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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Rangers fans that I've heard from welcome the forthcoming appointment of BDO, who have stated that they will investigate the conduct of those who were in charge of the company that used to run the club.

You're wasting your time i'm afraid, common sense and reason doesn't come into it with the clowns we're dealing with on here.

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Yeah, but it's a fuckload funnier.

Now, if we could just see Wullie Pullar and Sally pushing Chuckie down Edmiston Drive in a bathtub......

Jings!!!! Normans name calling again and after all he's had to say on the subject too ;)

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Is it just me that thinks White knows he is standing under a bucket of shite which is going to fall squarely on him and he is doing the equivalent of punching some extra holes in the pail to make sure those close by catch their fair share.

Anyone who thinks this thing wasn't stitched up is deluded. Personally i'd far rather hear why Bill Millar was persuaded to walk away from this shambles within 4 days yet CG has managed to get this far without even hinting at where the purchase money and running costs income came from. This pish about season tickets would mean the club was paying its way. I find that very hard to believe.

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So if all responsibility for dirty deeds falls on the shoulders of the individuals in charge of the company who ran the club... can you tell me under what circumstances should a football club be punished / held responsible for anything?

Pick any club - St Mirren, Partick, East Fife, anyone...

poz, don't be daft. The answer is obvious; when it's any club except rapeepul/zombiepeepul/sevco/tribute act. dry.gif

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You're wasting your time i'm afraid, common sense and reason doesn't come into it with the clowns we're dealing with on here.

Ah, Bennett's got someone to listen to his drivel. New club, old company, history, oor titles, nae debt.......

All together, berrz - "it wiznae rangers, a bad boy did it and ran waycrying.gif". Aye, but now the bad boy's back, and who knows what papers and emails he may have to share with us?

Any link between Chuckie and the original Ship of Fools is going to make for a VERY interesting few months.

With all the berrz screaming for the "guilty ones" to face justice, how funny would it be if Craigie turned QUEEN'S evidence for a reduced punishment?

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The Rangers fans that I've heard from welcome the forthcoming appointment of BDO, who have stated that they will investigate the conduct of those who were in charge of the company that used to run the club.

The ones in charge of the company only did it because of the baying hordes, demanding success at no matter the cost.

The cost was the death of your club.

Twice :)

Oh, I am glad to be off work for a fortnight come Friday, fun times 8)

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Next week. After Brian Kennedy, Paul Murray and Sir Walter of Cardigan have formed Zombie Blue Knights Mk III.

D'ye know, Poz, just for tonight us diddies should party like it's Valentine's Day all over again. All those names flooding back - fair brings a tear to the eye.

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A scenario repeated chez WRK, and no doubt elsewhere.....biggrin.gif

Aye. I even tried explaining what's happened but she doesn't understand what's going on. She has an excuse though she has no real interest in football. The Sevconians should be able to comprehend the gravity of the situation. They're fucked. Who's honestly going to invest now.

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