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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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swear filter for t i m s .

Poss came from the comments in last weeks Herald sports bit, then rehashed by the e-swear filter crowd.

Ah got you.

I figured it must have been something like that.

Was it reported in the Herald that South African authorities are sniffing round again, or was it just mentioned in the online comments from readers?

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From your response and Bennett's decision to award it a greenie, I'm guessing it was a 'tic blog or some such. A straightforward answer to enable me to try and judge it's reliability or otherwise for myself, would be appreciated though.

Stop being so bloody defensive.

It was posted by Densboy, need i say more...

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Tedi is reminding me a lot of Cool Hand Luke. No matter how many times Dragline knocks him the f**k down he stumbles to his feet. The difference is Tedi, the spivs wont stop punching and then carry you back to safety. The Rangers spivs will keep taking turns to beat you for as long as the coins keep dropping from your pockets.

Exactly and long may it continue. Waste not your sympathy stoney, any sane and reasonable person would have seen long before now, that neither this club nor it's predecessor is/was worthy of their support. It is institutionally sick and is a magnet for the most appalling type of human. It took me till the time my balls dropped and voice broke to see the light but anyone who - like Tedi - has got to middle-age without so doing, is beyond help and deserving of no sympathy. Fk em.

Edited by Apache Don
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Ah got you.

I figured it must have been something like that.

Was it reported in the Herald that South African authorities are sniffing round again, or was it just mentioned in the online comments from readers?

From 'comments' though shouldn't be hard to filter SA search in google. Do it after the game.

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not sure where this "Rangers are doooooooooomed" stuff is coming from?

they will carry on lurching from one crisis to the next for a good while yet. Even if they hit Insolvency 2 they will not be thrown out of the league, the utter abhortion that is the "Livingston" Franchise has been through two admins and come out the other side still a league club, as have Dundee. It could be argued that this is the first real administrative test of the new SPFL structures in the event that Sevco do hit Insolvency 2, but the precedents of the old SFL and SPL are hardly encouraging, and its largely the same faces administrating the merged league..

The company may change, the theatre set may change, the identities of the greedy shysters may change, but The The Rangers won't disappear. They will always regenerate, like a shit Dr. Who.

That aside, I can see a pisspoor Championship season ahead next year, a 4th or 5th placed finish, and a mutinous and rapidly dwindling fanbase similar to the Wallace / Greig eras of the early 80s, with Super Salary finally given his jotters.

I agree with most of this but the last part. McCoist quoted as saying playing budget expected to be much the same as last season, Wallace quoted as saying no cuts to playing budget. I believe there are some high earners out of contract and wages saved on moving out the likes of Cribari and Peralta will allow bringing in Boyd and a decent CB. Unless they do end up with a points deduction, I can see them winning Championship but that failing, they will get a play-off place and the refs will ensure they get promoted. We're kidding ourselves on, if we allow ourselves to believe that there will be any de-railment of the rise of this phoenix. :(

It's taken me a while to catch up on this thread, after all the glory hunters jumped aboard on Friday.

I have to say that I'm absolutely gobsmacked by the contents of the review - I really am.

I'd anticipated something pretty spin- ridden, but I'd also expected something with a bit more volume and... well, seriousness and maturity. We get given the dreadful, but widely known financial picture, as well as some probably accurate conclusions about chances being squandered. However, it's accompanied by fanciful short term aspirations, alongside plans that amount to a child's Christmas wish list, with no detail about how to implement them.

The most remarkable bit however, concerns the fact that STs can't be purchased with cards. It's obviously humiliating, but it's more materially disastrous for the board. Nobody is now able to renew out of apathy, or not getting round to acting. Paying is going to be more difficult, both practically and financially.

I now see little chance of big numbers renewing. There would need to be a critical mass of those doing so, to make the others follow suit and I'd imagine that's a bigger figure than will be reached.

Where does that leave fans? They either do nothing, or jump in with King, hardly a risk-free option. I honestly feel a bit sorry for some of them and that doesn't usually happen with me.

Me too. I thought something significant had happened. :lol:

Catch a grip min. :lol:

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Oh I think I would far rather be where I am in life than consumed with the level of hatred you frequently display.

You have my deepest sympathy.

And where are you in life Tedi?

Quite possibly supporting 3 different teams in 3 years. That's sad. The level of loyalty displayed when you left your lifelong passion, Rangers, to jump to the new mob, is the thing that deserves ''deepest sympathy''.

Remember, both clubs existed at the same time, and you dumped them.

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From 'comments' though shouldn't be hard to filter SA search in google. Do it after the game.

I did it. Couldn't find anything about King currently being investigated by SARS.

In fact he seems to be doing rather well as far as wealth held in shares is concerned.

Shares, eh? We all know how they can go up or down.

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I did it. Couldn't find anything about King currently being investigated by SARS.

In fact he seems to be doing rather well as far as wealth held in shares is concerned.

Shares, eh? We all know how they can go up or down.

But but but,,,a judge cleared King?!

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I did it. Couldn't find anything about King currently being investigated by SARS.

In fact he seems to be doing rather well as far as wealth held in shares is concerned.

Shares, eh? We all know how they can go up or down.

Still looking but found this.....does this mean they will be moving from Ibrox soon?

MicroMega said yesterday: “A specific requirement of this settlement was that Mr King’s family repatriate business assets that have been held overseas into South Africa. [Nosa] is one of those assets.”

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About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

A year would be helpful .........

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About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

How does it feel knowing that this far into your life you will never see another Rangers team as you remeber them? Knowing that out of every pound you spend on your club as little as 1 bob will go towards the advancement of football whilst the rest will be spent by spivs seeing how many layers of shirts they can get away with? How does it feel knowing that your only hope is to starve the club of season tix money and push them to the brink again? How do you see a fan revolt going? Can you see the spivs letting go or can you see them divy up the assets whilst the club is sold to the fans, asset and debt free.

Enjoy the next stage of the journey.

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

How does it feel though Tedi? The last 2 years of your life have been stolen from you. Your relationships with others is suffering. Rangers downfall has changed your life. You have been to more matches in the past two years than you attended the previous forty. If you'd only shown as much interest in your club before then the shysters would not have gained a foothold.

I am glad to see you step back a little, I like you, you deserve a rest from the pain.

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

So, as even you will admit Tedi, the players had to TUPE over, the assets (like Ibrox) had to be bought...etc etc....when did you stop following Rangers?

Is there a specific date that you follow followed the players and assets (like Ibrox) over? Must be, if it meant that much to you.

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And where are you in life Tedi?

Quite possibly supporting 3 different teams in 3 years. That's sad. The level of loyalty displayed when you left your lifelong passion, Rangers, to jump to the new mob, is the thing that deserves ''deepest sympathy''.

Remember, both clubs existed at the same time, and you dumped them.

In all fairness, none of us actually made the Leader's acquaintance until a bloke in a pub told him about P&B just after Okey Dokey Day. He may have just become a the rangers fan at the back end of July 2012, and swallow swallowed all that stuff about history. He may never have actually been a fan of the dead club - he certainly didn't know much about their Five Star history in the early days.

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