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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Just because I never needed to point out the difference before or even think about it does not mean it was not the reality


so at no point up until your club went into administration did you consider the possibility that a company ran your club...

just admit it.... up until this whole debacle... it was always the club, everything, trophies, money, the lot... McClelland, Johnston, Greig, Gordon Smith etc were Rangers directors, you never considered them as directors of a company that ran the team....

it just so happens that this bullshit has been peddled out to let you all believe that you are still "the greatest team in the world"... otherwise season ticket sales etc would have dive bombed through the floor.

come on, admit it's all just a convenient lie to protect the trophy stats!

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1350315969[/url]' post='6716306']

You are suggesting we lied about that figure, I believe Strathclyde police also confirmed the figure was accurate

Produce some evidence that proves this figure was wrong

Or are the dark forces in the establishment back at work?

Do you have proof the police confirmed the figure?

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Do you never tire of repeating the same old lines? I'm sure i've read the same comments from several others on here, almost verbatim.

Sometimes education is a matter of repeating facts until they sink in properly and are properly understood. So if people are trying to help you by repeating the facts of Rangers and Sevco, I wouldn't complain about it. Just be grateful.

After all when you fully understand what has been done to your club, and what is happening to it in 2012 you will be in a better position to make sensible decisions on things like offers of shares.

And who knows, once the facts sink in, you might be the man who will organise the group of genuine supporters who will raise the money to make the club member owned. Either taking it away from the clutches of Charley or whoever comes after him. biggrin.gif

There comes a time in life when you have to stand up and be counted. Or do you just want to shout slogans the rest of your life? sad.gif

Your choice. smile.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Celticminded websites started the rumour and you know what there is a 50/50 chance that it's valid, one thing i've learned is never disregard rumours no matter how stupid they sound. Either way we'll soon find, no accounts then going by what i've heard and read from other fans then no cash for Charlie.

The rumour is that the season ticket money was used to pay the loan used to buy the club, whether it's true or not, who knows?

Your worries will soon be in the public domain Benny.

You should worry because the share issue is at least 3 years too early for a new company to float on the stock exchange.Green has NO ACCOUNTS at all either to show the club is posting profits.

Also why the share issue so early ? goes to proof that Green does not have the cash flow to sustain the new club till it reaches the top flight where the money is.Too much talk about possible outside investors and so called possible mega sponsors ? WTF ! these companies will not throw sponsorship money at a new club until they see the books for themselves to verify the club is financially acute and stable for years to come whilst at least fulfilling it's yearly fixtures on a regular basis.

I've read a piece recently that linked TICKETUS to SEVCO5088 that apparently your new club will service the TICKETUS debts through there from the club and Green will probably pay the £5.5M through the share issue as well.

Albeit that the fans themselves will actually service the clubs finances personally ALL OF IT ! this mob at Ibrox is only there to get as much money out of your club as possible with the least amount of investment possible.

How many times has Green flapped his bottom lip only to be found out to be talking shite ? this is a worry.

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1350315307[/url]' post='6716258']

What that means is your fans cant be arsed attending the ordinary games

Todays official attendance is what our PA announces and always towards the end of the game and the figures reported are what have passed through the turnstyles

Someone is telling porkys at porkhead, I wonder why

According the fans at the east fife game the PA announced 48k and nearly everyone including commentators had it at about 50k yet rangers official figure was 38?


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Is there not the incentive of big European matches nights attached to second place and plenty of prize money (much more than 1st place in Div3) or am I mistaken ?

Pretty sure it is, and it's a target that potentially 5 teams will be competing for, who knows, maybe even be what celtic get if they are pipped to the title by a team that doesn't dodge their tax...

but now that Rangers aren't in the SPL, its sloppy seconds apparently.

Orcs... what are they like!

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1350318492[/url]' post='6716447']

There was a post about a week after the EF game on follow follow that mentioned several times that Strathclyde police had confirmed the figure, you could use your *impostor log in to check

Failing this you could follow the same approach as the author of the letter that I posted above took, the address to write to is all provided, please let us know how you get on

It's your claim you back it upsmile.gif

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In your wee head maybe, out in the real world the msm and official sources and the SPL`s own commision are all lining up endorsing continuation, the arguments against like yours are starting to sound like weak wind ups ;)

NAW ! TEDI ! come on and stop talking pish ! Green has publicly spoken that your club has never been part of the SPL ! EVER ! and Fat SAlly even said that your are a brand new club.

The MSM only want the orcs to buy their papers ! The TV want the orcs to increase their viewing figures ! The people who run the SFA & SPL don't want parcels through the mail and also want bigger revenues by ? saying your still the same club that has £94M in debt !.

Yours is a weak windup when the people who own and run your club claim to be a new club when it's penalties and sanctions and huge debt ! but the same club when it suits them to pander to the orcs 54 titles n aw that.

Your the fucking windup merchant on a humongous scale because you've spat out the same shite that Green and Sally has spewed only when it suits your windup agenda.

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You made the point about glory hunters, you prove that you own fans are more guilty of this, I have no idea what your ST prices are, our have been reduced by 33%, not what I would class as shitloads

Dhenbhoy was correct and you are wrong as usual. If most Celtic fans were glory hunters every available season ticket for Celtic Park Stadium would have been sold before the 2012-2013 SPL season started. Your attempt at point scoring is mute. The only reason the attendances (now decreasing) have been high at Ibrox for the start of this season is due to you glory hunting zombies thinking that you would be watching and celebrating your tax/creditor dodging cheating b*****d of a zombie club pumping every club in Div3 in every match. dry.gif

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What that means is your fans cant be arsed attending the ordinary games

Todays official attendance is what our PA announces and always towards the end of the game and the figures reported are what have passed through the turnstyles

Someone is telling porkys at porkhead, I wonder why

Does it really matter how many where at Parkhead ? at least the club I support will post a healthy profit this year FACT ! will your new club ? that's the burning question TEDI no matter how many will throw money at Green !.

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1350318857[/url]' post='6716471']

It is not my claim, its the official announced and public figure

I dont need to, you are the one thats questioning the official figure, prove it wrong

Wrong, you claimed the police have confirmed this figure.


Re: the official DTB Rangers vs East Fife Match thread

wtf are bbc radio going on about the mc at Ibrox announced 48 f$ckin thousand

Edited by THE KING
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Missing the point spectacuarly, Celtic fans are not bothering to turn up for the bread and butter games and it's only going to get worse in the 3 or 4 years it may take us to get back up to the SPL. Future season ticket sales may well decline as many fans decide that the one horse race just isn't worth their hard earned cash.

Not all rosey in the celtic garden after all.

One horse race ? what about the donkey your backing in the 3rd division to win it at a canter ? surely a more one sided affair than the SPL race ! :blink: if your new club can't win the 3rd at a canter then next years season ticket sales will deffo plummet.Who wants to watch pish next year at a high cost if they struggle this year ?.

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Quick question for the Sevco Nation frequenting this forum...

St Mirren appointed a new commercial director, Richard Atkinson, a couple of years ago. One of the things he did was to negotiate a move away from Hummel providing our kits, to JD Sports providing our kits.

All the headlines that followed the new deal were.... 'St Mirren announce new three-year deal with JD Sports'.

None of the headlines read.... 'Richard Atkinson announces new three-year deal with JD Sports'.

I'm just looking for clarification from any Sevconians.... In your world, is it St Mirren who have a deal with JD Sports, or Richard Atkinson? I'm asking this in all seriousness to try and establish where the lines are drawn between individuals and 'the club'.

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One horse race ? What about the donkey that you're backing in the 3rd Division to win it at a canter? Surely that 'should be' more of a one sided affair than the SPL race ! :blink: If your new club fail to win the 3rd Division at a canter this season next years season ticket sales will definitely plummet. How many of you zombie cnuts will pay to watch pish next year at a high cost if your tax/creditor dodging cheating b*****d of a club struggle this season?

Definitely. ph34r.gif

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Oh aye against East Stirling, Elgin and Montrose, lots of glory here, no disrespect to these teams but you are speaking utter shite as usual

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the brink of another severe mental breakdown IMO. His delusions have him thinking that nobody knows that he and his zombie friends all expected to be watching his tax/creditor dodging cheating b*****d of a zombie club batter in 6+ goals in every match that they played in DIV3. wink.gif

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Oh aye against East Stirling, Elgin and Montrose, lots of glory here, no disrespect to these teams but you are speaking utter shite as usual

When your club got 3rd division football ? what was the response from your fanbase ? I'll tell you ! "We're gonna pump aw these wee diddy clubs on our march up back up to where we belong and bring the title back home where it rightfully belongs in 4 years time".If that's not glory hunting down in the 3rd I don't know what is FFS.

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