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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Whilst our club is very much alive - your brain is inarguably dead.

In between phone calls to radio stations - how do you function in everyday life? You have live-in help?

And all those big-word article's you post from plastic sites - who explains them to you or is it that you don't bother what they say? Because - given your awesome posting ineptitude - there's no valid reason to assume you understand any of it at all.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In all the history of liquidated football clubs ! Rangers Football Club is the only one that has evaded actually being liquidated :o club is different from the company my arse :lol:

You and your ilk can't bear the fact that your club actually died on July 14th this year can't you ! The superiority complex that came with Murray in charge has infected a whole generation into believing you and your club is vastly superior and cannot die "Wur too bug too fail"

You enjoy your moment for the time being and I'll be sure to take the pish right out you before you close your account on here when Green publicly admits that your brand new club is exactly that ! a new club with no trophies or history and is not the club that won them or ran up huge tax debts in order to win them,so that he does not to take the oldco's punishments and liable for the tax the oldco ripped off from the HMRC.:)

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Greenes launching the 1st Rangers moon rocket but needs investment only 100 places on the first trip but by paying a deposit this week and clearing the balance by December 25th your in the ballot for a seat, please send your bank A/C number Branch and log in password to Astro Rangers Space Event for the attention of one of the following:-

Chief finance officer Mr C Whyte (not the same guy honestly) PO Box 21, Monaco

Future investment CEO Mr M Moonbeams (it's his real name honest) PO Box 11, St Helier, Channel Islands

Commander in chief Mr C Greene, The old post office, Emerdale, Yorkshire

To speed the process up send a different A/C number to each and also TREBLE your chance of a seat on the 1st flight.

Please note if you have trouble accessing your funds or account details this is only whilst we carry out due dillegance from the Cayman Isles

Nearly 50,000 moon men will apply for the opportunity

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If you know what pish looks like, have a read of this. biggrin.gif

The meeting of the Oceania Rangers Supports Association. Held in Perth Australia 30th September 2011.

What a difference a year makes! unsure.gif

I'll raise you Vanguard Bears meeting with whyte!

On Tuesday night, Vanguard Bears were granted a meeting with Rangers Chairman Craig Whyte. Three Delegates from the site attended the meeting, which was brokered by one of our influential contributors.

The meeting was unprecedented, and a first for any Rangers supporters’ website.

The meeting lasted 90 minutes and covered a variety of topical points, which we found productive.

Also present was Supporters Liaison Officer Jim Hannah

Mr Hannah advised us that this meeting would be a one-off meeting out with normal Assembly procedures, due to the imminent BBC protest. With Vanguard not being represented through this forum, Craig Whyte felt it appropriate in this instance in order to listen to us.

Minutes as follows:

Agenda for Meeting with Craig Whyte on Tuesday 1st November 2011 at 5pm.

  1. Vanguard Bears – who we are, what we do, and why we exist.
  2. Mr. Whyte and Rangers F.C. – The Future
  3. The Media
  4. The Support

1. Vanguard Bears – Who, What and Why:

We started the meeting with a spirit of open dialogue, explaining our reasons for existence.

  • During the last decade in particular, the club we love has been the focus of several attacks by the media
  • No dedicated group to co-ordinate a fight back against detractors of the club
  • Frustration at other groups’ historical hesitance to fight back in a controlled and driven manner through to completion
  • Years of experience and knowledge of the methodology behind the attacks on the Club
  • Dedication to defending the traditions of the club
  • Dedication to enhancing the legacy of the club
  • No conflict of interests whatsoever; no profits, no bonuses, or contracts to be won, and no desire for power
  • Explained that some of our senior members were founder members of the Rangers Supporters Trust
  • Highlighted our work, successes and achievements William McBeath grave
  • Continued highlighting of agenda of certain bloggers and journalists, who are now being ridiculed by mainstream media, and their peers
    • Explained our members activity in marginalising certain bloggers from radio stations
    • Previous two demos and petition granted face to face meeting with senior BBC Management in Glasgow by BBC Director General in 2009
    • BBC Staff responsible for two disgusting incidents regarding the titling and properties of photographs on the BBC Website disciplined

    [*]Explained our reasons for leaving fans joint working group

    • Felt that only one response to our request to demonstrate a symptom of malaise and inaction
    • The one response, for a “strongly worded letter”, woefully inadequate, naïve and two years behind us
    • Aware of communications between certain group members excluding Vanguard

    [*]Indicated our delight at common support and public backing from our friends at Gersnet, Rangers Media, Blue Order, Union Bears and several Rangers Supporters Clubs[*]Informed that previous BBC Demos have gone without incident and that attendees’ behaviour was commended by Strathclyde Police[*]Explained that we have issued strict guidelines for attendees this Saturday’s Demo[*]Advised that photographs of demonstrators were taken of protesters at previous demo from inside BBC Building and posted on Celtic fan websites[*]Stated our desire for Mr Whyte to address imbalances in the media, and that VB in particular supported that stance whole heartedly. Stated that we believed the previous management team had sufficient information to make informed choices, but had little appetite to do so.

Durring this session, Mr Whyte was supportive, open and candid about the scale of the agenda against the club, and appreciated it is widespread and not an isolated issue at one broadcaster. He explained that the club has to evaluate the importance and reach of media outlets, the severity of the slur, the legal implications, and accept “digs” from journalists or bloggers if these “digs” are not libellous. We both agreed that constructive criticism was completely acceptable.

My Whyte explained that he is still being advised by Carter Ruck with regards to allegations made on the BBC Programme “Rangers – The Inside Story”, its researchers and contributors. Those who have repeated said allegations may also be pursued.

We explained that while VB was set up to act primarily as a conduit for supporters to right wrongs, and address agendas against the club, above all else we are Rangers supporters who care deeply for the club.

Therefore, it would have been foolish not to ask questions on the future of the club:

2. Mr. Whyte and Rangers F.C. – The Future

Some direct questions were put to Mr Whyte

VB – Reports of Rangers going in to Administration continue to dominate the media in Scotland, including a rumour from a credible source to VB that the club will voluntarily enter Administration on Monday 7th November. Is there any truth in this rumour?

CW – Not at all. Our phones were red hot last Friday (28th October) with the same rumour, which led to us having to contact media organisations to inform them it was business as usual for us

VB – Do you have a value in mind that you could settle at with HMRC that could allow the club to pay off any amount due, should Rangers lose the “main” case against the organisation, and avoid the scenario of Administration or Insolvency?

CW – Yes, although that value is sensitive

VB – Would that value be paid directly without offsetting against future season ticket revenue?

CW – Yes

VB – Are you confident of winning the case?

CW – Yes

VB – Do you genuinely see Administration as an option, or is it part of a game with HMRC?

CW – Sadly, it is an option, and not a game in the slightest, although we see it (Administration) as worst case scenario. A Plan “D” if you will.

Administration is not, and never has been a Pre determined Strategy to deal with any possible loss of the “main” tax case.

Rangers are talking to HMRC on a daily basis

VB – What is the legal/contractual position of “Murray Park”? Can is be put to the fans to rename, perhaps as a symbol of a new era?

CW – There is no obligation to keep the name of “Murray Park”.

VB- We've have no representation on either the SFA professional board or the SPL board since Martin Bain has left? With Peter Lawwell, Eric Riley & Stephen Thompson among those now in senior positions there seems little influence for Rangers within the management circles of Scottish Football

CW – The SPL is democratic, and Ali Russell will take over from Eric Riley at the SPL next year. The SFA has obviously been through some restructuring which we will monitor throughout the coming months.

VB – The previous management at Rangers attempted a Share issue, which was undersubscribed, largely due to a lack of trust between the support and the custodian. Is this an avenue that you have considered?

CW – It’s not something we have considered to any great degree. Do you think the support would invest?

VB – If given confidence that the money would be used wisely, yes

We then moved on to more general Media issues

3. The Media

VB - We have already covered the BBC Demo, and the Documentary, and note your action against The Record and Herald during this season has resulted in quick apologies, what is your position on Graham Spiers

CW – I decided when I took over the club, that while I would address media imbalance, I would start with a clean slate, and expect the same in return. After seeing Mr Spiers’ involvement in the BBC Documentary, we were considering whether to withdraw all press privileges, but decided against it, as we were of the view that his influence and readership is not significant enough to trouble us. That said, when we took that decision we only considered “The Times’” reach in Scotland, not their reach in England and beyond. [Following discussion with JH] It is too late to reverse that decision. If Mr Spiers appears on our radar again for the wrong reasons, we will take a more holistic view. In football terms he’s on a retrospective yellow card

VB – Are you aware of any journalists that he considers as having a sympathetic ear to the club?

CW – To a certain degree yes, but some are constrained, and outnumbered within their outlets to put the required balance back in to reporting. Some also have their work edited. (CW named two journalists, who VB were non committal on our view of them)

4. The Support

VB - One of the reasons our plans for a BBC Demo were delayed, were the reports coming in from fellow fans about their treatment at the hands of Stewards at Ibrox, where we felt that our fellow supporters were being unfairly targeted by G4S at Ibrox, and treated like cattle on their travels. We temporarily put our energy in to offering advice and support to those affected.

The SNP and “Anti Sectarian Bill” – How can the club help the support, when our behaviour in recent years with regards to “Sectarianism” has been exemplary?

CW – Will will continue to lobby strongly, and ask that our supporters not be singled out without good reason. G4S have been spoken to since the incidents you refer to, but are still constrained by a lack of clarity from the authorities

VB – It is our understanding that there is a specific letter from UEFA with respect to “The Billy Boys”, but that it has never been distributed.

[CW looks to JH] JH – Yes, there is a letter specifically outlining “The Billy Boys”, and it was shown to members of the RST, Assembly and Supporters Association. It does exist and is not a myth.

VB – We are concerned at the double standards on the term “******”, and how the goalposts have moved on a word historically an exclusive term referring to “Irish Republicans” of all religions, to have a dual meaning interpreted by certain factions as they see fir.

CW/JH – Case law and legal advice tells us that those of influence in Justice deem that the term can be deemed Sectarian in certain circumstances, but that there is a lack of clarity over what these circumstances are. The time to argue this was before case law. That time has passed.

VB – We are also concerned over the double standard in usage of the sectarian word “***”, which also has case law to support it being sectarian, but there is a distinct lack of action on those using the term

CW – We were unaware of this case law and will look in to it

VB – In recent years it has been noticeable that there is a significant political presence at Celtic Park both within the boardroom, and in stands, why does it not appear to be the same at Ibrox? Are we looking at engaging with Political figures

CW – Believe it or not, there are a handful of MPs and political figures not shy to show their allegiance. They may not be household names, and the cameras as Ibrox generally being on the same side of the pitch as the main stand perhaps doesn’t show them regularly. In any event, I don’t think they are here to be on telly.

VB – Regards our BBC Demo, do you back it?

CW – I can fully understand the frustrations that have driven you to organise it

As we were about to wrap up proceedings we asked one final question.

VB – We understand that there was an incident in the Tunnel at Ibrox before you bought the club, where an opposition manager is rumoured to have racially abused Vladimir Weiss and El Hadj Diouf. Did this happen, and if so, why weren’t the press told? Do the club have evidence?

CW – I wasn’t here, so can’t comment. We don’t want anyone to lose their job do we?

JH – No Comment

VB – Thanks for your time Mr Whyte

CW/JH – Our pleasure

JH signed off with a reminder that VB should consider becoming part of the Assembly.

VB Representatives stated that we would consult our members.




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I have no recollection of a "jakey" posting on 606 (if that's the board you mean). It's not the name that Itwiznaeme used on here though, and even with your typing skills it can't be too difficult to get DhenBhoy's name right. I mean, you did say that you shorten people's names, didn't you?

And who are Norman, Normy, Norm? I can't recall any of them posting on here.


Pre 606 Normy, i was on 606 myself sometimes and can't recall a swashbuckling Kilmarnock fan with an attitude. Never really liked the layout of the 606 boards that much.

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I'll raise you Vanguard Bears meeting with whyte!


Surprisingly the Vanguard Bears seem to have more of a clue than the fawning lapdogs in Perth. They just seemed to be thrilled that so many 'greats' were in the same room. That is greats like 'Smudger' Smith. ohmy.gif

What both meetings showed was how supporters can be so easily conned when the 'owner and chairman' is prepared to lie, and duck and dive to avoid answering the real questions.

They were suckered by Murray, didn't learn the lesson and then were suckered by Whyte all over again.

Have they learned the lesson for this time? Or are we watching a re-enactment only through a different window? huh.gif

Would be good to get a view from the Sevco Loyal on this.smile.gif

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Pre 606 Normy, i was on 606 myself sometimes and can't recall a swashbuckling Kilmarnock fan with an attitude. Never really liked the layout of the 606 boards that much.

And was that where you got the habit of not bestowing nicknames on posters, then? Fud.

Can't carry on a civilised conversation, so disrespect to others makes you feel clever.

You really are pathetic - good thing Tedi and Bendarroch love you.

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And was that where you got the habit of not bestowing nicknames on posters, then? Fud.

Can't carry on a civilised conversation, so disrespect to others makes you feel clever.

You really are pathetic - good thing Tedi and Bendarroch love you.

To be fair to Benny Ben Ass Up he has had his fair share of endearing nicknames on here from the mob when he goes tits up like his club with fuddy comments :)

Anyhoo WRK I'm sure you get some fun giving his arse a good roasting on the odd occasion :lol: maybe he should lube up before he logs on first :rolleyes:

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And was that where you got the habit of not bestowing nicknames on posters, then? Fud.

Can't carry on a civilised conversation, so disrespect to others makes you feel clever.

You really are pathetic - good thing Tedi and Bendarroch love you.

Well if you want a civilised converstaion Norman i suggest you drop the attitude first, you'll get on better that way.

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Well if you want a civilised converstaion Norman i suggest you drop the attitude first, you'll get on better that way.

I'm getting on fine, Bennett, and so are my team.You,on the other hand,

cannot show posters the basic respect of using their preferred names,

cannot give straight answers to straight questions,

cannot differentiate between answering a phone and posting in another thread,

and cannot accept any facts which don't sit with the Orc Official line.


Poor, poor, Bennett. Reality is going to hit you and your little mates like a fucking express train.

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Hey Sevco Loyal. Share your love around a bit. tongue.gif

From a previous post.

"What both meetings showed was how supporters can be so easily conned when the 'owner and chairman' is prepared to lie, and duck and dive to avoid answering the real questions.

They were suckered by Murray, didn't learn the lesson and then were suckered by Whyte all over again.

Have they learned the lesson for this time? Or are we watching a re-enactment only through a different window? huh.gif

Would be good to get a view from the Sevco Loyal on this.smile.gif "

Edited by thelegendthatis
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There's something confusing me here - maybe I haven't got the logical skills of the average Orc, but:

If everybody who doesn't support rangers/sevco/whatever is a celtic fan, why are the other arse cheek's crowds dropping?

And who are all these extra people turning up at the other SPL grounds? What the f**k's happening?

Surely there can't be people out there who don't give a shit about a parochial squabble which is now irrelevant in a footballing sense as well as a social one?

How twisted would it be to take a "one down, one to go" attitude, and delight in the slow death of secarianism and bigotry in our game?

Christ, Tedi, you and the rest of Sevconia really are missing them, aren't you? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I just shake my head and wonder what century they are living in, it is a football team it isin't flaming genocide why don't the vast majority we keep hearing about not tell these idiots to feck off

I think you know the answer to that. dry.gif

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There's something confusing me here - maybe I haven't got the logical skills of the average Orc, but:

If everybody who doesn't support rangers/sevco/whatever is a celtic fan, why are the other arse cheek's crowds dropping?

And who are all these extra people turning up at the other SPL grounds? What the f**k's happening?

Surely there can't be people out there who don't give a shit about a parochial squabble which is now irrelevant in a footballing sense as well as a social one?

How twisted would it be to take a "one down, one to go" attitude, and delight in the slow death of secarianism and bigotry in our game?

Christ, Tedi, you and the rest of Sevconia really are missing them, aren't you? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do people still turn up?

You promote bigotry and sectarianism something silly anaw btw.

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