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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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People claiming the league is competitive are generally media types.

List of evidence brought so far:

1. An ambiguous remark from Dave J about competing with Celtic, which is at best open to interpretation.

Specifically which other people, or media outlets do you genuinely consider believed that "many teams" would be "vying for the title"?

You've already stated that most of the people stating that league is competitive are media types, which makes your 2nd post foolish and hypocritical.

Stirling folk :rolleyes:

....and Daves comments were pretty clear, to say otherwise makes you look disingenuous.

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That was an attempt at being honest?

Do you expect them to admit they know we're laughing at them? Cognitive dissonance is too strong. If they admitted we're laughing at them then they would have to admit to themselves that Sevco is a joke. They would have to admit they are following a joke and being fleeced for the privilege. They would have to admit that they themselves are jokes. Their arrogance will not allow this.

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Between you and old foam for brains Bendo, you have absolutely re-defined the meaning of 'Roaster' :lol:

You two ARE the best two Timposters ever seen on P&B....truly you are.

Either that or you belong to Vanguard Bears. :rolleyes:

VB? Is that the mob who's 'leader aff' is the wee moron - in the England top - featured in that you tube clip, who was suggesting ''everybody should emgrate t Wales'' should Scotland gain independence? :lol:

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You've already stated that most of the people stating that league is competitive are media types, which makes your 2nd post foolish and hypocritical.

Stirling folk :rolleyes:

....and Daves comments were pretty clear, to say otherwise makes you look disingenuous.

No one is denying various people have said it is more competitive without Rangers. Literally no one.

What we're debating is the part where you said the media and "many P&Bers" had claimed many teams would be vying for the title. Dave made a comment about competing with Celtic which can be interpreted many ways. So as it stands you have listed a grand total of one person, and it's highly tenuous at best.

Now, if you don't mind, please list the media outlets and the various other P&Bers who thought several teams would be vying for the title. It's a straight question. Will you duck it Tedi-style?

1. Dave J (which everyone else either disagrees with, or considers his statement too ambiguous to draw conclusions from)

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

6. ?

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Oh dear, Benny's still floundering, not a pretty sight. :(


"This is a fantastic club and a good business. I sat on the board for four years when we generated £20 million in cash."


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Lets be honest if Rangers weren't still alive and a new club your obsession levels, hatred and foruming are all highly worrying for something completely new.

The Rangers :thumsup2

The Confused Celtic Fans :lol:

WRK :lol:

Mikewellfan :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


One or the other, Bucko, one or the other.

And don't let Tedi see you calling them a new club! :lol::lol: and indeed :lol:

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Oh dear, Benny's still floundering, not a pretty sight. :(


"This is a fantastic club and a good business. I sat on the board for four years when we generated £20 million in cash. Albeit we ran over a cliff due to running up debts 5 or 6 times that figure, but you can't have everything,eh? Vote for me."


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Lets be honest if Rangers weren't still alive and a new club your obsession levels, hatred and foruming are all highly worrying for something completely new.

The Rangers :thumsup2

The Confused Celtic Fans :lol:

WRK :lol:

Mikewellfan :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


jeepers, missed that one.....


back of the net! (/partridge)

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