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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In amongst all the "tic wet dreams" in his posts, Phil does appear to make some pretty serious allegations which could quite reasonably be deemed to detrimental to whatever they're calling themselves now continuing to trade/obtaining finance/maintaining brand reputation (Quiet at the back - no sniggering!).

Given the Govan mob's predilection for swift and decisive action against the likes of Leggo and the SoS, I confess that their (up till now) failure to act or issue a statement on this latest attack on the club'/company/clumpany/basket case will do little to inspire confidence that there isn't a grain of truth in his obviously less than neutral writing.

Mibbes one of those unpaid bills is from m'Learned Friends?

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Have to say I do enjoy reading his blog in the hope it comes true.

But after his disgusting piece on our support yesterday I have lost a lot of respect for the man and now realise that he comes across as a paranoid bigot himself.

So for once Bendy i might agree with you.

I can't say I don't understand - he's poisonous.

That's no problem for the likes of the Soldier Bhoy on here mind you :lol:

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I love the sudden strategic omission of the 'h' in your usually consistent spelling of 'dholly'

Even I thought that MacGoebbels excoriation of your support was beyond the pale* - it's not as if I don't understand why Lonnne seems to inspire such vitriol. But, the idea that its basis in Scottish society is rooted in anti-irish racism is both ridiculous and dangerous.

I'll put the h back for you in future if you prefer.

* And I'm not overtly in love with the dolly support.

Edited by Bendarroch
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It's clear that this man with the pretend name is cuckoo and in possession of a perspective so warped, that his outpourings must always be considered in the context of their source and his motivations. It's also clear that he suffers from a personal vanity which is developed enough to sometimes cripple him.

Indeed even just today, his clamour for attention and desire to see Rangers suffer, enabled him to broadcast figures which he then had to retract, looking like an arse.

Personally, I believe his outlook is utterly dangerous, divisive and dishonest.

However, he's been right, not always but often, in the past and Rangers fans can't afford for him to be even a wee bit right about any of his very specific latest claims. I'd have thought it might be worth addressing what he says here, rather than simply who he is.

But Hell, what do I know?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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It's clear that this man with the pretend name is cuckoo and in possession of a perspective so warped, that his outpourings must always be considered in the context of their source and his motivations. It's also clear that he suffers from a personal vanity which is developed enough to sometimes cripple him.

Indeed even just today, his clamour for attention and desire to see Rangers suffer, enabled him to broadcast figures which he then had to retract, looking like an arse.

Personally, I believe his outlook is utterly dangerous, divisive and dishonest.

However, he's been right, not always but often, in the past and Rangers fans can't afford for him to be even a wee bit right about any of his very specific latest claims. I'd have thought it might be worth addressing what he says here, rather than simply who he is.

But Hell, what do I know?

I would so love it to be true and be reading in next Sunday's paper that they are well fkd. I will though, be content to be reading of Dunfermline's Friday night victory and Aberdeen's on the Saturday. :)

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So recent actual events that have transpired are ?,

1, Players asked to take a 15% pay cut and Ally didn't do the durty deed himself seeing as he at the time still hadn't actually signed off on a pay cut himself, and the players all say a resounding "NOOOOOOO".

2, Stockbridge decides to vacate his nose from the trough even after getting a majority nod in the AGM, but decides his time is up and leaves with a sackful of cash for his services rendered.

3, The great pretenders play poker with Notts Forest with Forests interest in signing Lee Wallace and made an improved offer after the first was rejected. Forest can't be bothered doing business with a club in financial soapy and sign Fox instead and the deal is dead.

4, Apparently The Clone Rangers holding company is about to be investigated by the stock market for financial irregularities regarding their cash flow situation being worse than first anticipated and may be in trouble within weeks.

There has been nothing positive from the board at The Clone Rangers for over a year since the IPO has injected finance into the running of the club.

We all knew that Green was going to stuff the club over and at levels even us or the media could have anticipated, this appears to be the case seeing as the new club decided to splurge the dosh at any rate possible to con the Rangers fans into believing this new incarnation has money to burn and it will never run out or things will work out regardless.

While the new club is winning leagues and titles the fans will do just about absolutely feck all like they have always done. Will it really take a run of bad results to wake them out of their dreams of stopping Celtic winning 10 in a row and ask the real questions and act accordingly to save their club from going into the pit of financial insolvency it will never recover from if they do not want to follow a ver 3.0 of their club ?.

For Rangers fans on here to just wum and ignore and post deflective pish to questions the P&D's keep posing will only embarrass them more when the new version of Rangers hits the buffers. Because this version of Rangers was never ever designed in the first place to be financially prudent and looks to be just a smoke screen to rob the fans of their money and more frightening for them ! rob them of their club itself eventually.

Yeah it's fun to poke and make fun at the P&D's just now whilst the b*stard son of Rangers still lives, but you all know yourself the shit is about to hit the fans so why not actually fucking participate in a real debate instead of posting pish at the moment because your club is still alive and kicking.

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You're talking about the bearz ffs ... even on their own forums they can't take anything to do with saving their club seriously.

See this link for potential fan ownership ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolute zoomers to a man ...

I fuckin despair, I really do! Of Supporters Direct....

What's in it for them?

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If the first part of the above is true, it answers the second part.

That rules Bennett out of the equation right there after "it".

When the shite does hit the fans they still won't engage in debate because have already made numpties out of themselves defending ???

All the lies from the new club at Ibrox believing their spin on things when the fans are just cash cows to it.

The SFA has eventually made a cnut out of them for a second time because they didn't put in place anything to protect the new version of Rangers and the spivs are milking what's left of the carcass in time for a ver 3.0 if the ver 2.0 incarnation fails and dies.

It will be really embarrassing for them indeed because they chose to start lording it over every other club bar Celtic in pursuit of top tier titles in a hurry, but forgot to look under the bonnet to see if everything passed the MOT only to find someone stole the engine and stuff while they were too busy pointing and laughing elsewhere.

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You're talking about the bearz ffs ... even on their own forums they can't take anything to do with saving their club seriously.

See this link for potential fan ownership ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Absolute zoomers to a man ...

What the bears really want is another Sir David Murray to give them back what they have been used to for nearly a quarter of a century, endless supply of cash to bring in well known players from Europe and put the P&D's clubs in their place under Rangers. For their club to notch up 60 top tier titles so they have more stars to stick on their XXXXXL plus jerseys to boast n brag about.

They just want some cash Messiah to end the famine for them and the actual death of their club by paying the old clubs debts to be the club it used to be.

Won't someone help them by pissing 100's of millions of pounds into the wind just so they can lord it over everyone else please ?. :bairn It's not much to ask is it ?. :bairn

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I fuckin despair, I really do! Of Supporters Direct....

What's in it for them?

A seat on the board at hundreds and thousands per year with bonuses and expenses or a share of a place in the trough to put their snout into perhaps ?.

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A seat on the board at hundreds and thousands per year with bonuses and expenses or a share of a place in the trough to put their snout into perhaps ?.

The QC and Jackanory Dave.

A true meeting of minds.....

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So not only do you not know how to use a link, you don't know how to click on a picture to make it bigger.

What a total (lack of) zoom-er.

If it was clickable then the pointer/arrow would turn into a hand shape and i'd be able to click on it.

Guess what?

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