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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just one thing. Not trying to nit-pick, but I always thought the "Clumpany" was the whole shebang, not just RFC Ltd.

No Cyder, the corporate structure of the Rangers group consists of the RIFC PLC, this is the Umbrella company and then there's the Clumpany ie The Club which is owned by RIFC PLC and the whole club is an asset that is owned by RIFC PLC. Very much like the corporate structure under David Murray where MIH owned the club and the club was a separate legally known entity within MIH.

Yes RIFC PLC incorporated the club into the RIFC PLC, but if you look at companies house you will find a legally known entity called "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" and is owned by RIFC PLC.

The word Clumpany was well coined on P&B long before Chucky sold shares in RIFC PLC and should refer to the club/company itself and RIFC PLC is the another vehicle to rob gullible investors which happens to own the clumpany.

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No idea when to use a capital letter and you're pulling other posters up ... utter moron.

Edit: And you didn't even know which poster you were replying to :lol:

Hahahahahaha wooooooshed. The ' Is that you Johnny' was sarcasm, clearly went over your head :1eye

Just stop embarrassing yourself.

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How does someone who joined less than 2 weeks ago know so much about longer-standing posters on this board? Don't tell me COW is an alias, a glib and shameless liar no less.

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Kind of.

If we take the sale of the oldco Rangers, though, that was done while in administration. If the current holding company goes into admin then the, new, rules are pretty clear and the club would definitely be liable for some sort of penalty. That kind of sale would also be, technically, above board from the point of view of company law.

What, I thought, you were referring to was a sale of the holding companies assets before any kind of admin. That might get round the SFA rules but I thought that kind of sale would be, at the very least, challengeable under company law.

A solid reply,

Hmmmm, I'm trying to phrase this in way that makes it more simpler using the associations own rules.

OK, at this point in time if we take the Clumpany itself "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" a legally recognised separate entity by law, that's the entity the associations will recognise as the club. Looking at the associations view point today they see the clumpany is still solvent just about and competing in the Championship League. This is the entity that the associations will deem as the club and will view RIFC PLC as a different entity altogether and is not the club but is the owner.

RIFC PLC the owner itself runs into financial difficulty but the clumpany "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" accounts show the club itself is still financially solvent just about. So it's the owner who has run into financial insolvency but not the club and the owner has to sell the club "The Rangers Football Club Ltd" and the money from the sale of the club goes to service the owners debt, RIFC PLC.

So I'm saying that it is the owner that has ran into financial insolvency and the club is an asset that the owner can sell to pay of the owners debts even during an admin event to the owner RIFC PLC. It will be the owner RIFC PLC that will call in the administrators and not the clumpany that is "The Rangers Football Club Ltd".

Has that simplified what I am hinting towards ?

Is this possible that this club will escape running up debts, ditching the debts by being sold on and avoiding any sanctions at all because RIFC PLC the owner has all the liability for any debts the club ran up because it was the owner of the club.

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Magic the oppressed dug :-(

'Can picture him and the Celtic legends up here having a ball'

'The only dog I've ever seen to cheer a Celtic goal. In a better place now, HH wee one. '

'Are them tops specially made to fit the dog'

'Would be a special touch if Ronny dedicated the next win ti the dog, RIP HH'

I'm surprised they never got their next game called off in all honesty.

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It matters not a jot which of them has an insolvency event. The minute the owner of the club suffers an insolvency event and calls in the administrators they fall foul of the rules.

Just imagine for one second Dhenny !, see all that I put in the last post ?, you can just see the Cockwomble releasing this to the press on Hampden's doorstep should RIFC PLC call in the administrators. :lol:

I just wouldn't put it past the associations to pull a fast one like that on all of us again, I really wouldn't. :lol:

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Just imagine for one second Dhenny !, see all that I put in the last post ?, you can just see the Cockwomble releasing this to the press on Hampden's doorstep should RIFC PLC call in the administrators. :lol:

I just wouldn't put it past the associations to pull a fast one like that on all of us again, I really wouldn't. :lol:

Ayeeee hawhaw....Cause someome else will copy and paste your copy and paste job :1eye
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The dogs up there with Lassie and Marley now. RIP dhog.

Well at least the dug is in a better place than you, fcuk knows where your head is at most times sonny. You know them voices in your head that says post pish on the forum, try to avoid them there's a good laddie. :)

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