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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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@TomEnglishSportCharles Green says 60% of Premiership clubs don't want Rangers (or Celtic), meaning 40% do or are undecided. Where do his figures come from?

From his shite mouth? unsure.gif

60% ??

That's pretty decent...i'd say about 90% of of scottish clubs don't want sevco or celtic.

Edited by beermonkey
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A five star deflection ! brilliant :) did you read your alleged Nimmo document in full and get to the part [section 45] where it shows Rangers the club ceased to be a club when the CVA officially failed on 14th of July and the SPL bitching that it was 3rd of August when they died ? just so they can pass on punishments to the new club ! and also have you forgotten that Green himself stated that Rangers were in fact a brand new club and will fight against the punishments as your new club has never ever been a part of or ever played in the SPL ?

Don't that make you look stupid :)

That was about Rangers ceasing to be an SPL club.

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Nimmo makes himself look stupid, the document / statement is full of contradictions, even someone as thick as you spotted them, I am glad he is heading up the commission dry.gif

So after insulting me loads of times earlier in the thread about thems Lord Nimmo's actual words and so on and how dignified and prestigious he is and is a supreme judge and blah blah blah.And also asking me if Lord Nimmo was a liar :blink:

You now take the stance that Nimmo is a fud ?

Also earlier in the thread you asked me if Lord Nimmo was wrong by stating the sentence in your signature and bragged about it like it was gospel.

You now state that Nimmo makes himself look stupid ?


And don't call me thick if your the one that didn't read the document in FULL before you put your signature up because it made you look thick in the first place :D

Lord Nimmo will proclaim that by the rules of association football that Rangers PLC the club died on 14th of July 2012 :) PLEASING 8)

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From everyones favourite lawyer via Follow Follow

QUOTE : " Between late on Wednesday this week and yesterday afternoon, some readers might have noticed that four posts on the blog had disappeared.

At the same time, there was an outpouring of joy and exultation from various websites, message boards, blogs and Twitter users, exclusively, as far as I am aware, of the Rangers supporting persuasion, about the news that I had been served with an “injunction”.

This emphasises to me the need for an accessible blog advising the interested people of Scotland on matters of legal interest – injunctions are English – the Scottish term is interdict. Therefore, the lack of legal awareness justifies my continued blogging!

What happened over the last couple of days was that I had discussions with very courteous and professional lawyers from the firm acting for Rangers. We discussed legalities regarding the four posts in question. Despite us not being in agreement regarding the principles involved, I agreed to take down the posts, and I have done so.

The relevant posts will not be republished by me, so please do not ask me to do so – either on this blog or in my book.

There was no court action raised by anyone against me – no court order was granted – no court action or court order was served upon me.

This was not an attempt by Rangers to “gag” me. I have no issue with the Rangers Football Club Limited, nor with their solicitors, regarding the matter. The issue related to the four specific posts.

I want to make that clear to my readers. There were, as I said, specific and technical issues which were the subject of correspondence, discussion and agreement.That frankly is the way that, wherever possible, legal disputes should be resolved.

I am sure that Rangers as a company is happy to be the subject of robust debate, based on people’s rights to free expression, whilst observing the law.

The matter is now at an end."

The whole blog as Bhennet likes to cherry pick his favorite bits.

Here's a wee bit i cherry picked..

“Respect and honour are traditional Rangers values

Nuff said. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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That was about Rangers ceasing to be an SPL club.

Read section 45 on the commission.

Also the membership was terminated with immediate effect when the CVA failed and the assets were sold off to pay debts of the PLC CLUB !


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From everyones favourite lawyer via Follow Follow

QUOTE : " Between late on Wednesday this week and yesterday afternoon, some readers might have noticed that four posts on the blog had disappeared.

At the same time, there was an outpouring of joy and exultation from various websites, message boards, blogs and Twitter users, exclusively, as far as I am aware, of the Rangers supporting persuasion, about the news that I had been served with an "injunction".

This emphasises to me the need for an accessible blog advising the interested people of Scotland on matters of legal interest – injunctions are English – the Scottish term is interdict. Therefore, the lack of legal awareness justifies my continued blogging!

What happened over the last couple of days was that I had discussions with very courteous and professional lawyers from the firm acting for Rangers. We discussed legalities regarding the four posts in question. Despite us not being in agreement regarding the principles involved, I agreed to take down the posts, and I have done so.

The relevant posts will not be republished by me, so please do not ask me to do so – either on this blog or in my book.

There was no court action raised by anyone against me – no court order was granted – no court action or court order was served upon me.

This was not an attempt by Rangers to "gag" me. I have no issue with the Rangers Football Club Limited, nor with their solicitors, regarding the matter. The issue related to the four specific posts.

I want to make that clear to my readers. There were, as I said, specific and technical issues which were the subject of correspondence, discussion and agreement.That frankly is the way that, wherever possible, legal disputes should be resolved.

I am sure that Rangers as a company is happy to be the subject of robust debate, based on people's rights to free expression, whilst observing the law.

The matter is now at an end."

Typical C&P job, in my opinion. wink.gif

Still good enough for a greenie from, guess who....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I never said he was a Liar or a Fud, show me where I said this?

The only Liar and Fud is you, ya fanny

You did say the document was full of contradictions didn't you which means that effectively you called Nimmo a liar by that accusation.Contradiction of a truth is a lie.

Stupid/fud same meaning ya roaster.

And show me where I've lied Tedi ? go on show me ! I DARE YA :whistle

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Aye see that`s what I get for working with you lot every day :lol:

Tedi, I know you spend all day every day on here, but it's not what the rest of us know as "working".

"Working" would mean having a job - some kind of paid employment.

What you're doing is filling the empty hours until it finally sinks in that your club is dead and you're watching a facsimile. Like any Tribute Act, the tickets are cheaper and, no matter how good the costumes and stage set, even a child can tell the difference.

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Nimmo makes himself look stupid, the document / statement is full of contradictions, even someone as thick as you spotted them, I am glad he is heading up the commission dry.gif

And yet you've seen fit to have a quote from this "stupid" man as you signature ever since you cherry-picked one sentence from the report because you thought it supported your fantasy.

f**k me, Tedi, there really is no need for anyone to rip the pish from you - you do a more than adequate job yourself.

You do realise you gave a greenie to the "disgraced lawyer" earlier, don't you?


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Aye see that`s what I get for working with you lot every day :lol:

Tedi, I know you spend all day every day on here, but it's not what the rest of us know as "working".

"Working" would mean having a job - some kind of paid employment.

What you're doing is filling the empty hours until it finally sinks in that your club is dead and you're watching a facsimile. Like any Tribute Act, the tickets are cheaper and, no matter how good the costumes and stage set, even a child can tell the difference.

I am going to part quote you deliberately

Many people post during the day on here

What is your point? are you trying to suggest something?

Nah, I'm trying to say something. No suggestion, inference or implication.

Other than Div and the mods, does anyone see P&B as "working"?

Only one that I've seen post on here.

Can you guess who it is, Tedi?

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My favourite part of Charlie's latest love letter to the OrcInvestors:

"I think the taboo of that is going to be lifted ... Scottish football without Rangers and Celtic might actually become more competitive within the remaining clubs rather than having these two monsters sat above them."

Love this for two reasons:

1. He appears to have the same opinion of the arse cheeks as the rest of us.

2. He's obviously noted the improved competition in the SPL without ONE of the Business Partners, so he can see how much better it would be without BOTH.

Hey, Bendarroch - Charlie's a fucking DIDDY!


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Perhaps not , but then that is not what you meant ;)

So, in addition to all your other talents, you're a mind-reader. Actually, that is EXACTLY what I meant - I even put it in caps with a large font to help the hard of thinking.

Would it be too much to ask, Great Swami, what it was I really meant, when I was so obviously misleading myself.

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So, in addition to all your other talents, you're a mind-reader. Actually, that is EXACTLY what I meant - I even put it in caps with a large font to help the hard of thinking.

Would it be too much to ask, Great Swami, what it was I really meant, when I was so obviously misleading myself.

Cheers WRK :) now finish him off with a special move :) I think the liquidator should do the trick,press buttons CVA followed by DEAD :lol:

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