance changes with the direction of the wind on a good day ...

Lets be honest if Rangers weren't still alive and a new club your obsession levels, hatred and foruming are all highly worrying for something completely new.

The Rangers :thumsup2

The Confused Celtic Fans :lol:

WRK :lol:

Mikewellfan :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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