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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I must have missed the question "Which football team do you support?" when i was filling in my tax return.

HMRC rarely have any trouble tracing people and processing background checks. If you ever give them reason to do an intensive check upon you you'll quickly discover that they know when & where you have eaten, shit and slept Grandad. Witch-hunting them would more than probably be considered one of many good reasons to trace and do a full intensive background check upon you.

Edited by SS-18 ICBM
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Who investigates Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs? blink.gif

I find it very difficult to believe that any confidential information concerning 'Rangers FC (R.I.P.)' entered the public domain without the knowledge of those at the very top within HMRC. Do The Rangers fans seriously think that their witch-hunting of such powerful people will benefit The Rangers or individual fans of The Rangers? I doubt that any of The Rangers fans who are self-employed or working in high profile jobs will be as keen to see such a happening as The Rangers fans posting on this forum. smile.gif

I think you'd be surprised how low-level the employees at Government Departments can be who are handling sensitive documents. And equally, data security is NOT something one associates with any large public-sector organisation. Frankly, it was probably some mischief-maker having a bit of a giggle or trying to look clever - bet they're keeping their head down/covering their tracks now, mind!

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I think you'd be surprised how low-level the employees at Government Departments can be who are handling sensitive documents. And equally, data security is NOT something one associates with any large public-sector organisation. Frankly, it was probably some mischief-maker having a bit of a giggle or trying to look clever - bet they're keeping their head down/covering their tracks now, mind!

My bet is that those at HMRC from top to bottom are laughing their fkn heads off much more than any of us posting on this thread. laugh.gif

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I think you'd be surprised how low-level the employees at Government Departments can be who are handling sensitive documents. And equally, data security is NOT something one associates with any large public-sector organisation. Frankly, it was probably some mischief-maker having a bit of a giggle or trying to look clever - bet they're keeping their head down/covering their tracks now, mind!

And you'd know all about government departments and security issues, interesting to hear the views of a genuine secret agent.

Appreciated Norman.

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Who investigates Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs? blink.gif

I find it very difficult to believe that any confidential information concerning 'Rangers FC (R.I.P.)' entered the public domain without the knowledge of those at the very top within HMRC. Do The Rangers fans seriously think that their witch-hunting of such powerful people will benefit The Rangers or individual fans of The Rangers? I doubt that any of The Rangers fans who are self-employed or working in high profile jobs will be as keen to see such a happening as The Rangers fans posting on this forum. smile.gif

What's to say the leak wasn't coming from inside Ibrox itself by a disgruntled board member with an axe to grind against Murray??

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And you'd know all about government departments and security issues, interesting to hear the views of a genuine secret agent.

Appreciated Norman.

If you only knew what a c**t you're making of yourself, Bennett.

Ne'er mind - carry on. No doubt Your little trainee fuckwit'll be along soon to join the fun.


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I love how the P&Bers are now claiming that the bloggers of whom they've copied and pasted everything they posted on here and told everyone that the bloggers had always been spot on about Rangers, have now changed their minds. Now these bloogers are now an irrelevance.

You have to laugh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by bennett
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If you only knew what a c**t you're making of yourself, Bennett.

Ne'er mind - carry on. No doubt Your little trainee fuckwit'll be along soon to join the fun.


Maybe Santa will bring you one of these.


If you're a good bhoy :)

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I love how the P&Bers are now claiming that the bloggers of whom they've copied and pasted everything they posted on here and told everyone that the bloggers had always been spot on about Rangers, have now change their minds. Now these bloogers are now an irrelevance.

You have to laugh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It gets much better

Today's RTC:

Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for.

Curiously (hilariously) Google cache reveals this from RTC: "Alastair, Sir David, Martin: as we say in Glasgow: “Come ahead!”

They are coming ahead, RTC, they are.


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It gets much better

Today's RTC:

Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for.

Curiously (hilariously) Google cache reveals this from RTC: "Alastair, Sir David, Martin: as we say in Glasgow: "Come ahead!"

They are coming ahead, RTC, they are.


How many sites have to go down before rangers come back from the dead, then?

Just wonderin'.....

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It gets much better

Today's RTC:

Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for.

Curiously (hilariously) Google cache reveals this from RTC: "Alastair, Sir David, Martin: as we say in Glasgow: “Come ahead!”

They are coming ahead, RTC, they are.


That's fightin' talk ! It's just a pity Murray's a shitebag eh !

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How many sites have to go down before rangers come back from the dead, then?

WKR Bond: 54 and counting - and don't you forget it.

As for sites coming down - those very people you lauded for the 'brilliant work' they have delivered - the bungling lawyer has been deconstructing his and the shitebags RTC are scurrying around trying to pretend there's never existed.

More to come. laugh.gif

Edited by Bendarroch
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hmm.... indeed...

Think about it, If leak was coming from portcullis house it would be very easy for the revenue to find out what officer was passing on the info and close it down quickly, doesn't benefit the revenue to have its info out there but to discredit your employer per say start to leak what you have access to. Plus is an exise officer going to jepordize his/hers job and face possible prison time on passing crown details out in breach of their warrant conditions for no personal gain (don't think RTC etc was paying for info) and possibly prejudice a trial, an employee at the club may have personal reasons for doing it

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I thought Rangers had hit rock bottom with tax dodging and financial doping.

However they have outdone themselves over this "loan" defense, it's utterly shameful. It would seem that two of the three on the appeals panel, along with Traynor and King on RC tonight are the only ones that think these payments were "loans"

They never contested payments to some of their players as tax dodges, maybe they were the ones with non shredded side letters :D

They still have a huge tax liabilty that will never be paid, the club is dead, therefore rather than see the HMRC chase a bigger amount, that again they will not see I'd like them not to appeal the decision, lets take Rangers at the word and start chasing the players for the tax they owe, I'm sure they had it explained to them that these loans would need to be paid back eventually too Whether the liquidated Rangers don't pay a smaller amount of tax or don't pay a higher amount of tax is neither here or there to me.

Lastly the lack of morals from our MSM is simply astounding, their celebration of Rangers partially winning their appeal on the "loan" defence is sickening, maybe we should all ask to get our wages paid by loans that we never need to pay back, think of the extra we could pay for tickets that would certainly benifit our game and leave a wee bit left over to party on, think Traynor would be for that idea, got to wonder why he has not asked his employers that question...wonder what the beeb would say

More lastly...I await the removal of titles won during this financial doping, that for me would put and fitting end to the club that died this year.

Edited by LordHawHaw
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