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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Scientists actually discovered the existence of a 'Protestant gene' a couple of years back, it usually presents in an extra reddening of the face and causes the carrier to be more prone to bouts of permarage.

and if they hear a drum beating, they start marching with shorter steps, lead with their shoulders, and frown aggressively. Not a pretty sight. sad.gif

Just to check I found this

note it is the Big Man leading the parade, closely followed by the big Woman.

Some of the burds marching are pure class. tongue.gif

Count the wheelchairs. sad.gif

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It's gonna be some week come mid-June, anyway.

Monday 11th June... deadline for compliance with EBT investigation

Thursday 14th June... CVA meeting

Friday 15th June... 'deadline' for SPL license

Monday 18th June... fixtures issued

You mean "the first deadline". The "second deadline" will be sometime in July before the "third Deadline" in August etc etc.... ;-)

Edited by FrugalNory
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It's gonna be some week come mid-June, anyway.

Monday 11th June... deadline for compliance with EBT investigation

Thursday 14th June... CVA meeting

Friday 15th June... 'deadline' for SPL license

Monday 18th June... fixtures issued

I wish they'd wait until the Euros are over. We need something to keep us amused between the Euro 2012 final and the first game of the season!

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You're bright enough to understand that people are making sweeping generilsations about Old Firm fans but there are reasons for it, no matter how irrational it may seem.

There is a perception that both your clubs have made it difficult for themselves by colluding with one another to maintain their dominance of scottish football and that doesn't sit well with the rest of scottish football fans. This manifests itself in the hyperbole in some of the posts that you're reading. The perceived arrogance of all associated with the Old Firm has engendered a hatred of all that they (apparently)stand for

I know some real nice people who are both Rangers and Celtic supporters, people I have a lot of time for. Nevertheless, I want Rangers to be punished with the same severity that would have been afforded Ayr United. If that sounds the death knell for Rangers, so be it.

If both halves of the Old Firm ceased to be a part of scottish football I would be delighted, for the simple reason that we could then hope for equitable competition. There would be winners and losers but there would be less certainty at the beginning of any season.

Peace would not reign across the land. In fact, battle lines would be drawn as we all vied for honours, the way real competition should be.

If my opinion doesn't suit you, that's unfortunate but I have this idealistic notion that we don't need bigotry to fuel our interest in football.

For those people who argue that they are not bigoted and they don't deserve the stereotypical label attached to them, You are associated to a club (both sides) who are immersed in sectarian rivalry that is tolerated primarily for the financial benefits this scourge on society brings with it. Both your clubs consciously allow it to continue. They play lip service to ending it but eradication is far from the objective.

The Ayr United etc etc supporters of this world love football, love rivalry, love competition, love banter. We understand that we don't always win ( or in our case.....never win) but that doesn't put us off as we can always strive for success.

With all that said, I have no hesitation in adding that I cannot see an end to the bigotry, the power hungry dominance and the arrogance of the Old Firm, so I am comfortable in my position of desire to see the Old Firm vanish from scottish football. I genuinely hope I see it in my lifetime.

Your entitled to your opinion and I understand why fans are angry at the OF.

Me ! I was very fortunate to have grown up through better competitive times before the SKY deal.I can remember times when at the start of a season there was much talk about what team could win it and not today's which of the 2 OF will win it.

Here we are now where we are with the OF strangle hold about to be broken because of the Gers problems,I do hope this is seen as an opportunity to re-address the balance of power and money for the sake of a more competitive league HONESTLY.

It is SOOOOOOOO FCUKING boring this 2 horse race in a 12 team league with a split were SKY are demanding 4 OF games a season.The SPL do not have the balls to tell SKY what to do as the executives at the top are probably taking hefty bonuses out the TV money.

I have no doubt since I was a kid that the sectarian element is not what it used to be,but sadly the neds can't help but keeping it going for no apparent reason other than STUPIDITY.

Sure there are many who want the old firm just to piss off and die,that's not going to happen but hopefully this sectarian pish may die a death in future years.

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Your entitled to your opinion and I understand why fans are angry at the OF.

Me ! I was very fortunate to have grown up through better competitive times before the SKY deal.I can remember times when at the start of a season there was much talk about what team could win it and not today's which of the 2 OF will win it.

Here we are now where we are with the OF strangle hold about to be broken because of the Gers problems,I do hope this is seen as an opportunity to re-address the balance of power and money for the sake of a more competitive league HONESTLY.

It is SOOOOOOOO FCUKING boring this 2 horse race in a 12 team league with a split were SKY are demanding 4 OF games a season.The SPL do not have the balls to tell SKY what to do as the executives at the top are probably taking hefty bonuses out the TV money.

I have no doubt since I was a kid that the sectarian element is not what it used to be,but sadly the neds can't help but keeping it going for no apparent reason other than STUPIDITY.

Sure there are many who want the old firm just to piss off and die,that's not going to happen but hopefully this sectarian pish may die a death in future years.

There we are then, you and I aren't so far apart really. Now, what's the chances of talking all the bigots round to our way of thinking ?

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No, these meltdowns by Rangers fans are a clear indication that we are getting closer to the end game. Nothing has really happened today except for a couple of wild rumours, there has been nothing which has happened to cause them to disintegrate in this fashion.

It's what has not happened that has got them worried, and us diddies pointing out what that means which has got them on the verge.

No CVA announcement happening means they are awaiting the CoS verdict to see if they have got anyone to invest money to the CVA pot. It has come out that this court case regardless of it's actual outcome will signal the end for Rangers because the SFA will be forced to act against them due to their obligations to FIFA and UEFA. They have seen themselves move into a position where they have check mated themselves. All the rest of the news is just rubbing salt into open sores, it's a great time for Scottish football.


I wrote this before reading about Billy Dodds offering his services as a witness in the BTC. Something has happened today, something huge. Not sure if Doddsy is about to turn queen's evidence or just stupid (I'm sure someone will make the meme for that, I cannae be ersed)

The absolutely fantastic thing about this Rangers story is it will have multiple end games.

First one will be the entity which is the football club and their ability to play or otherwise.

Then the stage when the rats will be running in all directions clutching their EBTs until the big size 11 of PC plod stamps on one of them.

Then the clean up begins of Rangers, its offshore companies, its transactions.. But before you clean anything, you need to know here the dirt is, so it will be follow the money!. And the courts will be full for months if not years. Duff & Duffer will still be administering something or other, still missing deadlines, and promising good news tomorrow.

And then those who should have done more will have to step up to the mark. Bit like the Financial Services Authority doing nothing about the banks. But heads will role and new controls put in place.

Will I live long enough to see it all through? laugh.gif

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Do you think it's reasonable to be told to f**k off in a thread relating to your team?

on a less contentious tack, I've thought for a while now that Britannia in your avatar really does look to have a magnificent pair of tits - it's a shame that we'll only ever get to see a bit of grayscale sideboob ;)


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What's the next steps in the legal proceedings against the SFA? i.e. when can we expect the case to get going and the SFA to get the shitty stick out?


Expect judge to say 'see the judge on the appeal panel, he wiz right'

Followed by much wailing.

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Have they even worked out conclusively how much is owed to who? :unsure:

All creditors to get a euro millions ticket, a packet of skips and a signed copy of Whytes new book "Moonbeams & I - 10 steps to spending high & paying nothing"

Edited by thenolly
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Has Billy Dodds put David Murray in more shit

I want to address the revelation in Wednesday night's BBC Panorama programme that I was one of the people to receive money at Rangers through an employee benefit trust (EBT).

: I feel that I have to defend myself and fight my corner because I have not done anything wrong. I have paid every bit of tax throughout my professional career, at every club, including Rangers.

The full story is that David Murray came to me and asked if I would receive a payment that was due to me, after tax, through the EBT trust. And I said that I would. It was money that was owing to me when I had six months left on my contract and I moved to Dundee United. After the tax was deducted, that money was put in the trust fund.

This was a single payment made when I was leaving the club. I did not receive any payments through the trust fund at any other point of my Rangers career. I don't know what other EBTs there were while I was at the club, and we never discussed them as players, although I refuse to believe that major players evaded millions of pounds in tax.

There was certainly no benefit to me from being paid this money through the trust fund. It was simply what I was due, the tax was deducted, and the club simply asked that they pay it to me through the fund. I had no issue with that and, of course, EBTs were legal at the time. It was Rangers who asked me to use the fund.

As a player, you're aware of all sorts of different schemes for putting your money into.

It's not that players are dodging tax, it's just that there are different avenues open to them to pay lower tax rates. There are schemes such as film partnerships that you could pay money into as an individual and so not pay higher tax rates. Image rights seem to be a more recent one that is popular in England.

There is nothing illegal in it, and the EBTs were the same. I want to stress that mine was simply a one-off payment, after tax, when I left the club, not some sort of remuneration scheme.

I never heard anything about side letters when I was at the club, not one person ever mentioned anything like that.

I've been in Spain golfing, so I've not yet seen the BBC programme, but I was shocked to hear that 87 players and staff were involved in the EBT scheme at Ibrox – but it should also be remembered that the trusts were not illegal.

People do have to understand that this wasn't players or staff trying to do something that would harm Rangers. And I do feel that it wasn't telling the full truth for the programme to bracket all the players and staff together if the EBTs were different for each of them.

All I can say is that in no way did I avoid paying tax, in no way was I paid wages or anything through an EBT over the course of my contract, and in no way was I aware of any side letters.

It amazes me that John Yorkston has the gall to talk about Rangers not paying their bills. He's a hypocrite, and he should start making sure that his club pay their bills instead. Jim McIntyre served a writ on Dunfermline on Thursday because he has still yet to receive his settlement after being sacked by the club last season.

The issue is with the court now, because Dunfermline said they cannot pay it in one instalment. Yet John Yorkston is in the press all the time talking about other clubs. He should be looking after the financial affairs of his own club.

Has silly Billy not just confirmed HRMC case by pointing out the mis-use of the EBT scheme?? As we are all well aware now, the EBT scheme was for "discretional loans" , not "contractual payments"

Way to go Billy... You may well have earned yourself a place on the " Rangers enemies" list...

This is fucking beautiful stuff :D :D :D

Edited by The ghost of Jim Morton
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Maybe that's because the other teams jealous of their popularity and finances wanted half the 'gate money' at Parkhead & Ibrox .... money that doesn't belong to them?

In the interests of 'fairness' then

Every team gets to keep their home receipts - fair

Every team gets to negotiate their own TV deals for their home games

Every team pays a fee for the SPL administrators and SFA. (makes them independent),

Cup games are split (less admin costs)

Above board and fair ...

But you know that's a non starter as the only games you could guarantee to sell to TV would be the ones against Celtic or Rankers.

That's a fact ,....

Away you go. We have moved on totally from that OF nonsense.

If you are that bothered why not just go and play Rangers in whatever league they are in. You can play each other every week.

Anyone who ends a comment with 'that's a fact' knows quite well that it isn't. rolleyes.gif

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Maybe that's because the other teams jealous of their popularity and finances wanted half the 'gate money' at Parkhead & Ibrox .... money that doesn't belong to them?

In the interests of 'fairness' then

Every team gets to keep their home receipts - fair

Every team gets to negotiate their own TV deals for their home games

Every team pays a fee for the SPL administrators and SFA. (makes them independent),

Cup games are split (less admin costs)

Above board and fair ...

But you know that's a non starter as the only games you could guarantee to sell to TV would be the ones against Celtic or Rankers.

That's a fact ,....

But none of that's remotely fair.

Would it be ok if you went away please?

You appear to be damaging an excellent thread by talking utter pish without realising it.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I want to address the revelation in Wednesday night's BBC Panorama programme that I was one of the people to receive money at Rangers through an employee benefit trust (EBT).

inShare1 Custom byline text: I feel that I have to defend myself and fight my corner because I have not done anything wrong. I have paid every bit of tax throughout my professional career, at every club, including Rangers.

The full story is that David Murray came to me and asked if I would receive a payment that was due to me, after tax, through the EBT trust. And I said that I would. It was money that was owing to me when I had six months left on my contract and I moved to Dundee United. After the tax was deducted, that money was put in the trust fund.

This was a single payment made when I was leaving the club. I did not receive any payments through the trust fund at any other point of my Rangers career. I don't know what other EBTs there were while I was at the club, and we never discussed them as players, although I refuse to believe that major players evaded millions of pounds in tax.

There was certainly no benefit to me from being paid this money through the trust fund. It was simply what I was due, the tax was deducted, and the club simply asked that they pay it to me through the fund. I had no issue with that and, of course, EBTs were legal at the time. It was Rangers who asked me to use the fund.

As a player, you're aware of all sorts of different schemes for putting your money into.

It's not that players are dodging tax, it's just that there are different avenues open to them to pay lower tax rates. There are schemes such as film partnerships that you could pay money into as an individual and so not pay higher tax rates. Image rights seem to be a more recent one that is popular in England.

There is nothing illegal in it, and the EBTs were the same. I want to stress that mine was simply a one-off payment, after tax, when I left the club, not some sort of remuneration scheme.

I never heard anything about side letters when I was at the club, not one person ever mentioned anything like that.

I've been in Spain golfing, so I've not yet seen the BBC programme, but I was shocked to hear that 87 players and staff were involved in the EBT scheme at Ibrox – but it should also be remembered that the trusts were not illegal.

People do have to understand that this wasn't players or staff trying to do something that would harm Rangers. And I do feel that it wasn't telling the full truth for the programme to bracket all the players and staff together if the EBTs were different for each of them.

All I can say is that in no way did I avoid paying tax, in no way was I paid wages or anything through an EBT over the course of my contract, and in no way was I aware of any side letters.

It amazes me that John Yorkston has the gall to talk about Rangers not paying their bills. He's a hypocrite, and he should start making sure that his club pay their bills instead. Jim McIntyre served a writ on Dunfermline on Thursday because he has still yet to receive his settlement after being sacked by the club last season.

The issue is with the court now, because Dunfermline said they cannot pay it in one instalment. Yet John Yorkston is in the press all the time talking about other clubs. He should be looking after the financial affairs of his own club.

Has silly Billy not just confirmed HRMC case by pointing out the mis-use of the EBT scheme?? As we are all well aware now, the EBT scheme was for "discretional loans" , not "contractual payments"

If anyone's employer said to them would you like that money your owed as a tax free loan and not as your usual payslip?

Eh...no thanks just fukin pay may as normal ya tax dodging kunts.

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There we are then, you and I aren't so far apart really. Now, what's the chances of talking all the bigots round to our way of thinking ?

First we put Buckfast Abbey out of business,the neds nipple for abusive behaviour..

Then unify the two faiths to just being a christian,that would probably upset more but if they really was christian they would not bother.

Ask the 2 clubs to swap strip colours for a year celtic/blue and rangers/green ? ha ha they already want Green.

Ask the fans to only bring Saltire flags even if they are green at Parkhead.I know a few who are thinking about this that have season tickets at Parkhead so watch out.

A huge government advertising initiative in MASSIVE letters just saying ....


Will think of more but there's a start.

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d'YOU thinK Leggo's reading that aND feeling someKind of fucKWit EmpaTHY WITH THe auTHor for the EXcellENT use OF CAPITALIsation ?

Not enough random.full.Stops.

cLOse buT. no. Cigar

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