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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Saved for prosperity. That one is among the most idiotic posts i have ever seen on P&B, and you do know the reason why it was idiotic of you to post it. wink.gif

One thing that you'll never beat me on is the subject of Freemasonry,that's a certainty so for you to say that the KoSC is Masonry is one of the most idiotic things i've read on the subject.

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unsure whether to impressed or depressed by the tsunami of arcane masonic information that cascaded through the last few pages

It's a worry, to be sure. Most of all because of the strongly-held views on all sides, who won't be dissuaded from what their fathers, and their fathers' fathers, indoctrinated them with.

Independence of thought is not a strong point with these people.

Edit : "Theses people"? ffs.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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So they have more in common with the catholic church than first thought, good find. :P

a wee read for you.

Edited by stonedsailor
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It's a worry, to be sure. Most of all because of the strongly-held views on all sides, who won't be dissuaded from what their fathers, and their fathers' fathers, indoctrinated them with.

Independence of thought is not a strong point with these people.

Edit : "Theses people"? ffs.

Bugger, you corrected it just as I qu0ted you! laugh.gif

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It's a worry, to be sure. Most of all because of the strongly-held views on all sides, who won't be dissuaded from what their fathers, and their fathers' fathers, indoctrinated them with.

Independence of thought is not a strong point with these people.

Edit : "Theses people"? ffs.

I hope you are not including me in that.

My strongly held views are just a way of proving both arse cheeks are covered in shyte. surprised an East Fifer brought the subject though.

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Diddy clubbers plastics diddy clubbers plastics diddies diddies diddies plastics plastics plastics diddy plastic diddy plastic diddy plastic diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics plastics diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddy clubbers plastics diddy clubbers plastics diddies diddies didies plastics plastics plastics diddy plastic diddy plastic diddy plastic diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics plastics diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies plastics diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies diddies plastics diddies diddies diddies ad infinitum................

Edited by Bentdarroch
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Sorry I instututed/got involved in debating that I don't think rolling your trouser leg up, wearing aprons is a great idea . SORRY

We never have to debate this funny handshake:


We'll put an end to this then:)

Just understand that I do not believe anything which demands a belief in the supernatural is a "great idea" it has to be tolerated though.

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More absolute nonsense from you. KoSC has got 3 degrees the third of which is the highest,there is a fourth degree which is seperate from the first three. Masonry has 33 degrees and unlike KoSC is inclusive to all religions,KoSC is only open to RCs. There is a massive difference on degree ritual and procedure also as salutations differ completely between both organisations. The only similarity is that both are charitable organisations and the principles are also similar.

Wish you were more knowledgeable in the liquidation process rolleyes.gif

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So they more in common with the catholic church than first thought, good find. :P

a wee for you.

In regards to 'some', not all, members to all hierarchical organisations which are 'cults' (big and small) The heirarchies especially of pyramid.gifll Secret Societies (inc royal families of whom many are members of SS), religious and political organisations, corporations and similar organisations have much in common. Yes, sad but true.

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Well, this thread has soon unravelled into a an awful debate about freemasonry, and just made it absolutely pointless to the actual threads subject. And.surely it doesn't need to be pointed out what the subject matter is!.

Get back on topic guys and stop acting like RA BEARS!

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We'll put an end to this then:)

Just understand that I do not believe anything which demands a belief in the supernatural is a "great idea" it has to be tolerated though.

Aye, lets shift the whole lot over to the "who gives most money to the best sky fairy" thread.

Or maybe the "My life is more validated by my affiliations than yours is" thread.

Or possibly the "faith is TOTALLY relevant to my choice of football team" thread. just here. Your own special playground

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Just read through five or six pages of drivel. Can we give the Masonic stuff a break or take it to another forum/thread please people? Keep this thread for pointing and laughing at the Orcs and their highly entertaining fall from (dis)grace.

Good point. Now - Yorkshire? A*r? I didn't know you lot had infiltrated......

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