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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Are people really believing that Celtic supporting blogger with the made up name about all of this? :lol:

He's been wrong quite frequently and about a lot. What's changed now?

I notice they have not taken any legal action against him ? Hmmm ?

I look at shares all the time and there are guys who exclusively have share blogs ( Brokerman Dan and Tom Winniforth to name but two ) Every now and again they get threatened with court action ( if they are making things up ) but more often than not, they don't !!

Point being, if it was bllx that Phil MadeUpName was talking, a swift response from the the rangers BoD could soon put an end to the speculation.... The fact that they haven't has to make you wonder ?

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I notice they have not taken any legal action against him ? Hmmm ?

I look at shares all the time and there are guys who exclusively have share blogs ( Brokerman Dan and Tom Winniforth to name but two ) Every now and again they get threatened with court action ( if they are making things up ) but more often than not, they don't !!

Point being, if it was bllx that Phil MadeUpName was talking, a swift response from the the rangers BoD could soon put an end to the speculation.... The fact that they haven't has to make you wonder ?

But the reality is the Rangers board can't do that unless it's via the stock exchange. I agree to a point regarding your first paragraph and second paragraph and it's quite strange that they haven't threatened legal proceedings as the allegations in the blogs are quite specific, but I really wouldn't be getting excited at this stage - Rangers are still, what, 6 weeks?, into a 3 month internal investigation regarding their finances. I can't see any insolvency even taking place whilst that's ongoing.

It's clear there's a lot to worry about for Rangers regarding finances, but I really can't see anything happening in the short term.

Edited by Kyle
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But the reality is the Rangers board can't do that unless it's via the stock exchange. I agree to a point regarding your first paragraph and second paragraph and it's quite strange that they haven't threatened legal proceedings as the allegations in the blogs are quite specific, but I really wouldn't be getting excited at this stage - Rangers are still, what, 6 weeks?, into a 3 month internal investigation regarding their finances. I can't see any insolvency even taking place whilst that's ongoing.

It's clear there's a lot to worry about for Rangers regarding finances, but I really can't see anything happening in the short term.

They can say the blog is not true without an RNS ( announcing to the stock exchange ) - I've seen it before ( Peter Landau of Range Resources responding to a Tom Winniforth article for example - he told shareholders the article was crap ) only a month or so ago..... If they decide to take Phil to court using company money - they would announce it via RNS ( I would think - seen that before as well with USOP )

It is strange though how they haven't said a word..... Not just to stop point scoring from Celtic fans - But to reassure current and future investors...

Honestly, Yes, I am a Celtic fan but ( for me ) football is football and money is money - two different things altogether - If I thought I could buy shares in RFC at 25p and sell them for 50p - I would have no hesitation but the smoke and mirrors and uncertainty do nobody any favors here - What's needed is a clear unambiguous statement from the BoD telling investors ( and fans ) that everything is hunky dory - If not, why not ? I've been watching / investing in stocks practically every day for a good few years and IMO the signs coming out of Ibrox are not good.... If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - more often than not, it's a duck !

It is hard to believe and hard to understand how the BoD have made such an Ar$e of running the club..... Having been invested in companies myself that have went t1ts up - I have to say, investors and fans of RFC need to be calling the board to account and getting any mess sorted out whilst they can... The ostrich approach doesn't work.

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I notice they have not taken any legal action against him ? Hmmm ?

I look at shares all the time and there are guys who exclusively have share blogs ( Brokerman Dan and Tom Winniforth to name but two ) Every now and again they get threatened with court action ( if they are making things up ) but more often than not, they don't !!

Point being, if it was bllx that Phil MadeUpName was talking, a swift response from the the rangers BoD could soon put an end to the speculation.... The fact that they haven't has to make you wonder ?

Phil White is a two bit blogger who no doubt would welcome the publicity a court case would bring, also he has nothing to lose via court action - making it pretty pointless pursuing him.

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Phil White is a two bit blogger who no doubt would welcome the publicity a court case would bring, also he has nothing to lose via court action - making it pretty pointless pursuing him.

Agreed. He's not Leggo level in terms of apeshit mental, but he seems to hold himself up as a saviour of the free press in terms of Scottish football. It isn't a massive surprise that Sevco have been facing financial difficulties, but then the majority of people were quick to pick up on the fact they would be running at a loss for the first few years and that this could cause financial grief. Others have beaten him to the prints on stories with more substantial evidence such as the 15% paycut.

At the end of the day, it would set a precedent. Should every club respond to the posts of bloggers with rants against them. He'd get a raised profile out of any legal action as you say.

I'm of the opinion that Rangers could well be hit with financial difficulties in the short term future too, but I think that the people involved throughout, both the club and the media, have made their choices. They're the ones who have to live with them...

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Agreed. He's not Leggo level in terms of apeshit mental, but he seems to hold himself up as a saviour of the free press in terms of Scottish football. It isn't a massive surprise that Sevco have been facing financial difficulties, but then the majority of people were quick to pick up on the fact they would be running at a loss for the first few years and that this could cause financial grief. Others have beaten him to the prints on stories with more substantial evidence such as the 15% paycut.

At the end of the day, it would set a precedent. Should every club respond to the posts of bloggers with rants against them. He'd get a raised profile out of any legal action as you say.

I'm of the opinion that Rangers could well be hit with financial difficulties in the short term future too, but I think that the people involved throughout, both the club and the media, have made their choices. They're the ones who have to live with them...

I think we'll struggle on till season ticket time, then early next season we'll see Ibrox sold and leased back, that money will be frittered away then it'll be into administration. As you say choices have been made...

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I think we'll struggle on till season ticket time, then early next season we'll see Ibrox sold and leased back, that money will be frittered away then it'll be into administration. As you say choices have been made...

Incidently, when do the season tickets usually go on sale? Given the cost involvement at the moment, possible rises and unanswered questions it might not be too out of the question to see some decline on that front.

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Phil White is a two bit blogger who no doubt would welcome the publicity a court case would bring, also he has nothing to lose via court action - making it pretty pointless pursuing him.

I hear what you're saying bennett and I'm not really disagreeing - All I'm saying is that I have seen smaller companies take / threaten even BB posters ( yes - people like us ! ) ( A company called US Oil and Gas - stock ticker USOP ) USOP are a two bob mob who run their business from a Dublin pub ( it's a long story :lol: )

Maybe Rangers WILL take Phil to court ? I don't know ? Maybe Phil will just shut up now ? But there ARE guys who are worried about their investment.... And the board have a responsibility to their share holders.

Phil's blog has in all honesty not had much effect on the share price but often, a major factor in a companies share price is sentiment - believe me ! Shares rise and fall on Farq all most of the time - a lot of it is to do with how people perceive the future of a company..... It would do RFC investors ( not to mention fans ) no harm at all for a statement ( and it doesn't have to be a Regulatory News Announcement - it could be an article in a news paper ) telling everyone that the future is bright.... The fact that they're not is worrying... At the end of the day - this is RFC Investors ( and fans ) company and if the BoD are like any other - they won't give a sh1t about that - they will continue to draw a fat salary until the piggy bank is empty and then they'll go onto their next job...... They ( the BoD ) have to be held to account - never give them an easy ride...

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Incidently, when do the season tickets usually go on sale? Given the cost involvement at the moment, possible rises and unanswered questions it might not be too out of the question to see some decline on that front.

Well the latest quarter season (I shit you not) tickets have just gone on sale :D

£81 for ''Full retard'' and about a fiver for the BB lot..........

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Incidently, when do the season tickets usually go on sale? Given the cost involvement at the moment, possible rises and unanswered questions it might not be too out of the question to see some decline on that front.

There was a lot of talk around the AGM time of fans not renewing but it's dwindled away recently.

If the board was trustworthy then i think that most bears wouldn't quibble abotu paying 'full price'.

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But the reality is the Rangers board can't do that unless it's via the stock exchange. I agree to a point regarding your first paragraph and second paragraph and it's quite strange that they haven't threatened legal proceedings as the allegations in the blogs are quite specific, but I really wouldn't be getting excited at this stage - Rangers are still, what, 6 weeks?, into a 3 month internal investigation regarding their finances. I can't see any insolvency even taking place whilst that's ongoing.

It's clear there's a lot to worry about for Rangers regarding finances, but I really can't see anything happening in the short term.

Kyle, the risk of going into admin or liquidation isn't something that goes on hold during the 90 days just because the BoD are off doing their sums. If the money runs out tomorrow, they've no choice in the matter.

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I think we'll struggle on till season ticket time, then early next season we'll see Ibrox sold and leased back, that money will be frittered away then it'll be into administration. As you say choices have been made...

I've asked before how sale & leaseback would work and I'm still not sure of how it benefits the club. I can see 2 scenarios:

1. The company takes the property and writes off the club's debt. But that doesn't add any money to the mix. It only writes off debt between parent company and club. The company now has its mitts on the property and can charge the club an annual rent but there's no obvious benefit to the club - they're still broke.

2. The above scenario plus the company then sells the property onto someone else for real money. This adds maybe £10-20M to the company's coffers which they might decide to make available to the club to subsidise their running costs. Some of that cash would be used to rent back the stadium from the new owner. But, in this scenario, the company now has nothing - it's sold its only asset and there's nothing left to justify the share price. In addition, the combined company/club is now spending and extra £3-5M each season for rent.

What am I missing (apart from a brain cell or 2).

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I like it how Phil is getting right under the zombies skin, maybe they will fabricate another bullsh1t story to try and discredit him rather than looking at their own problems that he has been pointing out.

It's also pleasing that he is making a lot of money from their " Downfall" :lol::lol::lol:

I personally think that he is a bit of a fanny which is even more pleasing :thumsup2

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, :death

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I've asked before how sale & leaseback would work and I'm still not sure of how it benefits the club. I can see 2 scenarios:

1. The company takes the property and writes off the club's debt. But that doesn't add any money to the mix. It only writes off debt between parent company and club. The company now has its mitts on the property and can charge the club an annual rent but there's no obvious benefit to the club - they're still broke.

2. The above scenario plus the company then sells the property onto someone else for real money. This adds maybe £10-20M to the company's coffers which they might decide to make available to the club to subsidise their running costs. Some of that cash would be used to rent back the stadium from the new owner. But, in this scenario, the company now has nothing - it's sold its only asset and there's nothing left to justify the share price. In addition, the combined company/club is now spending and extra £3-5M each season for rent.

What am I missing (apart from a brain cell or 2).

? The Club don't have a say in it :) , so if it isn't to their benefit, they cannot stop it :)

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I notice they have not taken any legal action against him ? Hmmm ?

I look at shares all the time and there are guys who exclusively have share blogs ( Brokerman Dan and Tom Winniforth to name but two ) Every now and again they get threatened with court action ( if they are making things up ) but more often than not, they don't !!

Point being, if it was bllx that Phil MadeUpName was talking, a swift response from the the rangers BoD could soon put an end to the speculation.... The fact that they haven't has to make you wonder ?

I hear they'll do it right after he sues The Sun for what they said about him. ;)

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