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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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- including those in the MSM terrified at the prospect of having to learn something about the other forty clubs in the country.

Just out of interest and i have no idea who they are but this is another line commonly used. Who in the MSM are these Rangers supporters? Take BBC Radio Scotland as an example.

Richard 'as an Aberdeen fan i hate Rangers' Donald....Aberdeen Supporter

Jim Spence ...Dundee United supporter

Tam Cowan ... Motherwell Supporter

Stuart Cosgrove .... Failed St Johnstone Hooligan

Chick Young ... St Mirren Supporter

Tom English .... No Idea who he supports

The Corduroy Kid .... Claims to be a Rangers supporter

Obviously i am not including the pundits such as Billy Dodds , Jim Duffy , Gordon Dalziel etc but actual Journalists or presenters

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Surely you are not claiming the chairmen didn't listen to the fans? All we have heard from the Ps & Ds for the last two years is how fan power forced the chairmen into putting Rangers into the bottom tier

Probably best you just grab your ankles and let your board rape every last penny out of you then. Lucky you all stood around and did f**k all while your team was dying, that gives you the moral victory.

Have you paid your £25 quid to be a proper rangers supporter yet? Oh I forgot you get into the Tufty club for free when you are stupid and weak enough to buy a season ticket. How does it feel to be taken for such a massive ride? I'd be boiling if I were you, maybe even a bit bitter and spiteful, probably wishing ill on everyone else and hoping that no one can see though the act to how acutely embarrassing it is to be a nurangers fan.

Sorry I think I have answered my own question there.

PS Chick Young - St Mirren fan :lol: Actual Journalist :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Keep em coming, it's a raining day out there I've got plenty more room for giggles this morning

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Not nice.

There's only one person I see using the word "booming" at every opportunity.

Did i blame the SPL clubs for our problems? Do i blame the top tier clubs for our problems?

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So supporters of most SPL clubs wanted Rangers put into SFL 1?

Well no.

The SPL chairmen thought they'd found a dastardly way to pacify their own fans by exiling Rangers, but making it short. Fortunately, they were foiled.

You already know this and I'd imagine you know that I do, so what are you trying to achieve by raising it?

It's like you want me to defend these SPL chairmen at all costs and I've no plans to do it. I hated the SPL and its entire raison d'etre.

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I am away sailing today, will be all week with the exception of Tuesday evening of course.

:D with Vicky no doubt ........

Put my first personally owned boat ( 4 m Rib with a 40hp ) in the water on Thursday, so off to start a few repairs directly.

It is getting called ''The Stars'' :whistle

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Did i blame the SPL clubs for our problems? Do i blame the top tier clubs for our problems?

Not directly, but your wish to paint as negative a picture of the top tier as possible, as well as your obvious delight in European failure, establishes very clearly that you're extremely bitter about your club no longer operating at that level.

Your lashing is in an outward direction.

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Not directly, but your wish to paint as negative a picture of the top tier as possible, as well as your obvious delight in European failure, establishes very clearly that you're extremely bitter about your club no longer operating at that level.

Your lashing is in an outward direction.

Dear Me. You still don't get this do you? I am merely mocking those that are claiming the league without Rangers is booming. I actually think you agree with me that it clearly isn't but for some reason are reluctant to admit this.

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Just out of interest and i have no idea who they are but this is another line commonly used. Who in the MSM are these Rangers supporters? Take BBC Radio Scotland as an example.

Richard 'as an Aberdeen fan i hate Rangers' Donald....Aberdeen Supporter

Jim Spence ...Dundee United supporter

Tam Cowan ... Motherwell Supporter

Stuart Cosgrove .... Failed St Johnstone Hooligan

Chick Young ... St Mirren Supporter

Tom English .... No Idea who he supports

The Corduroy Kid .... Claims to be a Rangers supporter

Obviously i am not including the pundits such as Billy Dodds , Jim Duffy , Gordon Dalziel etc but actual Journalists or presenters

Arithmetic not your strong point, either?

Obviously you're not including the masses of "legends" who infest the sports pages, phone-ins and match coverage.

Oh, and Chick Young - good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour. :lol:

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Not directly, but your wish to paint as negative a picture of the top tier as possible, as well as your obvious delight in European failure, establishes very clearly that you're extremely bitter about your club no longer operating at that level.

Nail. Hammer. Head.

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So supporters of most SPL clubs wanted Rangers put into SFL 1?

No. As you well know, supporters across the country, and up and down the leagues, wanted rangers dead. Only one team's fans wanted them to survive, and only if they were crippled beyond repair.

So, depending on your point of view (or grasp of reality), either your Business Partners or the rest of Scotland got a right result. Unfortunately, it looks like the other cheek are happiest with the current situation.

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Dear Me. You still don't get this do you? I am merely mocking those that are claiming the league without Rangers is booming. I actually think you agree with me that it clearly isn't but for some reason are reluctant to admit this.

Who are these people? We have a right to know!

Only one poster banging on about "booming" for the last few pages. The rest of us are quite happy - being non-participants in a one-horse race isn't a lot different to being spectators in a two-horse stitch-up. If it was your horse that hadn't been put down, you'd be happily crowing about another tile coming your way (making a total of one), while telling us all that the EL is the place to be.

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Dear Me. You still don't get this do you? I am merely mocking those that are claiming the league without Rangers is booming. I actually think you agree with me that it clearly isn't but for some reason are reluctant to admit this.

I do agree that it's not booming without Rangers.

I also think it went many years not booming with them.

In addition, I think it's coped remarkably well financially without Rangers and would have fared far worse with them under the circumstances that that would have required, for the last two seasons.

And I think it's improved our game as others have been able to aim higher in the League and face fewer mis-matches.

I also think it's enhanced the chances of others to win cups, a chance which has been seized.

There have been indirect, perhaps lucky benefits too. The Rangers' situation pre-empted the introduction of play-offs which of course ensured a thrilling end to the top flight season just ended.

I wouldn't say the game is booming at the top level, but I prefer it.

I also understand why you don't.

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Who are these people? We have a right to know!

Only one poster banging on about "booming" for the last few pages. The rest of us are quite happy - being non-participants in a one-horse race isn't a lot different to being spectators in a two-horse stitch-up. If it was your horse that hadn't been put down, you'd be happily crowing about another tile coming your way (making a total of one), while telling us all that the EL is the place to be.

It never ceases to amaze me how people think they know how you feel.

Winning the league at Easter Road , When Dunfermline lay down and most of all at Rugby park will live with me forever. Great days and i would be crowing if something similar happened.

Winning the league by 21 points or whatever it was didn't even come close. It was boring and i am sure most celtic supporters feel the same

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