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:unsure: We ran with it at the time.... and as it is only 'if' there is a succesful share issue that it 'may' be valid.

Have a look back :)

I've had a look back and it was discussed but very briefly, 3 or 4 posts.

Even with the qualifications this, if true, is a huge story.

Any widely reported credible suggestion of selling Ibrox (neverless selling Murray Park for possible housing) = failed share issue.

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i'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist has been a benificiary of an EBT.

I'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist wasn't a beneficiary of an EBT. So far you've been unable to provide such evidence.

The weight of probabilities indicates that he would have benefitted from an EBT.

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I've had a look back and it was discussed but very briefly, 3 or 4 posts.

Even with the qualifications this, if true, is a huge story.

Any widely reported credible suggestion of selling Ibrox (neverless selling Murray Park for possible housing) = failed share issue.

Am sure Orc Media ran a thread yesterday about canvessors asking q's re Edminston hoose, ach here it is http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=241338

Tbh, I think most folk are letting it slide because they doubt there will be a share issue, and those Canadian teachers will look elsewhere for their pension fund.

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Fantastic point..................... 'if'....... Fatty had once said ''EBT's, sorry I haven't a clue about them, I never had one''

He (and grandmaster Wattie) have been very very quiet on this. Not one denial in 4 months between them.

Have McCoist and Smith ever been asked the question about having an EBT to either confirm they had or not. Again i'm quite sure being who they are their answer would be well reported by the media and let's be honest after all the investigative journalism on this hasn't found anything linking either as beneficiaries i think if there was anything there it would have been found. After all Murray is mentioned as having benefited,as has Souness,Barry Ferguson,McCleish,Numan,Ogilvie,Advocaat,Greig,Bain,LeGuen.

The fact that all of these have been uncovered as beneficiaries but nothing about McCoist or Smith makes it unlikely that they received any EBT payment. Unless the BBC decided to leave two of the most high profile people at the club in the last twenty five years out of the listing through some sort of loyalty,again very unlikely.

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Haven't they renamed Murray Park yet? Thought it would have been one of the first things Green would have done

I thought Green was letting ST buyers vote on the new name? It does seem a wee bit strange, given the current status of (S)DM in the world view of his beloved Orcs....

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Have McCoist and Smith ever been asked the question about having an EBT to either confirm they had or not. Again i'm quite sure being who they are their answer would be well reported by the media and let's be honest after all the investigative journalism on this hasn't found anything linking either as beneficiaries i think if there was anything there it would have been found. After all Murray is mentioned as having benefited,as has Souness,Barry Ferguson,McCleish,Numan,Ogilvie,Advocaat, Greig,Bain,LeGuen.

The fact that all of these have been uncovered as beneficiaries but nothing about McCoist or Smith makes it unlikely that they received any EBT payment. Unless the BBC decided to leave two of the most high profile people at the club in the last twenty five years out of the listing through some sort of loyalty,again very unlikely.

The beeb would have ran with what they were given, and we know it wasn't the whole shebang.

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I'm asking for conclusive evidence that McCoist wasn't a beneficiary of an EBT. So far you've been unable to provide such evidence.

The weight of probabilities indicates that he would have benefitted from an EBT.

Doesn't the accuser have to provide proof? As i haven't accused anyone of anything i await proof that he is a beneficiary. Not one person has shown anything stating that he has benefitted. Also we aren't speaking of probabilities we're asking for conclusive proof that he is a beneficiary.

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I thought Green was letting ST buyers vote on the new name? It does seem a wee bit strange, given the current status of (S)DM in the world view of his beloved Orcs....

Maybe he can't rename it because he doesn't own it ;)

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Have McCoist and Smith ever been asked the question about having an EBT to either confirm they had or not. Again i'm quite sure being who they are their answer would be well reported by the media and let's be honest after all the investigative journalism on this hasn't found anything linking either as beneficiaries i think if there was anything there it would have been found. After all Murray is mentioned as having benefited,as has Souness,Barry Ferguson,McCleish,Numan,Ogilvie,Advocaat,Greig,Bain,LeGuen.

The fact that all of these have been uncovered as beneficiaries but nothing about McCoist or Smith makes it unlikely that they received any EBT payment. Unless the BBC decided to leave two of the most high profile people at the club in the last twenty five years out of the listing through some sort of loyalty,again very unlikely.

The names you mention were all (I think) on the BBC's list. There is a fair bit of EBT money "declared in the accounts (laugh.gif)" unaccounted for, so I think it's fair to assume that there's others not listed - possibly Sally & Wattie, possibly a load of Admin staffs' Christmas bonuses.

As to questions being asked - isn't one of the main root causes of the situation the disinclination of ANYONE in the Scottish media to ask uncomfortable questions for a period of over a decade?

Rather than allow the suppositions to continue and gain currency, would it not have made sense for Sally (as the highest-profile possible recipient STILL at the club) to declare that he had not been a beneficiary? Or, if he had, to make a clean breast of it and move on? After all, transparency's a good thing, right?

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The beeb would have ran with what they were given, and we know it wasn't the whole shebang.

Wunfellaff, the BBC would have investigated diligently on this to confirm if McCoist and Smith were beneficiaries and if there was anything they would have found it. You know that and i know that. Do you believe that they would have investigated about McCoist on this and wouldn't have reported if anything was there. They've been investigating on this month on month,nothing has came up about McCoist or Smith.

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Wunfellaff, the BBC would have investigated diligently on this to confirm if McCoist and Smith were beneficiaries and if there was anything they would have found it. You know that and i know that. Do you believe that they would have investigated about McCoist on this and wouldn't have reported if anything was there. They've been investigating on this month on month,nothing has came up about McCoist or Smith.

I refer you to the Silly Billy factor. He was a pundit they had hours of access to, only took them months to get round to asking, and then let him off the hook when he dumped the whole club in it re illegal dual contracts.

I quite believe the ones with access to McCoist may not have asked.

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Wunfellaff, the BBC would have investigated diligently on this to confirm if McCoist and Smith were beneficiaries and if there was anything they would have found it. You know that and i know that. Do you believe that they would have investigated about McCoist on this and wouldn't have reported if anything was there. They've been investigating on this month on month,nothing has came up about McCoist or Smith.

As recent events have shown, if the BBC didn't have iron-clad proof, they won't run with it. Their lawyers will have advised caution, especially given the possible reactions from that "minority" we're always hearing about.

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The names you mention were all (I think) on the BBC's list. There is a fair bit of EBT money "declared in the accounts (laugh.gif)" unaccounted for, so I think it's fair to assume that there's others not listed - possibly Sally & Wattie, possibly a load of Admin staffs' Christmas bonuses.

As to questions being asked - isn't one of the main root causes of the situation the disinclination of ANYONE in the Scottish media to ask uncomfortable questions for a period of over a decade?

Rather than allow the suppositions to continue and gain currency, would it not have made sense for Sally (as the highest-profile possible recipient STILL at the club) to declare that he had not been a beneficiary? Or, if he had, to make a clean breast of it and move on? After all, transparency's a good thing, right?

We're speaking of a BBC investigation here,i wouldn't say they were disinclined to ask uncomfortable questions within the club over this issue,would you? The fact is,after all the investigation by the BBC, McCoists name hasn't came up and as i said considering the high profile he has it's likely he would be one of the more prominent names they would have looked at. Anything connecting McCoist as a beneficiary would be headline as soon as,but nothing has been found.

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I refer you to the Silly Billy factor. He was a pundit they had hours of access to, only took them months to get round to asking, and then let him off the hook when he dumped the whole club in it re illegal dual contracts.

I quite believe the ones with access to McCoist may not have asked.

So after all the investigation work put in regarding who received EBTs they decide to leave McCoist out of the equation. Behave yourself,they would have had him down as their major story out of all beneficiaries,no danger of that. And if they thought there was something they would have kept digging. Mark Daly would not have let anything go as regards this.

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So after all the investigation work put in regarding who received EBTs they decide to leave McCoist out of the equation. Behave yourself,they would have had him down as their major story out of all beneficiaries,no danger of that. And if they thought there was something they would have kept digging. Mark Daly would not have let anything go as regards this.

lol, there are many camps in the beeb, Daly is only 1. And I doubt he would get close enough to ask questions. The ones that could, won't.

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We're speaking of a BBC investigation here,i wouldn't say they were disinclined to ask uncomfortable questions within the club over this issue,would you? The fact is,after all the investigation by the BBC, McCoists name hasn't came up and as i said considering the high profile he has it's likely he would be one of the more prominent names they would have looked at. Anything connecting McCoist as a beneficiary would be headline as soon as,but nothing has been found.

Just think of two reasonably well-connected "peepul" at the Beeb.

Would Wee Chico ever ask a question that made Sally or Wattie at all uncomfortable? We've all seen the YouTube clip that shows what happens when he does....

Doddsy - quite happy to drop the club in the shite on air and in print. Subsequently pretty quiet on the subject and (admittedly I'm in Englandshire), I've not heard him being grilled on the subject.

Something doesn't smell right with the whole affair, and the suspicions don't do rangers any favours. As I've said, would it be too much for Sally to say, for the sake of transparency, whether he did benefit, or not? After all, have the fans not got a right to know?

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Are the BBC still banned from Ibrox? I remember Whyte banning them after that documentary.

But I can't remember if Green also banned them?

Different club so ban didn't carry. They have got 'difficult' after The Heros tapes got aired though.

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Just think of two reasonably well-connected "peepul" at the Beeb.

Would Wee Chico ever ask a question that made Sally or Wattie at all uncomfortable? We've all seen the YouTube clip that shows what happens when he does....

Doddsy - quite happy to drop the club in the shite on air and in print. Subsequently pretty quiet on the subject and (admittedly I'm in Englandshire), I've not heard him being grilled on the subject.

Something doesn't smell right with the whole affair, and the suspicions don't do rangers any favours. As I've said, would it be too much for Sally to say, for the sake of transparency, whether he did benefit, or not? After all, have the fans not got a right to know?

The fans may well like to know but I'm not sure they have the right to know about an individual's tax affairs.

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