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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah i think a 6 mill wage bill from a club getting 50k supporters through the turnstyles should be just fine, still the figures to prove it would be good for numerous reasons

50k paying customers would be better. He has already got the cash out of whatever the ST total is and the freebies handed out on match day don't count.

It is the day to day cash he is needing to find and as he has already fleeced the ST punters he needs more...much like a vampire he needs to drink cash again..........soooooon.

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If he can't put forward a sustainable business model to progress through the lower echelons of Scottish football, with 50k punters desperate to buy in, then something is drastically wrong.

He's hardly started well, paying top SPL wages (More than Hearts Hibs & Aberdeen etc) whilst having his gate money halved due to lower admission prices, no TV money, no europe money, and no league sponsership & prize money.

The business model is very transparent, pay his bosses off (Ticketus) with the share money and disappear when duff & phelps turn up again around xmas time

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It is on Pauls blog page, no offence but anything written on that blog or the Scotlands Rangers Football Monitor will have the same logic applied to it, they are simply tic wet dreams

If it was my club I would read it and then I would debunk what is written if it was untrue. However to say something is without merit because of where it is posted having not read it makes you look like a bit of an ignorant pie to be honest.

When the News of the World ran Phill what's his name story about Rangers £24 Miilion EBT tax bill did you dismiss it as a tic wet dream thus leaving your self blissfully unaware of the facts?

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Tedi Fivestars ... under the illusion he has a say in whether Green can cash in and go or not. Under the illusion that the thick as mince bears will see through the smoke and mirrors. Under the illusion that Green will leave them room to mount a legal challenge once he fleeces them. Green will go once he fleeces you and on his own terms .....

Tedi's very own glue sniffing induced wonderland ... you tell him Tedi ....

Tedi "Chuckie Cheese are you going to take us to European Super League aye?"

Chuckie cheese "Yes we are going to Europe cause we are ra peepul!"

Tedi "We are ra Peepul!"

Craig Whyte "Alright Charlie ready to go pal?"

Chuckie cheese "Yes my job is done here ticketus are happy and liquidate these b*****ds!" laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Can he ask for FSA approval? I cannot find anything in that document that says the FSA will not vet the prospectus if requested

Oh for f**k sake! Surely you know enough about the man to know that he will sail as close to the edge of legality as he can. He will NEVER ask for or volunteer for additional governance to imposed.

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Tic fantasist forum for this pish

A tick is a bloodsucker :lol: , so Green is very welcome I would suppose.....

I know future Sports Personality of the Year. Craig Whyte, is ;)

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I can just envision Charlie striding along a country lane, followed by Tedi, Bendarroch, Bennett and the rest of the Orcs. They spy something in a field beside the road. Bennett calls to their saviour:

"Charlie, Charlie, there's a load of dead clowns in that field!"

"Never mind them, young fella," Charlie reassures him. "It's not far to the Circus now!"

They carry on down the road a few more miles, and then they start to cross a bridge. Bendarroch looks over the parapet, and calls out:

"Mr Green, Mr Green! there's a dozen horses drowned, floating down the river!"

"Don't you worry your empty little head, sonny," says Charlie. "Nearly there now."

Again they set off, and then Tedi pipes up:

"Mr Green! Sir Charles! Look! There's two dead elephants lying next to the road!"

"Oh, Tedi, you do worry too much. Come on, my followers, the Circus is just round the corner"

And on they go, round the corner.

Parked in a field, they see a helicopter. Confused, the Orcs look to Charlie - what can this mean? Charlie goes up to the helicopter, climbs in, and closes the door.

"Bye, loyal supporters. I'm off to Monaco with Craigie now. They say there's a fine Circus there. Oh, but Tedi, why so glum? Bendarroch, is that a tear in your eye? I'm sorry, what was that? YOU want to go to the Circus? I don't remember telling you you could go. You followed me because you believed I would deliver shows and spectaculars. But then, it's not the first time that's happened, is it?"

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Can he ask for FSA approval? I cannot find anything in that document that says the FSA will not vet the prospectus if requested

Unfortunately I am falling into the trap of responding to Tedi's pathetic, irrelevant and deliberately distracting tirades.

Taking FSA approval as something significant is like saying being approved by Sir David Murray is important.

He is typically Rangers in all their pomp, willing to discuss whether Ticketus got their money or not. Your time might be better spent talking about all the small companies who were ripped off by Murray and his entourage first and then Whyte supported by the guys who had lost their tongues. (Where is the legend that was John Grirg, as well as Martin Bain, Ken Olverman et all)

Ticketus attracts money from people who are looking for a good return. http://www.octopusin...html?newsId=363 And of course investments can go down as well as up. If Octopus and Ticketus are quiet, you can be sure they have their money. End of.

Whether McConville is a good guy or not is not relevant. The judgement should be on what he says. Despite your postings I won't tar you as a typical Rangers/Sevco protestant bigot, thug, lout, mason, orangeman. I will judge you on what you say.

So let's forget the labels. Can give you the Latin term, but that doesn't make me a Tim, or whatever other label you want to use against anyone who is not 'one of us'.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Bears have been dismissing theories about their club finances as wet dreams since around 2004 .. if they only had listened and taken stock of the mess they were in then .. it could have been avoided .. It's cretins like Tedi that are responsible for their club's demise ...

They spread the myth everything was fine .. nothing to see .. that allowed Murray the freedom to destroy the club ... :lol::lol::lol:

Yet they still persist with the same attitude ..... ;)

Fcuking great !!!!

Edit: You can just tell by Tedis responses he is so desperately trying to be like his hero Bennett ... ;)

Given that others have pointed out the financial plight oldco were in for many years before their demise makes you wonder when or if they will ever catch up.

It's easy to deny this stuff but when some of it has came home to roost beyond many expectations of doom. How many would have predicted Liquidation ? So can anyone say for sure that there will not be further financial disasters to come given the constant links to unsavoury practices.

I realize that the Sevconians have little choice, continued victims of Murray and Whyte and all the other muted directors. Given Green wants a return if you don't back this resurrection it may just force Chucky to reclaim his money by a giant fire sale.

I haven't seen any Sevcoian actually rip the pish out of the Euro Super League stuff or the projections from media and capturing the Chinese market. Surely you guys are not taken in by this and nor will any investor but I doubt they expect any outside investors I think they are going for a big fan subscription.

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Guest Kincardine

Despite your postings I won't tar you as a typical Rangers/Sevco protestant bigot, thug, lout, mason, orangeman. I will judge you on what you say.

That is about 'the most shitest' post I have read on here.

This is a forum and we all have respond to people as we find them. You have failed to do that. Read through the posts on this forum and then tell me who is the, " Bigot, thug, lout,".

Apart from the odd alias and the occasional Wee Fanny most Bear here are certainly not louts or bigots.

Shame on you.

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That is about 'the most shitest' post I have read on here.

This is a forum and we all have respond to people as we find them. You have failed to do that. Read through the posts on this forum and then tell me who is the, " Bigot, thug, lout,".

as a Sevco/Rangers apologist, which of the above do you plead not guilty to?

Or is not proven still an option? biggrin.gif

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Given that others have pointed out the financial plight oldco were in for many years before their demise makes you wonder when or if they will ever catch up.

It's easy to deny this stuff but when some of it has came home to roost beyond many expectations of doom. How many would have predicted Liquidation ? So can anyone say for sure that there will not be further financial disasters to come given the constant links to unsavoury practices.

I realize that the Sevconians have little choice, continued victims of Murray and Whyte and all the other muted directors. Given Green wants a return if you don't back this resurrection it may just force Chucky to reclaim his money by a giant fire sale.

I haven't seen any Sevcoian actually rip the pish out of the Euro Super League stuff or the projections from media and capturing the Chinese market. Surely you guys are not taken in by this and nor will any investor but I doubt they expect any outside investors I think they are going for a big fan subscription.

This is all true and I have to say that I still find it incredible.

I actually have a certain respect for the Rangers fans who post on here. They know it's hostile territory and some have been more gracious that we're inclined to admit.

I do find the repeat 'head in sand' stuff startling though. I wouldn't have known about the McConville professional trouble had it not been cited by a Rangers fan on here. Clearly the stuff about him is true, reflects on him terribly badly and makes him less credible than he might otherwise have been. To use this to completely dismiss what he has to say is ridiculous folly though. He's clearly informed, bright and has been right before. Whether he hates Rangers or not must be so far from the point, given the stakes, as to be irrelevant. Yet, we still get this 'fact' raised as means of justifiably ignoring him.

I truly don't get it. What if he's right?

The reluctance of Rangers fans, even the sensible ones, to genuinely attempt to get to grips with what might be going on, amazes me.

I don't know if Green's 'at it' or not. If he is however, he appears to have definitely picked the right club.

Genuine inquiry to Rangers fans : Despite a certain powerlessness for which supporters can't be faulted, do you think your fans are inclined to be collectively gullible or at least, less inquisitive than might be healthy?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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I see TEDI has been in spectacular form getting his arsehole shredded at every turn just about as usual :lol:.Also he can't work out that Nimmo states the remit that the SPL gave him to rule upon :lol:.Won't buy into Chucky Cheeses share issue so his club will survive till next year ! at minimum.

There's just so much recently been blogged about Green and his associates from previous failed AIM's ! and I mean a lot of them 99% of them nearly between him and his associates :blink: so what's going to be different about this one as Green is a master at the big AIM boiler room con ?.

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I see TEDI has been in spectacular form getting his arsehole shredded at every turn just about as usual :lol:.Also he can't work out that Nimmo states the remit that the SPL gave him to rule upon :lol:.Won't buy into Chucky Cheeses share issue so his club will survive till next year ! at minimum.

There's just so much recently been blogged about Green and his associates from previous failed AIM's ! and I mean a lot of them 99% of them nearly between him and his associates :blink: so what's going to be different about this one as Green is a master at the big AIM boiler room con ?.

So will Chucky cheese crash the train again? laugh.giflaugh.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Guest Kincardine

That is about 'the most shitest' post I have read on here.

This is a forum and we all have respond to people as we find them. You have failed to do that. Read through the posts on this forum and then tell me who is the, " Bigot, thug, lout,".

as a Sevco/Rangers apologist, which of the above do you plead not guilty to?

Or is not proven still an option? biggrin.gif

Three comments:

1. Learn to quote and reply properly. It is not that difficult. Even we Zombie, knuckle-draggers can use the quote function properly.

2. The whole notion that being a Rangers fan makes you a," Bigot, thug, (or )lout," is entirely wrong-headed. I am in none of those categories, Nor are any of the Bears who post on here.

3. I am not an apologist. I simply support my team and go and watch them whenever I can. This is true for all the Rangers fans on here.

So apart from your brain-dead post do you actually have a point?

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