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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When Burley says

"However, there will be a chance for some people to restore my faith in Scottish football and that is to make sure Rangers' punishment is a sensible one, one that also benefits the long-term well-being of the game."

he seems to be missing the fundamental point that their punishment was the death penalty. Any manipulation taking place now is to help a new club, not to punish an old one.

True but when do the likes of Burley, Dodds, Jardine or Traynor talk sense?

They open their pish flaps all over the pages only to appease the OF fans.

It was either this or Sevco are going to sign some wonderkid from Real Madrid who will be the next Pele.

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Please, don't start this shite.

I didnae want tae, but i'm not taking any shite from an Old Firm fuckwit whose Club and Fans have been disgracing Scotland and Scottish Fitba for decades.

The sooner they're both dead and gone the better.


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That will be the same fans that espouse the mantra of 'respect for fellow clubs' having already slated the Hoops and lumped them in alongside the Orcs. To recognise their team and include them in the banter is respect. However I suspect most of them are of the type you meet in the pub where they okay holding court and making cracks ..... but start greeting when you take the piss out of them.

Easily spotted on here ... one wee dig and the rants start flying ...

Yeah I know .. I know .. don't joke annoy the diddies, they get upset.

Yeah, I know the type - Magee, Wunfellaf, Dhenbhoy......wink.gif

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I didnae want tae, but i'm not taking any shite from an Old Firm fuckwit whose Club and Fans have been disgracing Scotland and Scottish Fitba for decades.

The sooner they're both dead and gone the better.


That's all you had to say. I'm sure Lawwell condemned that kind of activity in an interview in February, best to ask DenBhoy though.

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Have to agree with that, can you imagine the uproar if Celtic had come out and said "Chuck them out"?

Exactly. Wearing a football shirt was enough to earn Trish Godman a nailbomb in the post. Any action Celtic take risks looking like dancing on the Buns' grave, so I wholly endorse their current strategy of keeping quiet.

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Extra brave from the teams who have made a statement considering the attacks they have subsequently suffered.

Celtic could have made a definitive statement after hearts and Dundee utd led the way. Instead they have shat themselves in public. Credit to them for getting their supporters to make their excuses for them though

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If you read the thread, that has already been addressed. Celtic issued a statement from the outset that stated 'Celtic can survive financially without Rangers in the SPL' .. as far back as Feb 12th and longer before any other SPL club. As the other poster stated if the other teams had followed suit then maybe this farcical situation may have been dealt with sooner.

Does it really need any more clarification?

Well, that's fair enough, then, because absolutely f**k all's happened to change the situation in the meantime, has it?

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In the end it should matter not a jot whether CELTIC vote YES or NO, never mind them announcing their intentions. Unless you are stating you do not trust your own chairmen and clubs?

I don't trust any chairmen, including my own, and Lawwell and co. less so. If there hadn't been a collective fan reaction, nurtured on threads like this, I have little doubt that Sevco would have waltzed into the SPL next season.

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What utter pish.

Salary levels wil drop?

You mean we won't be able to pay utter fannies, like Hooper & Loovens & Wilson & Mulgrew?

I cannot fucking wait.

Btw, i cant remember Peter Lawwell lying to any Cetic fan.

The reason you can't remember is lying is because he hasn't said anything at all.

The reason he hasn't said anything at all is because he wants to keep you lot believing that he's against newco Rangers when in actual fact Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep their sectarian Old Firm business partners alive.

Celtic's business model is based on exploiting sectarianism. Without Rangers that business model dies. Without a sectarian rivalry with Rangers, Celtic are nothing.

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An interesting snippet from BBC radio Scotland a few minutes ago.

1. Sevco Scotland Ltd couldn't get a major bank to handle direct debits for season tickets, etc. They had to use a DD company in Manchester.

2 All 45 club Audi's must be returned tomorrow as they have lost the sponsorship.

Difficulties for Agent Green it seems. :blink:

These are the things I have been saying for the last few days the failure of the authorities to uphold integrity and for whatever name the deceased club from Govan become due to the lack of contrition theses are going to haunt the game financially.

Who will want their name on the shirts of a team everyone except their own supporters are cheats and tax dodgers, corporate sponsorship will be difficult to find.

Maybe they can get bus passes from McGill's instead of the Audi's

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SPL clubs are worried that Sky will cancel their five-year TV deal worth £80m if the top flight went without a Rangers team for more than a season. (Sunday Times)

Please :D

SPL executives are more worried they'll lose their Jobs as Scottish football comes under the umbrella of one organisation due to cost cutting.

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When Burley says

"However, there will be a chance for some people to restore my faith in Scottish football and that is to make sure Rangers’ punishment is a sensible one, one that also benefits the long-term well-being of the game."

he seems to be missing the fundamental point that their punishment was the death penalty. Any manipulation taking place now is to help a new club, not to punish an old one.

Whoever wrote that for him should apologise. It makes him look foolish.

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:rolleyes:They might. :lol:

But in fairness to burley, i saw him soccer AM some years ago & he was a complete fucknugget then as well, and listening to him as a co-commentator?..again, fucknugget.......christ i'd rather listen to john motson & mark lawrenson.

Surely Burley has no idea of the meaning of the word 'ironic', if he's calling the fans "muppets"

He's had a few years where his 'bete-noire' has been Hearts. Despite a clear conflict of interest, due to the sacking of Georgie boy, he has spouted shite for over 5 years now. Faced with one cheek disappearing (and with it his job?) he has reacted in much the same way as the "muppets" that follow der hvns.

Craig, please realise that the end of the world is not nigh and sevcos participation is not required. A bit like your media position.

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A statement does not have to be published on the club's website to make it a valid statement. It was made to the 'press' and released to the public.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, where were you when the other clubs remained silent?

Celtic do not have to repeat their position it was made public loud and clear unlike the silent majority.

The fans of 'other clubs' basically force their chairmen to speak up months later and now you try to gain the moral high ground ... amazing.

You just don't get it, do you? Your team have kept mum about the whole situation since the excrement/ventilation interface, and as Scotland's biggest and most powerful remaining club, that doesn't help the uncertainty surrounding the whole Scottish game.

As for chairmen keeping quiet, MJ has spoken on numerous occasions, and has even attended an open meeting with the KFCSA. Do any of you lot even remember what Lawell looks like?

Johnston has spouted an incredible amount of arslikhan pish, but he HAS been visible throughout this affair. As have many other chairmen from top to bottom of the leagues, and even outside them.

As for your final statement, celtic made that statement 2 days BEFORE administration hit your business partners. If you reckon that statement remains relevant, I've got a tower in Paris you might want to buy....

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I`ve been trying to keep on top of this since February with varying degrees of success.

One of the few things that seemed fairly straightforward was that Sevco would need 75% of the vote to be elected to the SFL.

A club needs 50% of the vote to be elected to the SFL BUT that club needs to present three years audited accounts. That is an SFL rule.

A rule change in the SFL constitution needs 75% of the member clubs voting for the proposal.

To the best of my knowledge Sevco cannot possibly present three years audited accounts. No matter how many lawyers they come up with, this cannot possibly be a matter of interpretation. Wonder how they`ll try to spin this next week?

I have got this right have`nt I?

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The standard of behaviour and language on this thread generally respects the views of others, even if you don't agree with them.

I would suggest that if you could do the same we would all end up with more productive discussions rather than arguments.

Over to you. biggrin.gif

That was never an argument!;)

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