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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm going to disagree, we did need some experience in and quickly as a team of kids/player with limited 1st team game time would've been eaten alive down here. I reckon we're getting the balance right between youth and experience (injuries don't help) and by the time we're back in SPLville we'll hopefully have a strong team. No rights or wrongs with any of the views on this subject, it's all about opinions and the signing SFL players does make sense but again we were fighting against the clock and went with what we knew.

The share issue or begging bowl as you call it is out due to (just a guess) the season ticket money being used to pay off the £5.5m loan used to buy the club.

Thought you lot were never going to do the SPL thing again?

not that i think you'll get the chance in this new incarnation...

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In WKR Bond's own words -

WRK isn't the person and P&B isn't really the place. Seriously - how fucking awesome is that?


The names Bond, WKR Bond.


Persona, fuckwit. Slight difference there. Not that I should expect you to understand. Ask Bennett. He also does a (fairly) reasonable job of keeping P&B and real life separate, so he might give you some pointers before you make a complete twa... fuckit, too late. Again.

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In WKR Bond's own words -

WRK isn't the persona and P&B isn't really the place. Seriously - how fucking awesome is that?


The names Bond, WKR Bond.


Not in ALL of my own words, though, is it? And yet you still felt the need to italicise the statement. Why would you need to make that part of my post stand out when you'd already removed the rest of it?

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Here's an honest and fair interpretation of your post.

1. Diddy clubber - we reserve the right to rip the pish about anything at any time as long as it's directed at Rangers. It need have zero relation to the subject matter of the thread.

I'm fine with that.

2. Diddy clubber - we don't accept Rangers supporters responses in kind.

As the famous saying goes - 'Roon ye. And ram your double standards, dolly, ram them.


There's only one 'diddy club' in Scotland.

A pseudo club. A pretendy club. A zombie club. A receptacle for social misfits consumed malevolent intolerable bile and tribal / sectarian braindedeness club. A shameless disgrace of a club. A laughable excuse for a real club. A Soon To Be Financially Raped Again club. A bitter b*****dised club.

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There's only one 'diddy club' in Scotland.

A pseudo club. A pretendy club. A zombie club. A receptacle for social misfits consumed malevolent intolerable bile and tribal / sectarian braindedeness club. A shameless disgrace of a club. A laughable excuse for a real club. A Soon To Be Financially Raped Again club. A bitter b*****dised club.

Funny how that got a reddie from an Amigo, yet you never even mentioned which club you were talking about. It's not Forfar, is it?wink.gif

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I'm going to disagree, we did need some experience in and quickly as a team of kids/player with limited 1st team game time would've been eaten alive down here. I reckon we're getting the balance right between youth and experience (injuries don't help) and by the time we're back in SPLville we'll hopefully have a strong team. No rights or wrongs with any of the views on this subject, it's all about opinions and the signing SFL players does make sense but again we were fighting against the clock and went with what we knew.

The share issue or begging bowl as you call it is out due to (just a guess) the season ticket money being used to pay off the £5.5m loan used to buy the club.

So hang on a minute - the money used to buy the company assets was actually (de facto, as it turns out) future season ticket revenue? Have you lot not gone down this road before?

Fucking hell, how many times are rangers going to get rooked and fucked over before you lot stop throwing money at them?

ETA: I'm not being sarcastic, there, but you seem pretty sanguine that the "debt-free" company has to pay a 5.5 million pound debt before they even think about what they owe to others. Get away from the party line for a bit Bennett - you've obviously got major concerns. I assume you're not the only one, so why are you and other suspicious fans not questioning these clowns before it's too late?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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So hang on a minute - the money used to buy the company assets was actually (de facto, as it turns out) future season ticket revenue? Have you lot not gone down this road before?

Fucking hell, how many times are rangers going to get rooked and fucked over before you lot stop throwing money at them?

A guess on my part and if true i can't say i'd be happy but i believe a similar thing happend at Man utd with the Glazers using a loan to buy the club. If the majority never bought season then Charlie and co may have been forced to sell.

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Persona, fuckwit.

Should I be scared that the boards secret agent (© WKR - © Dhensebhore) is displeased that I downgraded his fantasy secret 'persona' to that of a mere person?


Another c**t of a day on P&B for the serial fantasist now known as WKR Bond.

Edited by Bendarroch
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Andy McNab books aren't for reading - they're for colouring in. Give me some fucking credit.

That's all very well, but what we really want to know is if you do that undercover.

Are they magic crayons? Do you need a special torch to reveal the mysterious scribblings? Do the pages explode if some unauthorised agent takes a sneaky wee look at your work?

It's marvellous. Really.


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A guess on my part and if true i can't say i'd be happy but i believe a similar thing happend at Man utd with the Glazers using a loan to buy the club. If the majority never bought season then Charlie and co may have been forced to sell.

Like I say though, you appear to be one of the few on here to have these concerns - again, not trying to score points, but if ever there was a time for "transparency", it's now, when Charlie is trying to sell a rangers future which seems unlikely, to say the least. Anyone not trapped in the WoS goldfish bowl can see that this is a club which can trade on its name(!) to attract a certain type of player (those who see ibrox as the pinnacle - yes, Kris Boyd, I'm looking at you!) at a favourable cost (Fucking Boyd again), and easily skate through the Divisions. No need for the likes of Sandaza (who must be laughing at his wages) and Kyle(FFS!) - save the money for when it's needed.

As for Man U, the Glazers were a lot cuter than Charlie - they just loaded a pile of their US debt onto the Old Trafford club. Mind you, I don't doubt Charlie would have done the same if he had the chance.

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That's all very well, but what we really want to know is if you do that undercover.

Are they magic crayons? Do you need a special torch to reveal the mysterious scribblings? Do the pages explode if some unauthorised agent takes a sneaky wee look at your work?

It's marvellous. Really.


Why are you obsessed with WRK? huh.gif

And you still cannot accept that Rangers are a cheating b*****d of a club illegally gaining advantage over opponents and not paying debts. Charles Green says club is debt free? What a load of pish your tribute act will be dead, thats why Charles Green put out a share issue before Christmas to pay back Ticketus.

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Not in ALL of my own words, though, is it? And yet you still felt the need to italicise the statement. Why would you need to make that part of my post stand out when you'd already removed the rest of it?

Firing at the turds floating atop your slurry pit has never been easier - and most certainly never, ever more entertaining than on this day. The day you took off your magic cloak.


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