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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes if the fans had behaved differently that would have stopped D&P in their tracks.....

Aye, if we had stated a red top would have been enough the outcome would have been different, Bennett. They just don't get the full gravity of it all and no amount of demos or anything else would have made any difference. But never mind let them have a go at the support base, they know the full story, they just can't accept it.

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It seems to be news to you Youngsy that this is a bunch of criminal shysters we are dealing with?

These people are absolute scumbags who deserve everything they get. They were also being denounced and and exposed a long, long ago time ago by many "rangers haters".

Edited by AberdeenBud
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Exactly The fans have not exactly been full of love for Stockbridge / Ahmed / The Easdales / Mather / Wallace / Ashley have we?

It does not matter what the fans have done, could have done, nothing would have stopped this chain of events from unfolding, this was planned from an early stage with plenty of Plan B`s what the fans thought or did never even came into it.

D&P were never going to sell to anyone else, be that Bill Miller, Bill Ng (spelling), Paul Murrays group, Brian Kennedy, Walter Smith fronted group wth McColl ......etc it was already arranged to sell to Greenco and all the while D&P prolonged it - racking up their fees and increasing debts to HMRC and others.

Well atleast theres a chance that they'll get some porridge now.

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When questions were being raised by those not in thrall to the dream of TIAR or even winning that big cup - well over a decade ago - the only questions rangers fans were asking were "who's signing next" and "how many more titles than thame huv we got".

2012 was way too late, and that's what really leads you to the core of your denial - every last one of you looked at the shinies, and trusted the men in the big hoose.By the time you realised rangers were screwed, it was Mission Accomplished for the man who sacrificed your club to save his empire.It was Job Done for the flim flam artist. And lastly, it was Open Season for the Yorkshire man with big hands to activate the chateau acquisition program.

Why oh why did nobody warn them?

Oh very good, the so called 'man of the people' has spoken. Again instead of posting absolute nonsense, let's hear what solution the Rangers support could have done to prevent this conspiracy, bearing in mind that football fans are just that; football fans who see one takeover from another as an ongoing part of the business.

Instead of re-visiting the past by trying to denigrate the Rangers support why don't you show some moral fibre by criticising those people that have committed various serious offences in order to line their own pockets through the illegal purchase of the club, or are you such a hypocrite that your hatred towards a football club and support won't enable you to condemn as such.

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Aye, if we had stated a red top would have been enough the outcome would have been different, Bennett. They just don't get the full gravity of it all and no amount of demos or anything else would have made any difference. But never mind let them have a go at the support base, they know the full story, they just can't accept it.

Oh, we know as much as anyone does - and one thing we all know is that this didn't come from nowhere in 2012. The Horde might not have been paying attention, but my word they were showing themselves to be just the target market required if any unscrupulous operators ever fancied screwing them over and then coming back for more. Doesn't make them special - Craig, Charlie and the rest would would have come up with the requisite soundbites had the other cheek been in the same position. It does make them really, really stupid, though.

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It seems to be news to you Youngsy that this is a bunch of criminal shysters we are dealing with?

These people are absolute scumbags who deserve everything they get. They were also being denounced and and exposed a long, long ago time ago by many "rangers haters".

News to me!! Are you for real, many times on this forum i've stated that my fondest wish was to see Whyte and the other protagonists in this fraud in jail, whoever the other culprits may well be. As for the Rangers haters, would this be the same people who have looked upon Whyte as some sort of hero?

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Oh very good, the so called 'man of the people' has spoken. Again instead of posting absolute nonsense, let's hear what solution the Rangers support could have done to prevent this conspiracy, bearing in mind that football fans are just that; football fans who see one takeover from another as an ongoing part of the business.

Instead of re-visiting the past by trying to denigrate the Rangers support why don't you show some moral fibre by criticising those people that have committed various serious offences in order to line their own pockets through the illegal purchase of the club, or are you such a hypocrite that your hatred towards a football club and support won't enable you to condemn as such.

Again with the witty nickname...

Of course I'm looking at the past - that's when all this stuff happened. I'm even using the past tense as a bit of a clue.

I've criticised just about everyone involved with the whole clusterfuck - scum robbing from scum doesn't make it right. I've also stated - most recently yesterday - that I hope that ALL who have contributed to this saga get what's coming to them.

Please don't tar all football fans with the same brush as your lot - their have been many occasions in recent years where fans have been instrumental in saving clubs which have fallen upon hard times. Even where the clubs have died, the fans have started over. An option which could have worked for your lot....

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D&P were never going to sell to anyone else, be that Bill Miller, Bill Ng (spelling), Paul Murrays group, Brian Kennedy, Walter Smith fronted group wth McColl ......etc it was already arranged to sell to Greenco and all the while D&P prolonged it - racking up their fees and increasing debts to HMRC and others.

Well atleast theres a chance that they'll get some porridge now.

Correct, it was a conspiracy from the day Whyte came in until the day liquidation proceedings were initiated. Iirc Green did state that, after he purchased the assets, he knew he was getting Rangers in February 2012, 3 months before he was named as the preferred bidder by D & P. The house of cards is now starting to collapse, Bennett and i for one am delighted.

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Again with the witty nickname...

Of course I'm looking at the past - that's when all this stuff happened. I'm even using the past tense as a bit of a clue.

I've criticised just about everyone involved with the whole clusterfuck - scum robbing from scum doesn't make it right. I've also stated - most recently yesterday - that I hope that ALL who have contributed to this saga get what's coming to them.

Please don't tar all football fans with the same brush as your lot - their have been many occasions in recent years where fans have been instrumental in saving clubs which have fallen upon hard times. Even where the clubs have died, the fans have started over. An option which could have worked for your lot....

So why don't you try and concentrate on the events of yesterday and condemn the fact that a football club, shareholders, debenture holders and many other creditors have been the victims of a conspiracy and fraud of a massive scale, whether you have got a bitterness and hatred of that club and support, which you most certainly do. After all re-visiting the past on this particular subject has been done many times, to no great avail.

After all you are continuously embracing how much of a supporter of the ordinary person you are on this forum.

Let's see you condemn those who have committed fraud against these people and show support for ALL those who are victims of this.

Edited by youngsy
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I take it you like / respect Spiers?

Not particularly. His golf show is an abomination, he is a troll, in a position of great influence working in the written press. And when push comes to shove, just another journalist sucklin on the old firm teat.

Put yourself in the shoe of the diddy fan for a minute. Imagine every day of your life opening every paper to read the back 4 pages of sport are filled with old firm dross. These leaches have made a career from covering only 2 teams. They aren't journalists, they are mouth pieces.

Every day we are force fed the same shit. Scottish football needs the old firm. No, Scottish journalism needs the old firm. All my life as a fan these cretins tell us how important they are to us, what they bring to the game. Patronised by morons who don't even pay the opposition the respect of learning players names.

There are very few journalists who are actually able to cover the lower leagues with knowledge. Derek ferguson I take my hat off to, he speaks with passion about the lower leagues and has done for years.

Spiers? I couldn't give a shit what his opinion is on the price of bread.

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So why don't you try and concentrate on the events of yesterday and condemn the fact that a football club, shareholders, debenture holders and many other creditors have been the victims of a conspiracy and fraud of a massive scale, whether you have got a bitterness and hatred of that club and support, which you most certainly do. After all re-visiting the past on this particular subject has been done many times, to no great avail.

After all you are continuously embracing how much of a supporter of the ordinary person you are on this forum.

Let's see you condemn those who have committed fraud against these people and show support for ALL those who are victims of this.

Sorry, old man, but I'm really not sure you can cry "rape" when the victim strips off voluntarily and carries their own lube.

I support victims, not idiots. Those businesses left high and dry by rangers - victims. Those who showed red cards and "truck off" signs, who marched on Hampden, who boycotted the BBC - idiots.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Correct, it was a conspiracy from the day Whyte came in until the day liquidation proceedings were initiated. Iirc Green did state that, after he purchased the assets, he knew he was getting Rangers in February 2012, 3 months before he was named as the preferred bidder by D & P. The house of cards is now starting to collapse, Bennett and i for one am delighted.

Aye, it only started the day Whyte came in. :rolleyes:

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Youngsy, you admit yourself that RFFFF funds were used to support Whyte's company running the club.

I'll state again. The one thing you as a fan base should have done the minute liquidation was announced. Or at least a week later when the press started the new company line Green fed them.., was to say no.

Walked away with your head held high, we gave it our best shot, 50 plus titles, no mean feet, but this c**t is taking us for a ride, even the diddies are telling us!!!

Walk away and start again, contact those rangers men who couldn't get their foot through duff & phelps door, and ask them to lead you under a new banner.

Imagine in 140 years if you had done that? That would have been history right there! Honour, stuff those famous forefathers would have been proud of.

But no! You lived in the now, it's all about the now and getting it up Celtic, consumed by hatred for a football club, your fans couldn't let go, and these fraudsters knew it. Why else did they get involved? I mean god knows football is full of "crime". directors pulling off back handers at every turn.

But this? I mean how did they get away with it for so long? Because you all fed them? You parted with every last penny!

Season tickets, strips, pies, shares, you name it, anything to keep those 5 stars on the jersey.

And for what?

Really for what? It's a football team. We all provide for our families, we all find work where we can, we all love our family, our friends. But those 5 stars! They don't mean shit when push comes to shove.

A football team in Scotland win the league they play in 50 times. Great, congratulations.

But really? That's not what life's all about.

No matter how much you dismiss it. That's your answer to what we could have done...

Walked away.

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His comment 'Perth is not a football town' says all you need to know about him. He squirms like a baby whenever he is confronted on the shite he comes out with and the man is a walking, talking contradiction.

Speirs said that?

What a cretin.

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Just had a quick glance at this thread again.

So the new Peepul party line seems to be, "everybody knew it was a scam but there was nothing we could do about it" ?

Sorry morons but that's nonsense.

If everyone knew it was a scam why would you snap up season tickets & shares and generally throw wads of cash at conmen, every sevconian was warned from the start but refused to listen.

everyone who follows that comedy club is a gullible fool,

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Oh very good, the so called 'man of the people' has spoken. Again instead of posting absolute nonsense, let's hear what solution the Rangers support could have done to prevent this conspiracy, bearing in mind that football fans are just that; football fans who see one takeover from another as an ongoing part of the business.

Got to agree with WKR on this, and I've always took this position, IMO Rangers fans made it impossible for a real Rangers man to come to the rescue after Murray fcked the club up...it would have meant massive cost cutting, rookie players, etc etc That would have just not be acceptable to Rangers fans, look at some of the statements from Walter Smith, McCoist and others over the last few years paraphrased "Rangers are a big club and will behave like it" well they are not, that attitude caused them to die. They could not handle the truth and what was required to sort their club out

The subsequent need to ignore the laws of the land with the same club pish allowed Green and his friends to take the fans for absolute idiots and it's still going on.

The footballing authorities totally gave up any semblance of running the game in order to make sure that a team in blue played out of Ibrox, that allowed any fly by night operator to rub their hands and teh money to be made

The authorities and Rangers fans sense of entitlement allowed the dead Rangers team to morph into a disgraceful 24 hour party for spivs and conmen, it's sickening

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Triggers for this:

For every fiver they spend, we will spend a tenner.

Banking collapse removing soft touch bank who were heavily indebted to.

MIH being used to juggle money to make rangers seem viable.

MIH being up poop creek.

Whyte getting involved.

Ally getting horsed out of Europe twice.

Ally chucking away lead at top

Whyte withholding tax and ni in the hope ally didn't get horsed out of Europe.twice.

Whyte being allowed by the court to pick his own administrators against the will of HMRC.

D&P with their jingotastic administration milking more out the club before passing it to chuckles.

Charlotte fakes telling all its not what it seems

Share issues and loans and mercenary footballers wages.

Ally being horsed out of all cup competitions.

Magic director merry-go-round.

BDO Investigation

There's other things I have missed but alot of that is why the two versions of rangers are where they are.

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I like this idea that the non-Rangers fans are showing a despicable failure of solidarity with The Victims, especially the calls to CONDEMN! Whytey & Co, as if the man's criminal dodginess had ever been in doubt around these parts.

If the rest of us were to act anything at all like the blue horde have in the last ten years, we'd all be angrily shouting about how fraudulent schemes aren't actually all that fraudulent, if you look at them with your eyes a bit screwed up, and claiming that Whyte is the real victim of a vast conspiracy of Rangers-minded state officials and football authorities.

We'd be researching complex tax dodges to explain how the Ticketus loan wasn't technically a loan, because it was never supposed to be paid back. We'd be showing the red card to investigation.

We'd be calling for boycotts and disinvestment to damage the Newco as badly as possible; picketing Police Scotland; marching on the SFO and Crown Office; launching investigations demanding to know who are these people; bombarding any journalist who dared to express sympathy with abusive emails and demands that they be fired.

I'm all for solidarity with people who have been defrauded by wealthy shysters but seriously, the Rangers fans have shat the bed so badly, so many times and with such determination that there's very little public sympathy left.

Had a decent number of Rangers fans or supporters groups spent any serious time in the last two and a half years e.g. organising against Whyte & Co and hammering football/justice organisations with calls to investigate his criminality, most folk would agree you'd been hard done by. A good number of people wouldn't, being dicks, but most would.

But Rangers fans didn't do that. Instead, insofar as they've organised, it's been to think up creative ways to damage the rest of Scottish football as badly as possible, while furiously insisting that the club barely put a foot wrong in the last decade.

So you know, thanks for the invitation to respect your hurt feelings, and all. I'll bear it in mind, if you'll pardon the pun.

Edited by flyingrodent
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What the fucking hell is Oo my go, oh my go? :lol: There is nothing any football support could have done against a criminal conspiracy such as this.



So, the club was so deep in debt that only a shyster was willing to bid for it. And, if said shyster hadn't offered that pound, the club would have gone bust a year earlier than it did?

Is that a fair summary?

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