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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well done for missing the point entirely, what this shows is that you, like Wullie are perfectly ok with a guy breaking SFA rules, costing your club money as long as it negatively affects Rangers too.

Scotland...the land that hated itself to death.

f**k your new Team.


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Still ignoring my question I see. Typical!

I'll ask again - are you not grateful for Ashley getting his cheque book out and stopping you going bust last season???

...and btw, i did answer *your* point - overall he is bad for scottish football.

Densboy is losing it again.

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Be careful what you wish for .........

This is EXACTLY the type of attitude that keeps the Bralt full of "P&Ds" .

If my club chairman was a convicted criminal who had previously served on the board as they entered admin, I'd be kicking up holy hell with the SFAs decision to pass him fit and proper- but, King supplies the right sound bites so it's all ok down Ibrox way.

Maybe you should " be careful what you wish for" as the last 3 chairmen have been outed as crooks and are now hated!

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Densboy is losing it again.

Yawn. You're as delluded on *that* one as you are about it being the same club.......

In fact, your insistence on that one is what tells us all that your are completely blinkered in your opinions. So I feel pity for you.

I suspect lots of people feel pity for you....

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I'll give a score to your favourite charity, if you can show a post of mine linking or quoting Phil.

I don't have the time to nitpick through your posts to do that I'm afraid, though I still believe you are certainly a Phil sheep who believes anything he writes who just jumped on this 'anti rangers' bandwagon he is part of . ps you should do that anyway if you can instead of trying to use it as a bet against me

f**k your new Team.


That's all you seem to spout every post, you seem to have lost focus on your own club .. :rolleyes: I probably would too if I was a St Mirren fan and turn to Rangers as well mate, but I would like Rangers not slate them.

Edited by MRF-LCC-RFC
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I don't have the time to nitpick through your posts to do that I'm afraid, though I still believe you are certainly a Phil sheep who believes anything he writes who just jumped on this 'anti rangers' bandwagon he is part of . ps you should do that anyway if you can instead of trying to use it as a bet against me

That's all you seem to spout every post, you seem to have lost focus on your own club .. :rolleyes: I probably would too if I was a St Mirren fan and turn to Rangers as well mate, but I would like Rangers not slate them.

I love my solvent Football Club.

If I thought they were going to die, I would do everything in my power to help them.

I widnae f**k off to the lovely City of Derry and traverse the streets while singing sectarian ditties.




Surrendered and you snuffed it.

Oh my breeks.

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For me it's a tough one, I'm with WMM on this, it's an uneasy feeling when a sporting authority is called into question by a billionaire shareholder.

That said, the footballing authorities in Scotland are a complete disgrace and full of self-serving areseholes, and deserve to be called to account.

I think the SFA / SPFL members( club representatives) should have cried foul on this at the time and asked for justification on that decision- it's pretty apparent to me that King is neither fit or proper.

The idea that a sporting body is dragged through the legal system is just wrong, however, all this could have been avoided if, said body, wasn't so corrupt in the first place and had given King the middle digit originally. His application to be passed fit & proper should have been laughed at and thrown in the bin.

I sort of agree but who exactly do the SFA answer to then? Where was the process scrutinised? Anywhere?

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I don't have the time to nitpick through your posts to do that I'm afraid, though I still believe you are certainly a Phil sheep who believes anything he writes who just jumped on this 'anti rangers' bandwagon he is part of . ps you should do that anyway if you can instead of trying to use it as a bet against me

That's all you seem to spout every post, you seem to have lost focus on your own club .. :rolleyes: I probably would too if I was a St Mirren fan and turn to Rangers as well mate, but I would like Rangers not slate them.

The roof is collapsing on your team, you should be begging for slates & slaters. But too busy guarding the walls?

I really hope this is a Snafu parody account, if not - you are beyond thick IT Boi. M4

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The roof is collapsing on your team, you should be begging for slates & slaters. But too busy guarding the walls?

I really hope this is a Snafu parody account, if not - you are beyond thick IT Boi. M4

You joined P and B around a week ago, yet you know about Snarf?

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I sort of agree but who exactly do the SFA answer to then? Where was the process scrutinised? Anywhere?

The SFA should answer to it's members, the process should have been scrutinised by the members also. The fans all know it, the chairmen, sadly don't.

The SFA get away with it because not one chairman is willing to rock the boat, sad, but true.

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