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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That piece by Alex Thomson was terrible journalism.

No that was the full truth what was going on and why are the media are silent cause of Rangers fans threatened them for not publishing the truth? Why are you scared of the truth, and why do you try you're best to defend the club at all cost while it is defenseless.

This is why Rangers fans attack other journalists and media bampots for no apparent reason cause they are afraid of the truth! The truth is you're club is dead and is heading for liquidation and that will be the end of Rangers going into the history books.

Rangers fans calmed over Greens Share Issue

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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That piece by Alex Thomson was terrible journalism.

^^^^^^ clearly obsessed, unwilling to let go of his dead club and hates everyone else more than he loves the new team.

the fact that you have only posted in 2 The Rangers matchday threads would back that up. well, it would, if you were Bennett, Tedi etc...

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Says the lad rocking a negative rep before he hits 20 posts. Best give Tedi a shout and see if he's got any of Bennett's daily dose left over.

So you're clearly all about your post count and rep. I'm not good with rep on forums to be honest, don't give much thought to it either.

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^^^^^^ clearly obsessed, unwilling to let go of his dead club and hates everyone else more than he loves the new team.

the fact that you have only posted in 2 The Rangers matchday threads would back that up. well, it would, if you were Bennett, Tedi etc...

Or maybe i don't use P&B much? Not the best place to discuss Rangers so it seems.

Also it's clear that's not good journalism, i'm guessing if i didn't support Rangers then you wouldn't have disagreed that the piece is poor journalism.

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Tedi, check under Bennett's shell-suit troosers - the fella's got feet of clay. As you would remember, had you a better attention span than a goldfish and better comprehension skills than a labrador, I made a statement about KDS. A celtic poster pulled me up on it, we had a discussion re: semantics and viewpoints, and the matter was peaceably resolved - with bothe sides respecting the other's view.

My "obsessed little friends", by the way, would appear to constitute the majority of non-sevconians on this site - including followers of the green Sisters - who are united in loathing of your tawdry little Tribute Act. Thanks to Charlie, for making the majority of Scottish fans come together for once.

Oh you're such a fibber Norman, what would mother say?

It went something like this ....

Norman --- Follow Follow and KDS are sites with a lot of hatred in them

The Jakey --- Theres nae hatred in KDS just football discussions in the true corinthian spirit of the game, so you'd better take that back and apologise. Now!

Norman --- Sorry i got it wrong, KDS has no hatred at all in, that is reserved for FF and Z media. Sorry sir.

Norman then proceeds to kiss his arse for the rest of the night.

Edited by bennett
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No that was the full truth what was going on and why are the media are silent cause of Rangers fans threatened them for not publishing the truth? Why are you scared of the truth, and why do you try you're best to defend the club at all cost while it is defenseless.

This is why Rangers fans attack other journalists and media bampots for no apparent reason cause they are afraid of the truth! The truth is you're club is dead and is heading for liquidation and that will be the end of Rangers going into the history books.

Rangers fans calmed over Greens Share Issue

That specific article was poor. May have had some factual content but that doesn't mean it's a good piece.

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I would expect the majority of non rangers fans and pacific shelf fans posting on this anti rangers thread to be that way inclined

You all have your reasons, I believe you admitted these in another thread, what was it? Bullied at School by a Rangers supporter and bumped by a couple of your Rangers supporting so called mates at your wedding?, where I think Dave said he was spat on by a Rangers fan, I have been spat on at football matches several times and I was bullied at school fuk knows what team he supported though, I was also assaulted by some united supporters on a train coming back from a cup final, point is these people are just low lifes and it has nothing to do with what team they support, thats just bollocks, I certainly don't hate football teams because of individuals

And yes it was peaceably resolved....when you kissed his ass dry.gif

Did soneone go for a couple of pints at lunch time, wtf are you slabbering about, now?

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The fact that you are even supporting a team portraying itself to be the former, disgusts me.

The fact the media are allowing this lie to continue frustrates me.

There's only one team called The Rangers, son. And don't you forget it.

And you're frustrated? Good to hear. smile.gif

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Care to back that up, Gobshite?

You've been posting on here about as long as your team has existed, and I cannot remember ONE post which was not insulting, abusive, or reinforced the stereotype of the typical rangers fan. Are you even aware of what went on through the Spring and Summer, or has Charlie's Tribute Act got you thinking all's well?

Angst ridden and now paranoid? I'm absolutely delighted that you decided I must have been referring to you laugh.gif

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Tell me, why was Jock Stein, their greatest manager to date (at the time) made a pool's agent and not a director?

Why would he be made a director? It wasn't the done thing back then or even now.

Celtic at the time was owned by the Kelly's, they didn't want anyone on the board that was a potential rival, they wanted to milk ever penny out of the they club could

Why do you think we got shot of them back in 1994

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There's always ample room for those with no ambition in life. Well done to the diddies.

Poor wee deluded Ben suffers from senile dementia IMO and is best ignored as often as possible. His dementia prevents him from realising that he himself is a diddy supporting a Fourth tier league club with no history! wink.gif


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Do we know for certain that Sevco are struggling for money and where did these rumours come from ?

From Charles Green himself.

The biggest share issue in the world - ever. He said in the press release...

CHARLES GREEN insists Rangers aren't reliant on a successful share issue to achieve their long-term ambitions.

Gers today announced their intentions to seek admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

In turn, they hope that will allow them to raise working capital amounting up to as much as £20million.

Green said: "Let's be honest about it, the reality is that this year was always going to be a challenge.

"The minute we were put into the Third Division, in my position as CEO I should probably have made 20 to 25 per cent of the staff redundant.

"We didn't and as a board and an investment team we wanted to keep the management team intact. We've got fantastic staff and fantastic loyalty along with great knowledge and skillsets.

"If you believe, as we do, that Rangers over the next couple of years will go back into the top flights of football in Scotland and Europe, it's important we keep that team around us.

"I suppose this year, financially speaking, is a difficult year for us. It's a start-up year and we've got lots of exceptional costs.

The headline is true. Not needed for long term ambitions as he is going to spend it short term. It is called wages!

The bits in red all say we are strapped for cash.

"Working capital" is to keep the business trading, and allow them to pay the bills.

"Always going to be a challenge", "lots of exceptional costs", "a difficult year for us" all reinforce this message.

Can we not fast track Charley onto Dragon's Den to ask for the money? Would love to see Duncan going beetroot in the face as Green explains how the business is hemorraging money, and Charley has the cheek to ask him to invest Bannatynes' own money.ohmy.gif (Stand well back)

Loved the bit about staff having great knowledge and skillsets. laugh.gif We talking Kevin Kyle here? Ally? laugh.gif Lee Wallace the Wester Hailes gunman? ohmy.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Why would he be made a director? It wasn't the done thing back then or even now.

Celtic at the time was owned by the Kelly's, they didn't want anyone on the board that was a potential rival, they wanted to milk ever penny out of the they club could

Why do you think we got shot of them back in 1994

Come on rico a man of big Jocks stature being offered a job selling pools coupons. even you must see that as being wrong? Imagine how he felt knowing that his great service to the club meant so little to those on the board.

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From Charles Green himself.

The biggest share issue in the world - ever. He said in the press release...

CHARLES GREEN insists Rangers aren't reliant on a successful share issue to achieve their long-term ambitions.

Gers today announced their intentions to seek admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

In turn, they hope that will allow them to raise working capital amounting up to as much as £20million.

Green said: "Let's be honest about it, the reality is that this year was always going to be a challenge.

"The minute we were put into the Third Division, in my position as CEO I should probably have made 20 to 25 per cent of the staff redundant.

"We didn't and as a board and an investment team we wanted to keep the management team intact. We've got fantastic staff and fantastic loyalty along with great knowledge and skillsets.

"If you believe, as we do, that Rangers over the next couple of years will go back into the top flights of football in Scotland and Europe, it's important we keep that team around us.

"I suppose this year, financially speaking, is a difficult year for us. It's a start-up year and we've got lots of exceptional costs.

The headline is true. Not needed for long term ambitions as he is going to spend it short term. It is called wages!

The bits in red all say we are strapped for cash.

"Working capital" is to keep the business trading, and allow them to pay the bills.

"Always going to be a challenge", "lots of exceptional costs", "a difficult year for us" all reinforce this message.

Can we not fast track Charley onto Dragon's Den to ask for the money? Would love to see Duncan going beetroot in the face as Green explains how the business is hemorraging money, and Charley has the cheek to ask him to invest Bannatynes' own money.ohmy.gif (Stand well back)

Loved the bit about staff having great knowledge and skillsets. laugh.gif We talking Kevin Kyle here? Ally? laugh.gif Lee Wallace the Wester Hailes gunman? ohmy.gif


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I depise rangers, and all who seek to justify their behaviour.

No shit. We already know all about the angst, the fantasies, the indignation and the oh-so-dull rants.

But, the feeling is absolutely mutual. We all know Killie are a club living on borrowed time - here's hoping you hit the wall and hit it hard sooner rather than later.

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From Charles Green himself.

The biggest share issue in the world - ever. He said in the press release...

CHARLES GREEN insists Rangers aren't reliant on a successful share issue to achieve their long-term ambitions.

Gers today announced their intentions to seek admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.

In turn, they hope that will allow them to raise working capital amounting up to as much as £20million.

Green said: "Let's be honest about it, the reality is that this year was always going to be a challenge.

"The minute we were put into the Third Division, in my position as CEO I should probably have made 20 to 25 per cent of the staff redundant.

"We didn't and as a board and an investment team we wanted to keep the management team intact. We've got fantastic staff and fantastic loyalty along with great knowledge and skillsets.

"If you believe, as we do, that Rangers over the next couple of years will go back into the top flights of football in Scotland and Europe, it's important we keep that team around us.

"I suppose this year, financially speaking, is a difficult year for us. It's a start-up year and we've got lots of exceptional costs.

The headline is true. Not needed for long term ambitions as he is going to spend it short term. It is called wages!

The bits in red all say we are strapped for cash.

"Working capital" is to keep the business trading, and allow them to pay the bills.

"Always going to be a challenge", "lots of exceptional costs", "a difficult year for us" all reinforce this message.

Can we not fast track Charley onto Dragon's Den to ask for the money? Would love to see Duncan going beetroot in the face as Green explains how the business is hemorraging money, and Charley has the cheek to ask him to invest Bannatynes' own money.ohmy.gif (Stand well back)

Loved the bit about staff having great knowledge and skillsets. laugh.gif We talking Kevin Kyle here? Ally? laugh.gif Lee Wallace the Wester Hailes gunman? ohmy.gif

To even be listed on AIM you need to prove you have working capital for the next 18 months...

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