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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fair comment so I'll desist.

Feel free to PM if you want to discuss the subject mate. As an atheist have a pretty neutral view of all organised religion and associated groups.

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To be fair that's a bad example a picture to taunt Sevco fans with. The freemasons accept any God believing male over the age of 21(unless the son a mason then 18 the lower age requirement). They are undoubtedly a sexist organisation but do not discriminate against specific religions, unless you count atheism.

The catholic church on the other hand will condemn you to hell for being mason.

Bringing the masons into the debate is as bigoted as linking the catholic church to Celtic and an example of how Scottish football needs to drop the narrow mindedness before it can progress.

Freemasionry is not sexist,there are Lady Freemasons in Britain. To Claymores,trying to link Freemasonry to sectarianism shows that you have no idea of the principles of Masonry.

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Freemasionry is not sexist,there are Lady Freemasons in Britain. To Claymores,trying to link Freemasonry to sectarianism shows that you have no idea of the principles of Masonry.

TBH I wouldn't know for sure but my goat humping father told me women have their own equivalent orginisation. Dad's big team are Aberdeen, how the fcuk does work?

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Freemasionry is not sexist,there are Lady Freemasons in Britain. To Claymores,trying to link Freemasonry to sectarianism shows that you have no idea of the principles of Masonry.

I have very good ideas about what it has become my local area which is little-short of being a sub-grouping of the Orange Order, believe it or not This is one of my principal reasons for being anti-Orc which is not 'anti-football-supporters of a particular-team'. But as suggested, this is not the place to exorcise these thoughts. Happy to debate the theft of £94mill here, and the danger of further thefts ;)

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Feel free to PM if you want to discuss the subject mate. As an atheist have a pretty neutral view of all organised religion and associated groups.

Too much of a minefield, and talking aboots the downfall of the former Rangers + precarious position of Cevco is more my bag TBH :D

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I have very good ideas about what it has become my local area which is little-short of being a sub-grouping of the Orange Order, believe it or not This is one of my principal reasons for being anti-Orc which is not 'anti-football-supporters of a particular-team'. But as suggested, this is not the place to exorcise these thoughts. Happy to debate the theft of £94mill here, and the danger of further thefts ;)

You simply cannot make judgement of a worldwide organisation based upon your local branch only. It is prejudiced and bigoted.

Slow day today, let's keep religion and politics away and talk about the taxman again

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Bendy at his hysterical best .. roll on the tainted title stripping, hefty fine, club repaying the stolen prize money .

Let us pray the BDO take a tough stance and file criminal charges against D&P for fraud whilst applying to the court to seize the assets as an illegal sale to help repay the creditors .. They can do a lease agreement to Sevco .. Green can detail the rent in any non-prospectus he has planned.

And the Dhensebhore, as ever, being his dully predictable self. There's more excitement to be had watching a herd of hedgehogs stampeding through peanut butter.

But, you're not the only one who hopes - if criminal activity has indeed taken place - the courts fucking hammer those responsible.

Your hero - the c**t known as Whyte - deserves nothing less. If D&P and others get it too, then hell mend the b*****ds.


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You simply cannot make judgement of a worldwide organisation based upon your local branch only. It is prejudiced and bigoted.

Slow day today, let's keep religion and politics away and talk about the taxman again

AGREED - which dates do I need to keep free in my diary for popcorn n laffs? I've lost track!

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TBH I wouldn't know for sure but my goat humping father told me women have their own equivalent orginisation. Dad's big team are Aberdeen, how the fcuk does work?

As your father is a dons fan he'll probably get his own ewe rather than the obligatory goat that the rest of us have to share out. All quite fraternal though. There are lady freemason lodges down here in England but they are not officially recognised by Grand Lodge of England.

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We all know how wrong you are.

As the man on the radio said some time ago 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And don't you forget it, son.


Multiple Personality Disorder. dry.gif

Sadly deluded. dry.gif

I already have ya wee fanny, it isn't worth remembering dry.gif


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It just had to be ....


A rage ..... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I must go for this as it's a slow day (apols for diluting the thread but having read back 10 pages, it can't be diluted much further!).

I have in my hut a 7 foot Orc......................no, I have not trapped Sandy Jardine in 70's high heels in my hut.

It is the promotional Orc I won as the runners-up prize when I was trying to win a round-the-world trip when Warcraft 3 game was released. It is the heavy creature (still sounds like Rangers), ugly (still sounds like Rangers), it weighs more that the Big House Bun! WTF to do with it!!!!!!

Before the replies - OT talk for this pish it's just because it's an Orc and each time I've read or contributed to this thread since I joined I've laughed.

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Are the orange order freemasons? Genuinely don't know, in fact I don't really need to know other than understanding a little of the history of institutionalised bigotry in this country.

Which, I'm guessing, puts you in the same boat as 90% of followers of BOTH of the ex-Business Partners. Little snippets, heavily edited, of Irish/Ulster history, a few songs and an indoctrinates hatred of "The Other" - that's the ticket for these people.

There will always be inadequates who require validation of their lives by claiming allegiance to a social, religious or political group. From the Bigot Brothers in Glasgow to the rise of Islam in Britain's prisons, some will always feel safer and more secure if they can define themselves as part of something bigger.

FWIW, my understanding is that the Orange Order and the Freemasons are entirely separate organisations, but I would assume quite an overlap in membership, or at least allegiance, in the social group we're looking at here.

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Charles Green has again shown what an absolute rocket he is.

Charles, see instead of the soundbites, please tell everyone who is backing you now and what you will use the cash for. Did he really say "even if we only get £10 million"?

The new rangers are well on the way to the pavements. f**k them.

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