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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I did it. Couldn't find anything about King currently being investigated by SARS.

In fact he seems to be doing rather well as far as wealth held in shares is concerned.

Shares, eh? We all know how they can go up or down.

Still looking but found this.....does this mean they will be moving from Ibrox soon?

MicroMega said yesterday: “A specific requirement of this settlement was that Mr King’s family repatriate business assets that have been held overseas into South Africa. [Nosa] is one of those assets.”

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About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

A year would be helpful .........

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About mid way through it and at no point ever felt as low as that daft sheep fan thankfully.

and aye I supported Rangers then, I still support Rangers now and I will support Rangers until I become a statistic of the deadpool.

How does it feel knowing that this far into your life you will never see another Rangers team as you remeber them? Knowing that out of every pound you spend on your club as little as 1 bob will go towards the advancement of football whilst the rest will be spent by spivs seeing how many layers of shirts they can get away with? How does it feel knowing that your only hope is to starve the club of season tix money and push them to the brink again? How do you see a fan revolt going? Can you see the spivs letting go or can you see them divy up the assets whilst the club is sold to the fans, asset and debt free.

Enjoy the next stage of the journey.

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

How does it feel though Tedi? The last 2 years of your life have been stolen from you. Your relationships with others is suffering. Rangers downfall has changed your life. You have been to more matches in the past two years than you attended the previous forty. If you'd only shown as much interest in your club before then the shysters would not have gained a foothold.

I am glad to see you step back a little, I like you, you deserve a rest from the pain.

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I first started following Rangers in the late 70`s early 80`s, we were not up to much back then either, did not stop me enjoying a game of fitbaw though, if I go to the odd game next season then that is what I will be paying for, no different than what you do when you can be arsed going.

As for the spivs, when there is no more money to be had they will do what spivs do and move on.

So, as even you will admit Tedi, the players had to TUPE over, the assets (like Ibrox) had to be bought...etc etc....when did you stop following Rangers?

Is there a specific date that you follow followed the players and assets (like Ibrox) over? Must be, if it meant that much to you.

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And where are you in life Tedi?

Quite possibly supporting 3 different teams in 3 years. That's sad. The level of loyalty displayed when you left your lifelong passion, Rangers, to jump to the new mob, is the thing that deserves ''deepest sympathy''.

Remember, both clubs existed at the same time, and you dumped them.

In all fairness, none of us actually made the Leader's acquaintance until a bloke in a pub told him about P&B just after Okey Dokey Day. He may have just become a the rangers fan at the back end of July 2012, and swallow swallowed all that stuff about history. He may never have actually been a fan of the dead club - he certainly didn't know much about their Five Star history in the early days.

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I have had a great time in the past 2 years.

My relationships with others? all my relationships are perfectly fine thanks all the same, what would you know of this?

I have been to more matches in the last two years than you have been in your life time stoney, the last few years for me however have seen no significant upturn than the number I attended previously, where do you come up with this nonsense?

Nothing me or any other fan of Rangers could have changed the chain of events over the past 3 years.

Step back a little?

Tedi, you don't have to be defensive anymore, we all know you. When you came to P&B, after your mate pointed you towards the slagging your club were taking here, you were defensive from the start. It was soon apparent though, five stars *snigger*, that you were at best a glory hunting part timer. Let it go now, it will soon be over for Rangers anyway.

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So when the players got SFA clearance to play for the new mob whilst Rangers still existed........................who did you support?

Like every other mug, he was supporting whoever's bank account the money was going into - as it obviously hasn't been used to support the new club. What with nigh on 70 million smackers having disappeared in less than two years, no facility to carry on as a modern business, and all. Unless of course Tedi missed that bit as his eyes misted up at the thought of the CL music playing at ibrox in 2017.

That's assuming they still have a working PA system in 2017, of course. :lol:

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There has only ever been one, feel free to think differently if you wish, free county.

There are a few ''free counties''.........

Only one? why did the Rangers players need to get clearance to play for a new club then? Must be an admin error...

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and for all we know you have never been to a killie match in your life (as a killied fan), you have however been to Parkhead many times as a die hard (insert 3 letter word for celtic fan here), I found that part perfectly believable.

I refer you to my signature - we know what you believe.

I refer you to your posting history on the BRALT - what's left of it - we know what you have believed from every shyster who's had their hand in your pocket, and every other moron who follows whatever the current Man in the Big Hoose says over the last couple of years.

You believe those stars represent one SPL title each.

You believe there are 100 minutes in an hour.

You believe that there are teams in Portugal more successful than the "most successful club in the world".

You believe that you are taking a stand, while still planning to tip up and throw money at the latest crop of crooks at ibrox.


What's Left of Scottish Football. :lol:

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ah so this is what provoked you into a post full of absolute nonsense then?

sorry about that.

ah so this is what provoked you into a post full of absolute nonsense then?

sorry about that.

ah so this is what provoked you into a post full of absolute nonsense then?

sorry about that.

ah so this is what provoked you into a post full of absolute nonsense then?

sorry about that.

ah so this is what provoked you into a post full of absolute nonsense then?

sorry about that.

Nah, just having a giggle at your, and every other Sevconian's expense. 2 years of telling us everything is fine whilst dismissing all efforts to point you in the right direction, 2 years of denial, 2 years of WATP, 2 years of 'back', not so much provocation as 2 years of patience waiting for the ultimate "I told you so" window.

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Tedi having a tear stained meltdown :lol::lol: Cheer up Tedi, 54 and all that :lol::lol: laughing my (insert three letter word for Celtic Fan) arse off........... :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol:

It's better than that, Johnny - one of the Orcs was banging on about title No. 56 the other day.....

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Ah so you wish to have a discussion about memberships, tupe, the SFA again? how mnay times would you like to have this boring conversation?

I have always supported Rangers, you think otherwise, that is fine, I have no wish to change your chain of thought, why the desperation to change mine? :rolleyes:

Been here a month Tedster....how would I know what you've disgust?


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A giggle?

You were claiming my personal relationship were 'suffering'

That is more than a little creepy to be fair, seems this who episode has affected you more than me.

A giggle?

You were claiming my personal relationship were 'suffering'

That is more than a little creepy to be fair, seems this who episode has affected you more than me.

Nice attempt at transferral of the subject, I taught you that didn't I?

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