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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Time out guys .. FFS.

Both of you have valid claims ,, But Sailor as much as I like your posts your point is akin to calling a black man bigoted for hating the Klan. Think you guys need to take this to PM or dedicated thread rather than feud on the 'Laugh at all things Sevco/Rangers do' thread.

And listen to each others valid points then discuss rather than name calling ... I expected better from you two !!!

Disappointed ...

Good point - I've had a few drinks and don't like being called a bigot when I'm far from it - stoned should meet my cousin who IS a bigot + card carrying UVF member. (you think it don't exist anymore?)

(and in the lodge + mason!)

Edited by Claymores
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Your replies are starting to adopt a Sevconian style of avoiding the real point of the OP ... is that what you took to be the main thrust of my post ?

Maybe you have infected with 'Fivestaritis' on your travels ?

The real point of OP the was to try to move the discussion to PM, good call but claymores rejected that option and he still wants to debate with me. I have no problem with anyone's opinion but when that opinion is misinformed then I will address it and put my opinion accross. Freemasonry may bring up a lot of images in Scotland but most of them are wrong and black propaganda spread by the Catholic Church who viewed the masonic movement as occultists. Both orginisations are idiotic IMO.

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Thanks .. but far from innocent in this squabble ...

Both chill and relax or take it outside .. leave the pints here .. no glassing allowed .. Marquis of Queensbury rules ... :lol::lol:

I'm cooled - me and stoned usually get on well so I'd take him a safe EFFC bar if down my way!

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The real point of OP the was to try to move the discussion to PM, good call but claymores rejected that option and he still wants to debate with me. I have no problem with anyone's opinion but when that opinion is misinformed then I will address it and put my opinion accross. Freemasonry may bring up a lot of images in Scotland but most of them are wrong and black propaganda spread by the Catholic Church who viewed the masonic movement as occultists. Both orginisations are idiotic IMO.

leave it pal, really. you win - I'd rather slag the buns!

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No. Pope John Paul II (who was a Freemason) stopped that policy. dry.gif

The Catholic Ban on Freemasonry since the Second Vatican Council

In 1974 Cardinal Franjo Seper, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sent a letter which seemed to relax the previous absolute ban on Freemasonry[7][8] which caused confusion[9] and led many Catholics to become Freemasons.[10] In 1981, the Congregation clarified this stance in a letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled Clarification concerning status of Catholics becoming Freemasons which said the private letter of 1974, on becoming public, had "given rise to erroneous and tendentious interpretations" and affirming that the prohibition against Catholics joining Masonic orders remained.[7] In 1983, the Church revised the Code of Canon Law in a way that did not mention Freemasonry directly causing some Freemasons to claim that the ban on Catholics becoming Freemasons may have been lifted,[11] although the ban was reaffirmed in the same year by the Vatican.[12] In 2000 a letter written by Father Thomas Anslow, a Judicial Vicar, indicated a more permissive attitude, although this was retracted by Anslow in 2002 because the "analysis was faulty."[citation needed]

Another who wont research before spouting off.

Fivestaritis again .. in short you have no clue ... maybe you might to check to be sure?

For the record I have no clue .. should you lose you a job for being a member of BNP ..

Let's really derail the thread now and ask about all those who wanted the BNP representatives thrown out even though they were duly elected ?

There's real bigots for you ... or are they ?

Or should we just get the fcuk back on track ... ???

And another. Why the name calling you never knew? I knew ;)

Edited by stonedsailor
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The real point of OP the was to try to move the discussion to PM, good call but claymores rejected that option and he still wants to debate with me. I have no problem with anyone's opinion but when that opinion is misinformed then I will address it and put my opinion accross. Freemasonry may bring up a lot of images in Scotland but most of them are wrong and black propaganda spread by the Catholic Church who viewed the masonic movement as occultists. Both orginisations are idiotic IMO.

Their heirarchies have very much in common with each other hence the reasons for their past rivalry with each other. dry.gif

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okay cnut whatever you say

Btw nice display of mock outrage and deflection

Deflection of what? Some 'tic fan still smarting from being pumped by killie laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif rounds £6 up to £7 million and you posture like 6 million is ok? Like this is a perfectly reasonable figure to pay players up against part timers when, whichever way you spin it , £94million has been robbed from the NHS, HM Armed Forces, the fuzz, your kids school, the pot holes in my road, the benefit all your fans live off etc. etc. by the hideous abomination that is/was/soon won't be anymore (again) your club.

Envy and angst all rolled into one salvo laugh.gif

Once again we see the real reason for this thread - the diddy clubbers and plastics wanted is dead. We refused to play ball and now we are on the march back - they are fucking raging at the outcome.

By "the diddy clubbers and plastics" you do realise that by this you mean everybody* else. Would it not be simpler just to say: everybody else is wrong and we're right then stamp your feet and hold your breath till we change our minds?

And the real reason for this thread, in my own interpretation, is to point and laugh. And you can't say you don't deserve it. Well you will, but only "the diddy clubbers and plastics" will disagree with youblink.gif.

*the only Scottish football team ever to win two European trophies, is of course no 'diddy club'. The Oh-So-Famous, Magnificent, Aberdeens inclusion in this, is based upon the incorrect premise first made by bendy.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Another who wont research before spouting off. And another.

Speak for yourself. If 'you' believe that what the heirarchies of 'any' of those organisations and their likenesses want the general public to believe to be true actually is in fact true then 'you' are very gullible and naive SS. dry.gif

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Regardless, a Catholic is not permitted by his church to become a mason. A mason is permitted by his lodge become Catholic. Yet some view the Masons as sectarian not the other way around :huh:

My point to Claymores was that he used the wrong imagery in his post. It would seem that it's dragged a few bigots out.

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FFS get a grip - I'm saying since childhood I have a DEEP hatred of Orange & Lodge men from my Council house background trying to push me into becoming one of them and me getting my face pushed-in by their sons @ 5 years old for not knowing the words to the Sash or singing Billy Boys with them.

Fricking call me a biggot if wou want asswipe - I will not take that. I think you have lost the plot and better not say anymore before I get banned IDIOT.

I'm saying where that's I grew up - not in your utopian world but in fricking Methil where I rejected Orcship/Orange Order Memebership/Lodge membership as my choice.my peril. You live in cloud alternative land kiddo .

Nae wonder we laugh at the tuechters. Yez simply aint got a clue aboot the real world. Ooch aye the noo

One of the funniest posts i've read on here in a while. A shame that i recall reading a similar tale of woe from James McMillan.

The sad thing is that some people will actually believe this garbage. 5 yr olds knowing the sash :lol:

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And the Dhensebhore, as ever, being his dully predictable self. There's more excitement to be had watching a herd of hedgehogs stampeding through peanut butter.

But, you're not the only one who hopes - if criminal activity has indeed taken place - the courts fucking hammer those responsible.

Your hero - the c**t known as Whyte - deserves nothing less. If D&P and others get it too, then hell mend the b*****ds.


that'll be Rangers then....

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Do the Roman Catholic Church still do that?

The RC Church does not ex-communicate RC Freemasons but they are still under certain sanctions.

No. Pope John Paul II (who was a Freemason) stopped that policy. dry.gif

No he wasn't and that's the biggest load of nonsense ever written about Freemasonry and the Catholic Church. For those that are interested, in 1983 Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present pope) issued a Declaration on Masonic Association for Roman Catholics,with the personal approval of Pope John Paul II. Roman Catholics who enrol in Masonic association are in a State of Grave Sin and may not receive Holy Communion. The Churchs' negative judgment to Masonic association remains unchanged since Masonic priniples are considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the RC Church and membership remains forbidden.

Ratzinger has never changed this from 1983 to the present. Edit too add there are many with an opinion on Masonry who don't have any relevant knowledge on the principle of the organisation.

Edited by youngsy
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One of the funniest posts i've read on here in a while. A shame that i recall reading a similar tale of woe from James McMillan.

The sad thing is that some people will actually believe this garbage. 5 yr olds knowing the sash :lol:

:blink: I knew it in 1st year in Primary School....

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