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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the spectator last week

It ain't – or shouldn't be – a surprise that the American-Americans are liable to mistrust other Americans who, at least in their eyes, define themselves along ethnic or racial lines. These are the people who, as Jim Webb put it in his minor-classicBorn Fighting, breed the boys who are disproportionately likely to fight and die in America's wars.

You might think all this a long way from the Old Country and, in some measures, you'd be right. It's hard to look at contemporary Scotland and Ulster and see these places as exemplars of rugged individualism. Nevertheless, if you look more closely you can still see some parallels between "redneck" culture in America and working-class protestant culture in Glasgow and Belfast.

Here too you can find a working-class culture that makes claim to a better, purer birthright than that afforded less fortunate catholic or otherwise foreign souls. A culture that boasts "We are the people" yet fears it's not only misunderstood by the establishment but also actually under attack. The Orange Order and the Glasgow Rangers are, in at least some ways anyway, long-distant cousins of the American hillbilly culture. (Glasgow must be the "most Merle Haggard" city in Britain, too)

These people often horrify "right-thinking" metropolitan folk in this country just as surely as the rednecks appall the New York Times on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. In Scotland this cultural resentment hasn't yet found a real political home (though, of course, it has one in Ulster) and perhaps the parallels ought not to be stretched too far. Nevertheless I think they exist and are worth paying attention to.

Back to the United States: even with the caveat that all states – even Oklahoma and Vermont – are more purple than the map suggests there are good reasons for the divide between red and blue and at least some of these date back to the earliest years of the Republic. That too is something worth trying to understand.laugh.gif

Eta love it ,,even in political circles the buns a regarded as redneck morons

Quality. :lol: and interesting have a greeny. smile.gif

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Have BDO closed us down yet?

Good evening :) yes the BDO have shut down RFC 2012 est 1872 as it no longer trades in football anymore.

Your new club on the other hand is very much alive unfortunately and I'm sure that is the club you are referring too when using the BDO as a reference ! you are no longer a real Rangers supporter as you all seem to have left the former club in disgrace and to be forgotten in the annals of history and you support the clone club.

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Good evening :) yes the BDO have shut down RFC 2012 est 1872 as it no longer trades in football anymore.

Your new club on the other hand is very much alive unfortunately and I'm sure that is the club you are referring too when using the BDO as a reference ! you are no longer a real Rangers supporter as you all seem to have left the former club in disgrace and to be forgotten in the annals of history and you support the clone club.

100% correct. The last 'heroes' of Rangers were the players who refused to TUPE over. The players, staff, fans etc who did are shameful.

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@JaneLewisSport #Alloa say they're expecting to receive Scottish Cup money from #Rangers tomorrow. No request for late payment, cash always due on that date

Jings it seems that Norman and friends allegations were unfounded.

Did you read my "allegation", and immediate explanation to your wee friend that I was at the wind-up? And why it worked? Nah, you'd be too busy thinking up your next "amusing" nickname or "witty" put-down*. FFS, Tedi and I had an almost-polite chat, and I even owe him a greeny.

*Or hoovering up the Campari down at Bar 67....

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1352915499[/url]' post='6806343']

Any other subjects you want to discuss?, perhaps you can make separate threads for them

Did that spectator article hit a wee nerve tedi? I think redneck is a good comparison for Rangers fans a bunch of narrow minded bigots who believe that they are more true red white n blue than any one else ,Think il call you clampett from now onsmile.gif

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1352923950[/url]' post='6806892']

I also believe the celtic support have a narrow bigoted element, however this thread has nothing to do with either scenarios, I have no idea why you posted it here apart from the fact you often resort to starting threads full of hypocrisy in an effort to point score

It's a relevant article ,your a bunch of morons who think you are special smile.gif

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It is actually, the SFL link is independent, more recent and updated, it is also from the most respected footballing body in Scotland

You clutching them straws again ? desperate or what ! you also know that the SFL got bombarded by ragers supporters when they first posted SEVCO 5088 in division 3 when they first made up the fixtures don't you ?.So they shat a brick before one came through a window just to appease the knuckledraggers and put in place The Rangers and then them very same Ragers supporters bombarded the SFL again and you now end up with Rangers FC.

The SFL was the most respectful league until a huge bunch of bigots decided to follow a brand new clone club and is now full of bigoted bile they bring.I mean "paedo free in division 3" FFS is that how to start a new life in the 3rd ? and that was on tops and a banner on the park at their very first ever competitive game !.

Yer clubs full of bullies and threaten people if they do not agree ! shocker EH ?

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Did that spectator article hit a wee nerve tedi? I think redneck is a good comparison for Rangers fans a bunch of narrow minded bigots who believe that they are more true red white n blue than any one else ,Think il call you clampett from now onsmile.gif

Cue screeds of "purty mouth", "squeal piggy" and "y'all ain't from round here" gags.....

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Tedi, bandarroch?

So, no berz want to discuss this share presentation?

Just the usual deflection, denial, insults and whataboutery from the The Rngers fans again, today?

Will there be any aspect of the "company" that you want to discuss?

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Laughable in the extreme, you are now resorting to slander the SFL, because they do not subscribe to your point of view, I would ask for proof of your alleged corruption accusation but this would be a waist of time, as you have none

The hypocrisy from Pacific fans is staggering

See another insult you muppet ! pacific supporter ?

It is a fact that your support complained like hell to the SFL about sevco 5088 being put into the fixture list before the name change to the clone club.

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Tedi, bandarroch?

So, no berz want to discuss this share presentation?

Just the usual deflection, denial, insults and whataboutery from the The Rngers fans again, today?

Will there be any aspect of the "company" that you want to discuss?

If this is what is deemed to be the best of Rangers fans having an account on P&B and they show little interest then their share issue will fail massively me thinks :) because they will not buy the shares.

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Perhaps but it just goes to show the SFL will not bow to pressure when they think something is incorrect, they have very probably been inundated with requests from people exactly like yourself asking them to amend the page that I posted above, the fact they have not shows exactly what view they correctly hold

and all the sevco patter is still amusing after being posted 2 zillion times :lol:

:1eye that made no sense what so ever dude ! it read like sporadic ramblings of a deflection that went wrong !

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1352925996[/url]' post='6807056']

If this is what is deemed to be the best of Rangers fans having an account on P&B and they show little interest then their share issue will fail massively me thinks :) because they will not buy the shares.

It's the best they've got under the current situation...

There was a few on here saying liquidation couldn't happen. When liquidation meant the death of the club... They got liquidated... Posters disappeared.

Then new posters appeared saying that it was the company that got liquidated. That the club is still the club and they still have the titles...

Expect them to disappear when HMRC start making demands for money owed and when titles start getting stripped because they are "still the same club"... Then a whole new gang will appear, you know the ones... I've been sitting watching and now feel its time to post.

I think Bearwithme and No8 are the only original posters on this thread. I think Bennett stuck to the old firm forum until they got accepted into the 3rd. I may be wrong.

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It's the best they've got under the current situation...

There was a few on here saying liquidation couldn't happen. When liquidation meant the death of the club... They got liquidated... Posters disappeared.

Then new posters appeared saying that it was the company that got liquidated. That the club is still the club and they still have the titles...

Expect them to disappear when HMRC start making demands for money owed and when titles start getting stripped because they are "still the same club"... Then a whole new gang will appear, you know the ones... I've been sitting watching and now feel its time to post.

I think Bearwithme and No8 are the only original posters on this thread. I think Bennett stuck to the old firm forum until they got accepted into the 3rd. I may be wrong.

Yip they came straight on here after a team was playing football and winding everyone up.

I can't imagine how they will feel when the SPL commission chief Lord Nimmo tells them that according to the rules Rangers Football Club & Company PLC est 1872 died on the 14th of July this year.This would create a time frame that the former club was dead for weeks before resurrecting as a clone club eventually and that the fantasy that they are a continuance of the old club is gone :).

Also the other bit ! the BDO investigations ! I do wonder what will be dragged out during that 8) was Green complicit into some scam to buy the former clubs assets on the cheap with NUFF n HELPS ? drag the always doomed CVA out so that D&P get a larger share of an ever decreasing creditors pot (it was common knowledge that the HMRC would never do a deal with the oldco) ? why was D&P running up debts instead of immediate cost cutting ? so many unanswered questions that can ruin the newco :)

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It's the best they've got under the current situation...

There was a few on here saying liquidation couldn't happen. When liquidation meant the death of the club... They got liquidated... Posters disappeared.

Then new posters appeared saying that it was the company that got liquidated. That the club is still the club and they still have the titles...

Expect them to disappear when HMRC start making demands for money owed and when titles start getting stripped because they are "still the same club"... Then a whole new gang will appear, you know the ones... I've been sitting watching and now feel its time to post.

I think Bearwithme and No8 are the only original posters on this thread. I think Bennett stuck to the old firm forum until they got accepted into the 3rd. I may be wrong.

Kincardine and Knightswood bear are both still around, although they appear to have a life outside of P&B. Along with the posters you mentioned, they do add to the discussion on here, through a blue haze obviously. I enjoy the occasional jousts with the "proper" rangers fans on here, even if you're never sure which No. 8 you're gonna get. wink.gif

Bennett? Ah, Bennett. It seems like there's never been a world without Bennett. I certainly can't recall him taking part in any sensible discussion during the Spring and Summer, but f**k me he's made up for it since, in all but the "sensible" part. Oh, and "discussion" in the way that most of us understand it. Lying, defaming, abusing, defending the oppressed, resigning from P&B, allocating "witty" epithets, uncovering chonspiracies, encouraging self-harm - is there no start to the boy's talents?

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